Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

The producers would have to buy the rfid tags not the government


it’s a non-issue though. i found them on amazon for $0.22 each for rfid stickers that are programmable. anyone required to use them could probably get them in bulk for less than half or a quarter of that. even at less than a quarter each it is minuscule and would not make a difference in profit. if it did make a difference in profit i’d say there are way worse problems than that to address first.


The bigger cost comes with the overhead of subscribing to the tracking system software and admin overhead of maintaining the record keeping system. It is prohibitive for smaller growers.


New law taking effect in 2024 in California.

AB 2188: Makes it illegal for an employer to discriminate or penalize an employee based on the person’s use of cannabis off the job and away from the workplace. A similar law, SB 700, makes it illegal for an employer to ask a job applicant if they’ve used cannabis.


Where have they settled?

Mass has gotten pretty cheap. No idea how the quality is at this point, I haven’t been to one in a few years.


From the link…
Only major pharmaceutical companies, with billions of dollars to invest and years to spend on clinical trials, are ever able to meet the Schedule III threshold for FDA approval to make and sell drugs categorized as such.


from the link…
“I believe hemp-derived Delta-9 THC products and other naturally occurring intoxicating hemp-derived cannabinoids will be forced into regulated channels, closing the Farm Bill loophole,”

Rescheduling alone or the rescheduling/memo combo will result in a new wave of liquidity.

shag says…
Schedule 3 is all about the money and regulation and only benefits corporate cannabis.

My stance remains the same.

Repeal the unjust laws that were formed based on lies and decept and maybe even racism/discrimination.
Roll back the laws to a time before the lies and deceit took place.

I know, that can never happen because the system is corrupt and money rules everything. :worried:


Replacing “money” with “wealth,” I would argue that it’s always been like that no matter the time period or geographic area, as long as there culture beyond the tribal level. Sigh…


That is a very good point.
Not many people realize that since the days we were ruled by kings and queens not a whole lot has changed as far as how wealth, power and money is handled.

In fact when I brought up the subject for discussion at a family event a federal judge in the family said “Why would you think it would be different? Things have been like this since the beginning of history.”

I always thought…“Wow! That is coming from a federal judge.”


What would you expect a single federal judge to do about it, even if they recognize it as a problem? Speak up and sacrifice themselves to the system to be made an example of? Start a revolution that’ll probably just usher in an even worse system? People are people, and it’s people that are the problem, not the system. Given absolute power, I have no reason to think you or I, or anyone else, would do any better. :man_shrugging:


This weekend happened the Cannabis Cup Brazil :brazil: .
I didnt see many good flowers and just one guy won in Flower, Solventless Extaction and BHO.

I didnt particpate as a competitor this year… I just went there to distribute stickers from my project, but its good to see the scene being developed and more and more growers geting out of their caves to be together, share :fire: and make new friends…

The event is still closed to the public… only invited people can buy the ticket…

To participate of the competition is like 10g of flower or 3g of extraction… .

It has the 1st place for public choice and the judges choice goes up to 3rd.

As a competitor you will receive samples of other competitor to avaliate and judge it … I liked the the way they are doing it… I didnt took many pictures because I was there working and on that same night it was my wife’s college graduation, so i was hurry there.


Good point!
I agree, not much.
I have been told we need to start small at the local level.
Michigan has been doing just that lately.

I always wonder if would I be corrupt.
I feel I would not, as I have this desire to do what is right for everyone, but until I was living it I can not consider myself exempt.
I am not easily leveraged or compromised but I am not infallible.


My guess is that most people would say that, and I believe it may be most common among those already powerful (except for maybe that last little bit).

I totally believe that, brother. The rub is not everyone agrees what exactly “right for everyone” means.


In other news…

Is cannabis bad for teens? Here’s what the data say

Well, not exactly news, but it’s a surprisingly balanced article. It doesn’t really come to any conclusions other than that we need more data, not least of which because federal laws are way behind.

Efforts to study such products in the United States have been hampered by the fact that cannabis is still illegal at the federal level. Publicly funded research institutions can access only one strain of cannabis, and it is notoriously weaker than the products sold in dispensaries or on the street.

“Certain kinds of research are not being done because it takes so many complicated steps,” says R. Lorraine Collins, a psychologist at the University at Buffalo in New York. “It adds extra costs and extra staffing.” And as for research-grade cannabis, study participants “don’t like it at all”, says psychiatrist Jesse Hinckley, who specializes in adolescent addiction at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora.


I too have a hunch it won’t work to increase signups. Even aside from the federal government making arguments in court that they should be able to consider all medical marijuana patients to be criminals when it’s convenient for their other political initiatives, which should discourage any rational person from putting their name on any such list…

“We’re talking about patients who are expected to pay three or four times as much as across the river to the same companies for the same products,” Goldstein said. “Consumers are not stupid. We look at menus across states.”

When I want something from a dispensary, I get it from a friend in Philly. Even paying 10% extra for a few middlemen, it’s cheaper and there’s more variety. NJ just hasn’t figured out that their regulations are choking out the industry, regardless of how much they restrict homegrowing to give it more of a chance. They’re trying to get blood from stones, and punishing us for their incompetence in the process. :roll_eyes:


Are there any lobbyist groups that dedicate funding and resources towards advancing more cannabis friendly policies? Things don’t change if the voice of change doesn’t weild power behind it in some shape or form. Many blessings and much love


Good points…and then we have this to consider.
U.S. appeals court on Thursday appeared divided over whether medical marijuana users can be barred from owning guns

@MoBilly didn’t we talk about this?
Federal law prohibits medical marijuana users from possessing or buying firearms and ammunition — even if state law allows the drug’s use. An individual can’t have both licenses. Under federal law, any marijuana user is an unlawful user of a controlled substance. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld this rule. Marijuana in any form is illegal under federal law. Users of marijuana are prohibited persons. Checking ‘no’ on question 11(e) on the Form 4473 would be a lie if you use marijuana, which is a federal offense. See this ATF letter on the topic.