History Preservation Run

Cannabis and humans have lived symbiotically for tens of thousands of years. The plant has helped millions of people pay respect to the creator, heal, cross vast oceans, and even pay the bills. Personally, I would have nothing if it weren’t for this plant. And I owe so much to it in return. I feel like I’m not the only one.

Everything has a beginning. I think it’s imperative to document the history of our own individual experiences with cannabis in hopes that our stories aren’t forgotten with time as we grow old and our own harvest time comes.

Use this as a way to jot down your memories of the plant. Whether it be that first sack, first plant, or a pivotal moment in your life relating to cannabis. Find solace in the fact that your stories will live on as long as OG is around.

They say history is written by the victors. We’re victors in the war on drugs. Veterans even. Don’t let those memories fade into the fog.



I first smoked weed in Alabama.


My first plant wasn’t even originally mine. My mom let my older brother sprout a couple seeds on the back porch because she was cool like that. He planted like 6 seeds in a 5ish gallon pot because he didn’t know better lol. It really didn’t matter if anything came of them though because they were just seeds out of some mexi brick weed. He was never that good of a gardener to begin with lol. But over time he would neglect them and they all died but 1. It got to around 3” tall and wilted really bad because he didn’t water it. My brother, being who he is, threw his hands up in the air and said “fuck it, you can have it. It’s dead anyway” and so I inherited the plant. I brought it back to life and I started low stress training and topping it. After it got to about a foot tall, he regained interest in it lol. I would go outside every morning to check on it before we went to school and he’d be hovering over my shoulder asking questions like “what are you looking for? Is it a female? Can we smoke the leaves? Think we’ll get a pound off it?” Typical stuff for him lol.

One day I realized the leaves were curling downward and I had a buddy named Bostin that was growing autos in his closet at his grandmas house. So I sent a pic to him and said “what’s going on?” He informed me that it’s nitrogen toxicity and that I needed to flush the soil with a few gallons of water. So I went outside and started flushing the soil. My brother came outside and screamed “YOURE GONNA FUCKING DROWN IT WHAT ARE YOU DOING???” I tried to explain to him that it has nitrogen toxicity and that I was flushing the soil to get the excess nitrogen out. That wasn’t a good enough reason for him so next thing I know, we’re trading blows. Typical stuff for brothers in the south of course lol. After that, we shook hands and talked it out. He apologized and everything was kosher. We fought 24/7 all of our lives up to that point. But it would be the last fight we ever had.

It was clear to me that he had an emotional investment in the plant because he started it and realized afterwards that he gave up on it prematurely. We’d go on the back porch and pass the bong back and forth talking about the plant and gawking at it. We planned out this elaborate garden we’d have in the woods next growing season (which we actually did, that’s a story for another time) if anything just having the plant around allowed us to bond more as brothers.

Once it started to flower we had to hide it from the landlord in my moms shower lol. He didn’t come around much but when he did it was a race to the plant in order to stow it away. It started to develop this rotten garbage terp profile that made it hard for people to come to the back porch. It was a long flowering Mexican sativa but it stayed short. It only got to around 3’ tall but it was leafy as hell lol. It flowered all the way until the first frost of the year but it could have gone another 2 weeks. I woke up one morning and there was ice on my bedroom window. I leaped out of bed and went and grabbed my brother from his room. We ran outside to find that the entire plant had frozen over. He said “is it fucked!?” And I said “nope, it’s fine, but today is harvest day”.

So we recruited one of his friends to help us trim. We trimmed it up in my room after thawing it out with moms hair dryer. We then took a long piece of yarn and strung up the branches in my room. We celebrated by smoking the scissor hash. It was…not great lol but it served as a job well done. We let it dry over the course of a couple weeks. I read somewhere that it had to dry low and slow so that’s what we did. The entire house reeked of those oh so distinct hot garbage terps and that’s the only thing my mom had a problem with (understandably so).

After I did the branch test it was time to cure. This part I had dreaded the most because I didn’t wanna fuck it up lol. I put it all in a jar that wasn’t so air tight but it’s all we had. We were broke kids so we couldn’t invest in actual mason jars. I’d open the jar and sit it on its side for an hour a day and over time, less frequently. After a few weeks the smell turned from hot garbage to this beautiful lemon starburst smell. At that point neither my brother or myself had smelled weed like this before. We were used to black pepper and sage smelling weed because this was before we had access to “loud” y’all remember those days? Lol.

After a month of waiting and exercising our ability to keep our hands out of the cookie jar, it was ready. I split the harvest with my brother and it was time to actually smoke the fruits of our labor. We invited our friend Greg over because we promised him we’d smoke it with him. He rolled a blunt and we went outside. The moment of truth lol.

We passed it around a few times and Greg tapped out. Then my brother tapped out. I was thinking “this shit ain’t even working…I don’t feel anything at all” so I just started hitting this blunt over and over again. Then it hit me all at once. A huge wave of euphoria washed over me and the giggles were so intense that my sides were hurting. We went inside and my lil girlfriend at the time (who later became my fiancé) called me and I couldn’t keep it together. I was laying on my bed while Greg and my brother played video games and I just couldn’t stop laughing. She got frustrated and hung up on me lol. I remember this being the first time I ever had “shutter vision” on weed. I had LSD tracers and all that. It was pure bliss.

Me and my brother just kept looking at each other like “we actually grew this!” Lol it was amazing. We ended up marketing this bud to our friends as “Limon Fresco” which is Spanish for “fresh lemon”. We quickly sold out because it was better than anything our friend group had access to. We pooled our money together to make our dream of a grow op in the woods a reality the next year. But like I said, that’s a story for another time.

Thanks for reading!


Oh, here’s some pics of it that still exist.

Edit: :arrow_up: that was my half of the harvest in a gallon sized ziploc bag lol


The first time I got high was when I was 14 and smoked a chunk of blond lebanese hash. I am the youngest of 6 kids and all my brothers and sisters were cool. My brothers were burning this hash stuck on a needle that was under a small jar. They would lift the jar slightly and suck the smoke out of it. They handed it to me so I thought “what the hell”. We spent all day listening to “Dark Side of The Moon”. It was pure bliss. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I have spent my entire life trying to recreate that feeling.


I was 18 and debating smoking mary jane. Did a bunch of library reading about it (that’s where I spent a lot of time growing up) and when I told my Mom and Step Dad I was going to try marijuana, they asked to come down into the basement…

“If you’re going to smoke for the first time, it might as well be with your family”. Then I learned he grew his stash in his Moms backyard out in the country….


It’s still a war in my state.
Anything over 30g warrants the full wrath of whatever bastards sniffed you out. Anything less… they r*pe your pockets with fines (& possibly thirty days imprisonment).

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Same here in TN, but the local cops are younger and don’t care about weed. They’re mostly looking for meth and fentanyl

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You from three Midwest? Sounds like what we did lol.

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Yup. Southeastern Ohio. :grin:

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We loved Pink Floyd and blonde Lebanese hash lol

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I envy you guys so much…we never really had hash here but old school hash was before my time anyway. The closest thing to old school hash I can smoke is if I grow out some old afghani and dry sift it myself lol. I have this Vintage Pakistani x 88G13/hp (deep line alchemy 11) from Bodhi that I plan on growing outside this year in hopes to get those old school flavors in the hash. I’ve made dry sift before from a little cross me and my brother made out of the best mexi plants we could find in our grow and it was VERY speedy lol (we later introduced an “indica” to the mix to bring that down a little.)


Nice!! I was very impressed with finger hash im getting off of Afghani, it was almost full melt.
Definitely good hash comes from Afghani. :100:20231022_012731


Awesome story bro

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After my brother and I sold both of our halves of the harvest, we managed to come out with $1,500 give or take. It didn’t take long for us to get it off either. We sold out within a few days because like I said, even though it was some home grown mexi, it was better than the burlap bud any of our friends had access to. We decided to pool our money together to make our dream of growing in the woods a reality. But it was already late November so we had to wait until mid-late April to put our plan into action.

We put the money in a shoe box and hid it away. My brother got his license on April 18th the following year and on 4/20, we headed to Lowe’s. I remember feeling like we were on top of the world in this beat up old 86’ f-150 our dad had given him. “Ole Red” was her name and I carried on the tradition with my own f-250 years later, naming her “Ole Blue”. We smoked a pinner on the way through Athens until we got to Lowe’s. We stood in the soil section for like 30 minutes trying to figure out what kind of soil we should use. I pulled out my phone and looked up “soil for weed” and I clicked on an old ICMAG link. I wish I still had the exact name of the forum topic but it’s long forgotten lol. I skimmed through and found out our best bet was FFOF. Luckily they had it and a bag was $15.99 at the time so we got 21 bags. That poor truck was squatting so bad the back tires were damn near touching the flat bed lol.

We got back home and busted out the seed jar. It was an old pint mason jar packed full. We counted out 50 seeds because in our mind, half were gonna be male and half were gonna be female and we didn’t really wanna bother with any more plants than that. We germinated the seeds with the tried and trued paper towel method and 3 days later we put them into solo cups. Only 40 germinated but that was still good to us lol. We cleared out a space in my closet to get them going before we went to plant them. We had these big CFL’s to get them going and in the meantime, we had to find out exactly where to put them outside.

We walked the woods for a couple hours but all the woods behind our house had too much canopy cover to be able to grow anything. So we called our cousin about a mile down the road and he said he knows a spot on his land that would be perfect. We hopped in the truck and headed down there. We got on four wheelers and rode out past the black angus pasture and through a fence where we came across this tall ridge. It was about 50’ of elevation and on the other side was a lightly wooded area in a valley that was pretty much perfect. There was a creek running through it that was being fed by a natural spring so our water situation was covered. We checked on google earth to make sure there weren’t any houses nearby and we were in the clear.

We went back to his house and got some post hole diggers, a mattock, and a couple shovels we found in the barn. We dug 40 holes about 2’ wide and a foot deep and about 10’ from the bank of this little creek and 5/6’ apart. We were stoned and tired, the sun was setting anyway so we called it a day. A couple weeks later the smell in the house was making my mom sick so we had to hurry up and plant them.

We hauled the plants and the soil back to the creek on ATV’s and started filling holes and planting. All we had as far as watering cans were a couple 5 gallon buckets so we gently watered them in and came back home. We’d come back every other day to check on them and make sure the deer or the cops didn’t get them but they were safe in this little valley. They loved the environment and shot up really tall but that made us nervous. So we went through and topped them all at 2 feet. They bushed out pretty good after that so from a distance they looked like wild shrubs.

This grow made my brother and I very paranoid. We’d never done anything like this before and were scared shitless of going to jail. As far as I know, there’s no pictures of this grow because we talked about not taking pictures just in case lol. We would also take a different rout to the valley every time we visited as to not make too much of a trail. Tennessee was extremely harsh when it came to weed and it would absolutely ruin us if we got caught. We were also kids so we didn’t have that much of a clue about what we were doing. It was a learn as you grow kind of thing.

The plants started to show sex in late July so we went though and culled the males. Normally they were easy to spot because they’d be so much taller and lankier than the girls. We’d cut them with a machete and take them farther down into the woods and dump them off. By the end of it we were left with only 13 plants from the original 40 lol. Terrible ratio but we still had 14 which was more than enough for us. The smell on those plants ranged from lemon pepper, black pepper, and hot garbage lol. I specifically remember #6 was my favorite because it had this spicy lime and armpit smell which I had never smelled before in weed.

One night in September a big storm came through and snapped a few of the plants. Unfortunately #6 was one of those. I was so disappointed lol. We started with 50 seeds in the beginning and now we were down to 9 plants. But we were still optimistic…until we lost 1 to bud rot and 1 to PM lol. But those 7 remaining plants were everything to us.

The last week of October we decided to harvest. They were done anyway. Mostly milky trichomes with a few amber here and there. The plants stayed about 5’ tall so it wasn’t that hard to take them back to my cousins house on the back of a couple ATV’s. We set up shop in the barn and dried them out in there. I say it’s a barn but it was more like a big metal garage or workshop for his tractors and stuff. It had 2 bay doors and heating/air. It took us and my cousin 3 days to trim up all the bud and put them into their own 5gallon buckets with lids after they dried for a couple weeks. We cured them for a month and then sampled them.

We got wayyyyy too high and had mini panic attacks trying to test this weed all at one time lmao. I greened out and threw up but to me it was worth it because I just greened out on some weed that I grew!! We were so happy lol. We broke off a half pound to our cousin for letting us do this project on his land. That left us with 2 pounds each (give or take). We sold it and the cycle continued for years. We eventually got better at it and had more success. Made new connections, gained access to genetics. It was truly the best years of my life.

Later on we had a little breeding project that gave us some killer results. We grew next to that creek for years so the name we gave our cross was “Sweet Creek”. My brother bought a house in my neighborhood and while he was moving, he found some original Sweet Creek seeds in a pill bottle. He split them with me and grew a few out.

This is the original Sweet Creek we made that he’s growing indoors right now. It’s an unknown Indica male crossed with our favorite mexi female that we kept for personal smoke for a few years.


Just visited my brother and snagged more pics. I only have 4 seeds of the original F1. He’s going to reveg and clone this one

Edit: this pheno smells exactly like a sweet lime. Which is what the mother smelled like.


Memories. 🫠
When I was about 15
Me and a buddy smoked a big fatty of some good shit, turned on The Dark Side of The Moon, lights off, put a strobe light on.
When the intro to the song Time came on with all the clocks and alarms, it freaked both of us out to the point of turning on the lights and putting the Beatles on. :rofl:

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This is what the cops need to focus on. The stuff that kills people

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Do what? Lol

Find those Pakistani Chitral Kush seeds for a very unique flavour profile. Its like smoking incense sticks.

I’m so confused. What in this thread is about something that kills people? And smoking an incense stick doesn’t sound too appealing to me personally lol

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