Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Can you separate out the culture from the laws? I don’t see how that would really be possible… culture determines laws, for the most part. It’s not exactly a linear relationship - it takes time for laws to catch up to culture - but it’s definitely there, imo. Italy has no drinking age, because it has a culture where drinking is generally accepted and no big deal, because it’s had no drinking age for some time, because it’s had a culture where drinking is generally accepted for some time. Not sure which is the chicken and which is the egg, but yeah…



i mean the differences between italian and american culture, not just the laws, but the accepted non-lawful things. sure, italians have contributed to american culture but there is a huge difference between the accepted things in both, or at least there was when i was there briefly. for example, do they still beat their asses if they mess up in italy? they don’t here now and that contributes to delinquency, as well as the parents substituting screen time for interaction. is that as prevalent there as here? things of that sort all contribute to the thing either positively or negatively. it’s an interesting subject anyway.

Science says the opposite, that there’s a link between corporal punishment and later deliquency.


nice. i would have thought differently. it certainly didn’t work like that on my delinquent. expelled from two counties in wv. we stopped spanking him early on, about 3 or 4, and those were just taps.

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I know it’s easier to bust people growing than to bust them selling, but I’ve always felt like… at least in a situation in which cultivation is legal… people should be able to grow as many plants as they want (they just can’t sell it).


Michigan becomes a more and more attractive state for my upcoming move.


When you consider the US actually tried Prohibition, it’s nothing short of amazing that ANYTHING is legal.


Everybody should give it up for @Calyxander . He’s reading news articles to find the news that matters to OG so you don’t have to. I’m sure many articles are culled while this service is performed. I look forward to any post from @Calyxander in this thread because I know I will be interested in the posted article.


Been interesting reading through this thread. I’ve worked on a legal farm in NY since it started. If you have any questions please ask. I’ll share my experience on what I’ve seen.
The farmers market is a temporary way to allow farms to make sales. Most farms haven’t made a single sale in 18 months and are going under. There was no traction/movement on these at all until another lawsuit stopped more dispensary from opening.


I second this. I’ve commented on this thread only a couple of times, but I read everything posted here.


This is happening in NY also. The towns that didn’t opt out are now using zoning rules to stop dispensary from opening. This is really bad in Long Island


I too appreciate @Calyxander 's hard work on this thread, it is one of my favorites.

Cannabis Museum in Boston


would have replied sooner @shag but was away on a trip.
In Canada, ALL Cannabis not sold by a licensed provider or a licensed cannabis store is called “illicit Cannabis” and according to the Cannabis Act, Illegal.

Contrary to what was mentioned by a previous poster, all the strains in the country were not given an amnesty upon Canada’s legalization taking place.
What did happen is that anyone applying to be a licensed provider could at the time, transition thier held genetics into the legal framework by providing the government a list of those strains at the time of application. IF GRANTED the license, the genetics listed on the documents would be transitioned to the the legal framework.
There was no blanket transition of cannabis genetics from the Illicit market to the licit market.

Now to muddy the waters a little. The above applies to those individuals or entities that were applying for production licenses in the onset. I have heard but don’t quote me… that the window for that transitioning has been closed for some time but I don’t know or certain.
Muddying things even further… no such demand to list held genetics at time of application was made for those applying for Health Canada personal growing licenses. As such, once an applicant receives approval for thier personal medical grow license, all the genetics they hold become legally held property and thus become “legal”… as long as thier license is valid. The “legal state” of those genetics changes to Illicit if the grower’s license lapses or is denied a future renewal.

However… it remains illegal for an individual, licensed to grow for thier own medical purposes, to gift or trade cannabis products with a non licensed individual. If this does take place in the “grey market” , the cannabis is classified as Illicit.
Now again… don’t quote me because I only loosely follow this shit these days, I have been told that licensed medical growers can share/trade and even possibly sell cannabis genetics (seeds/clones/mother plants) with other licensed individuals or businesses… I have yet to verify this though.

Fact is, Legally Sourced cannabis seeds and clones remain a highly restrictive product in Canada with the vast majority of licenced producers showing little to no desire to release seeds or clones. They want to sell flower and other canna products, not empower growers to produce thier own.
What little is out there is poorly advertised or is grey market seed and clones sold by folks taking advantage of the glaring loopholes in the Canadian legal canna framework.

I have been working on forming my own Cannabis Consultant firm that produces growing weed for dummies type instructional booklets in print or USB thumbdrive. This is the first I have mentioned this online but it’s what I am working on behind the scenes. The idea is a client who seek simple knowledge on how to grow thier legal 4 plants purchases one of the booklets or thumb drives and with each order the client can pick from a list of FREE seeds and or clones. I could gift up to 30 seeds OR 4 clones with each order and this would not technically be illegal under the current way the laws are written.

Let’s face it… the guy in charge of Canada has proven himself on the global and domestic stage to be a complete and utter fool so it is no wonder his Cannabis Act seems to be written by a bunch of complete morons. LOL


100% what he said :arrow_up: lol. I’m expecting for the next prime minister to come in and make it illegal again or completely re write the laws on it. Neither would bother me.


Thank you for your response and for your valuable time, I hope your trip was a good one brother! :heart_eyes:


Thanks for clarifying what I posted, good to know.

My health Canada weed doctor told me that the amnesty covered all weed, I guess he was just as confused by the governments ambiguous statements regarding legalization as well or forget to mention it was only medical.