Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

“It is also safe to assume that many advocates for federal de-scheduling are not aware of the consequences such a policy change portends for existing and entrenched state cannabis policies.”

If federal prohibition ends without the right measures in place, Todd posits that these state markets could be dismantled, resulting in domination by larger companies that could push out small businesses and undermine the equity initiatives states have carefully crafted.

“While a consolidated interstate market may have benefits, the cannabis industry would quickly become like many other industries, dominated by a handful of powerful corporations that control the vast majority of the market and profits,”


Talking to each other on a thread that mainly growers see isn’t going to do much.

The only thing that will change this is mass organizing. There’s a giant corporation funneling millions/candidates into legislature? Then form our own corporation or non profit org and organize coordinated efforts with contributions from all for the greater good.

crowd sourcing time/funds/expertise…
Letting go of ego
Fund raising
Using our worldwide locations to our benefit.
finding other people/orgs doing this and see if they want to help
Teaching eachother our expertise whether contracts, negotiating, law verbiage, non violent protest and action etc,
forming a localized digital library etc
utilizing AI for campaigns


another cannabis party getting down here in az…a few events we need to go and have fun
a must go if your in the seed game…hope to meet some great OG’s here


We need to hire lobbyists for this. It’s already an issue in New York that growers don’t realize. The more political people are saying the corporation are currently using lobbyists to shift laws to their own interests. This is prior to federal legalization, which will only intensify it


The biggest move the corporations are going to do when Federal legalization is achieved is to ensure home growing is a felony.


I usually get flamed pretty bad when I have said this in the past.
I hope it never comes true, but it is very possible.

It will at least raise awareness on the issues like home growing and royalties on plants and seeds.
You would be surprised how many folks are not aware these are real issues.
While others continue to think these sorta things are impossible and could never happen.
So I personally think talking here does a lot of good in that manner.
Look how much is spent on cancer awareness each year.

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but it doesn’t do anything. more people know what to look for but that doesn’t solve anything or stop anything from happening. there was a good idea thrown in up the thread about forming a company and consolidating, even buying a congressman lobbyist. that might do something, but as i said in other comments, there just aren’t that many of us that are interested in it and fewer still that care enough to do something about it. i’m not saying stop trying, i’m just saying it sounds like whining when you repeat the same old things so many times without a clear plan or steps to take to get a clear plan.

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My hope is to raise awareness, I am but 1 man and I am not trying to save the world from its self.

I am sorry if I don’t live up to your hopes and standards but I do what I can.
I am sorry if I fall short in your eyes.
Maybe someone someday will read my words and say WTF that is enough of that shit.
Maybe not, but I keep trying either way.

I have been speaking on this topic for more than 10 years, in that time more and more people have become aware of what is happening.

So you see my method is effective if it reaches just one ear.
Maybe not as effective as you would like but I do what I can.


i’m not judging anything, just telling you what it sounds like. i think you may have a shot at doing something and making something happen if you direct your energy in the right direction, meet the right people (by doing what you’re doing here), and getting lucky. i know some folks in the detroit area and next time i’m up that way i’d like to burn one with you and have a chat in person. that’s the only way i’ll talk about some of this stuff. i learned my lesson about that shit.


Ok fair enough, I did not really take offence.

I think everyone has a purpose, some folks are good at talking, I am not really one of those.
I prefer to let those that are good at what they do…do that.
I do what I can.

There are folks in Michigan who do their best work at the capitol ect. that is not really my cup of tea.
I don’t do well when you lie right to my face.
I have a friend that goes by SeedPac, Politically active cannabis.
Here is his instagram.

He is more suited for the sorta thing you folks have recommended.
He does a good job but he needs more people/voices behind the movement so I do my best to support him and his group when I can.

He and I were among the few that suggested we should not accept the first deal on the table concerning cannabis legalization, but folks would not listen and here we are today.
He is also the one that told me Normal sold us out when michigan went legal

That sounds like a winner, I am always down to burn.
Hit me up, I would love to meet up with ya and burn. :partying_face:

I have heard some stories and have a few of my own to tell, it should be a good chat, we better bring a few fatties…LOL

I also have a friend in HI. that was working with the Govt. to write the home growing laws there, they were very close to losing those rights recently.
He seems to have secured the home growing rights there at least for now, I know it was not easy, he even quit his job I think…

I like to think of myself as well informed, I just want folks to know what I know.
This way they can make a well informed decision when the time comes.
10 years ago when I tried to tell folks mosanto cannabis is on it way, 99% of people said it was fearmongering but today it is about to become a reality.
Some folks will hear the words and research things for themselves, some folks will say that ain’t gonna happen and stick their head back in the sand.

Slowly but surely folks are becoming aware of what is really happening.
Too bad we did not reach them 10 years ago, we would have had a better chance at having an impact.

You wanna keep the fox out of the hen house, not shoo him out after he eats the chickens.

Seedpac is doing his thing.
My buddy from HI. is doing his.
And I do mine when and where I can.
I really mean no offence, but the word has to get out and if 1 person hears and tells 2 friends it may just go viral or something like that anyhow…


Huh, that’s a weird location for a museum (Jamaica Plain, it’s one of Boston’s residential neighborhoods, and in a spot not particularly well served by the T. My mom grew up a few blocks away).

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Good Ole Missouri, it is completely controlled by the elites through their pet Banks and Corporations.


How f:)king insane. They don’t even get a little bit for getting them in the door!
My boss gets offers every day from out of state companies that want to buy his license.


The corruption in the cannabis industry runs very deep.
Big companies buying all of the micro licenses is pretty sad. :pensive:

But with Big AG becoming more and more involved I expect to see more and more of this sorta thing.
Of course, a lot of it will probably go unnoticed. :grimacing:


When I started working with my friend at the very beginning of this I thought I knew! I believed I had an understanding of how corrupt it was….how wrong I was! The levels of corruption are staggering!


No mention of the potential pitfalls or dangers, i came across some pretty concerning info inthe last year regarding nanotech food additives. The tricky part is manufacturers don’t even haveto list nano ingredients if the normal sized version is found on the ingredient list.

Meanwhile, there are real risks, yet it’s being readily accepted without even an asterick on the ingredient list.

Food for thought; The safety of nanomaterials in food production and packaging: