Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Lots of fancy words too make it sound good and helpful, but as I am a synical barstard, it just looks like a way to funnel more tax money into the gov corporations and pharma cartels that have infiltrated them and become the only voice of so called truth, which no one can argue with, and be used to set policy and control of use as a pharmacuitacle and keep real cannabis out of public hands.

They don’t want to waste money testing anything, if it’s not going to make them a financial profit and be able to patent it.


so much easier to just remove the schedule 1. look at who is going to build the lab and where. or who is running the nih.


Well said, brother! :star_struck:

Yeah, it is pretty simple just quit perpetuating those very old lies.
Repeal the unjust laws based on those lies.
I will refer you to what @shady said.
They don’t wanna be helpful, this is about the cash and nothing more.

Another crooked corperation that does not serve the people but doesbow to the almighty dollar.


I can’t copy the article from “The Times Standard” (Eureka, CA) , but essentially says Southern Humboldt is going broke since cannabis was legalized. It’s become high in the list of foreclosures of business and homes in all of the counties in the USA. It used to be one of the centers of illegal grows, but legalization, focused on the town, county and state making the profits, closed out the small farmers so it takes massive grows, dropping prices off a cliff, to make a profit. But when the economy concentrates on a small number of people rather than spread around the majority, this is what happens. Small local businesses supported by small local farmers disappear and their jobs with them creating an expanding downward spiral. Add in high interest rates, out of sight fire insurance, a must have to buy or re-finance plus taxes based on out of control housing prices, the economic “boom/Bust” cycle turns to Bust.
IMO, if governments had simplified legal licensing, cut out all the various charges that no agricultural business can survive, allowed farmers to sell their product directly after testing, smaller farmers could band together to create “co-op” type grouping and survive, thereby keeping local rural areas that don’t require heavy economies, healthy. But like most new inventions, big money swoops in with the blessing of government and swallows them up.
The result is strains developed for looks, smell and durability that mature fastest in large “hot houses”. So value seeds available by’s and others, especially sun grown, organically by ethical growers. They’re the difference between a tomato grown in a “hot house” and tomatoes grown with the sun, in dirt.


I would have loved to have seen Humbolt area turn into a canna museum town/s of sorts.
You could tour the old school outlaw farms and they could tell you historical tales ect.

Current legalization is messing up a lot of things, but what are you gonna do?


Seems like social equity licensing continues to be an exercise in futility; unsurprisingly, those with power and money already are well-positioned to use that power to make more money.


Shocking just shocking :joy::sob:


Aspergillosis is an immediate fail if detected in NY. I find my experience with testing to be different than what this article is saying. Medical is put through remediation steps always for exactly the compromised immune system. The rec market has a little leeway, but still limits accepted limits on fungal/microbes


Vermont as well. I know there was some west coast state, maybe OR, that there was some grower outcry when they tightened mold testing standards (because mold is so omnipresent in the environment in some places). I’d find it surprising if MA and CT don’t test for aspergillus.

I feel like fusarium may be on VT’s required test as well, I think there are three molds the state requires products be tested for?


For NY aspergillosis, salmonella are immediate fails, if detected. It’s also about live colony count. The interesting thing I learned from talking to a lab guy, he said if you test lettuce in a grocery store you’d never eat it again


Not to mention that you don’t cook lettuce, so all the e coli and other contaminants that get on it in the course of doing business get to go on a field trip to your belly.

E Coli and Salmonella are required tests in VT as well. Maybe that’s what I was thinking of…? I know, I know… bacteria, mold…

  • In Oaklyn, a legal dispute erupted after the town used eminent domain and code enforcement to take over a property from a landlord who refused to sell to a cannabis applicant.

These and other situations paint a portrait of a legal cannabis community in turmoil. It’s also an alarming echo of what happened in California — after the state voted to legalize weed in 2016 — where local municipal control of the market has led to widespread charges of corruption.

“You could ask anybody in California who supported [legal weed,] if we had a do-over, the biggest, most important number one takeaway would be — if it’s going to have a local-control provision, it’s not even worth passing this law,”

This is what I have been saying…
If they did not get legalization done properly why vote for sudo-legalization and corruption?

Roselle encourages cannabis applicants to donate to its recreational fund, tainting what is supposed to be an unbiased process.

Sounds like a bribe to me…WTF??

“The municipalities claimed that they could license whoever they want in exchange for whatever they want no matter what the law said.”

“I think it’s very hard for people to play fair and win,”

It is very clear to me that current forms of legalization are not working.
Some of you may be happy with current legalization.
I feel it is time for a change.

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MA has had a number of corruption cases with local officials. Cases revolve around the legislation enacted in contrast to the actual voter referendum. Which allowed for pay-to-play schemes, etc. Probably not as bad as CA but they did occur and some were caught.

Thank you for continuing to shed light on these other considerations, I was recently doing my own due diligence on this topic and found that smoking either tobacco or cannabis can cause candida albicans growth/overgrowth:

Regarding testing, there should be some sort of (transparent)note in the test results that confirms whether remediation techniques were used.

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Off topic for a min.

NY Bill Would Require Background Checks to Buy 3D printers

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Huh, that’s an odd one… the town seizing property in order to sell it to someone who wants to operate a cannabis operation on it. TBF cities have used eminent domain to build stadiums, etc. Economic development is economic development I guess (at quick glance it looked like that same town used eminent domain for a Burger King as well?)

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This is so uncool

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How many underage kids do you hang out with. :wink:
