Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Here’s a smaller back yard hoop house made from two hog panels, 2x12’s, foam pipe insulators, fasteners and a “snap fan” powered by a 100 watt solar panel, regulated by a thermostat I made. With materials on hand, can be made in a day. Measures about 5x6’6"x 8 (high)


that is nice. i’m probably going to breed inside of these. i can put one of these small ones in a couple of hours. i just need four separate enclosures that have perfect air filtration systems with a good trap that can catch anything. i would hate to try breeding some good medicinal hemp and end up with rope. i may have to select the outdoor crop very carefully.


The beauty of the Ohio House kicking it down the road is the longer Ohioans can freely share their cannabis and can keep 12 plants in a 2 adult household, the harder it is going to be for the House to actually take that away because it will piss off voters.


Missouri dispensary cannabis sales and prices have been declining for months now. This is our Corporate Masters lusting for more of Missouri’s Money. I wish more people would wake up to who controls all of us.


It is indeed quite a sad state of affairs. Local, State and Fed governments are all becoming increasingly dishonest and even more thoroughly corrupt.


And it will only get worse as the corporate giants start seeing home growers as competition. That’s why it’s so good that so many on OG save and preserve so many cultivars because those giants are going to GMO cannabis and patent the genetics. We are less than a decade away from them trying to shut everybody else down completely all over the globe.


It’s a pump and dump scheme.

You have to have wealth to start a corporate grow, because banks don’t give or take money, and after a few years the prices fall, and they move on to the most recently legalized state to partner with locals and do it all over again.

I’m guessing these are the folks lobbying for stricter home growing laws now that the bag has been fumbled so bad on the regulatory end (not in terms of legislation, but more so infrastructure and zoning)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The nature of prohibition has created a culture that makes it nearly impossible to completely regulate Cannabis for the purpose of corporate gain.


For you folks in Ohio…


The NY market is pretty close to inline with grey black market. It’s slightly more expensive, but tested.
Everyone believes that the really good weed will be coming from small farm products and corporate will fill the shelves with the usual expected products


If these so called representatives of the people are no longer representing the people…it may be time to clean house and get rid of those who refuse to do the will of the people.

One Michigan town voted everyone of their sorry ass out of office when they refused to do the will of the people.
I would post a link but this message would get deleted… :grimacing:

Michigan town votes to oust entire govt.


A favorite daydream of mine :joy:. I than drift into the daydream we’re all the Wallstreet bankers are locked up like in Iceland and lobbies close behind


I would tend to agree…
This is very good to see and is in line with my hopes for legalization.
If everyone is allowed to sell to dispensaries then the small craft farms will dominate the top shelf market.

I feel this is very important to the industry and the consumer as well.
Unfortunatly we may see $300-$400 ounces again, but if homegrowing is preserved that is really not an issue.

Those that want cheap will get cheap.
Those that want high dollar will get high dollar.
Those that want to grow their own top shelf can do so at home.


I expect the prices to stay were they have settled even once the indoor comes into play.


I wonder if they will switch to the spray on tracking system now?

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Interesting that NY isn’t requiring rfid tags. Every plant needs to be individually tagged and logged into the system for track and trace. That has to be stupid expensive these rfid tags


No shit! Oh well, it’s just taxpayer’s money.