Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

I guess I should have been clearer - by “vape” I meant consuming flower with a Volcano or other similar dry herb vaporizer. Not the vape carts that the dispensaries carry! I have used those carts on occasion and they almost always leave my lungs feeling messed up after awhile. Notsomuch with dry herb vaping!

That’s my bad, back in the day when I started smoking weed the term “vape” only ever meant dry herb vaping. I don’t think e-cigs had even been invented yet, let alone all of the dab pens that the kids love these days


Lawmakers taking action against crooked regulators?

If you’re in Maine and have had issues with:

+ Targeting and retaliating against businesses and caregivers that voice concerns in Augusta.
+ Referring to Hudak's regulations, which impose a $50,000 burden on small businesses, as a "mere inconvenience."
+ The recent interpretation categorizing farmer's markets and seshs as illegal for caregivers and patients. 
+ Application of adult use rules to medical caregivers.
+ Hudak's ties to Freedman & Koski / METRC are of grave concern 

The petition link>


Another perspective, with more details:


A Senate committee separately rejected a bill last month that would have fully removed marijuana from the state’s criminal code, including a repeal of mandatory minimum sentences for certain activities involving unlawful amounts of cannabis. It also would have required automatic expungements of prior marijuana convictions.

At the same time, Maine’s legal cannabis market has seen record-breaking sales in recent months,

Again we can see clearly this is not about the people but only about the money. :money_mouth_face:

This guy is about as corrupt as they come.
Seems he has his hand in everything, making cash left and right.

I have always said, that I am cool with the current form of legalization, as long as everyone has to buy their weed from me.
I wonder how many of these types fly under the radar?


I posted this video already in a different thread, but I think it is apropos to your comment.
These types of guys aren’t just under the radar, they’re the radar operators

They see a newly forming legal market and they say


Thanks bud.
This may very well be the best video I have ever seen on these topics.
It needs a part 2…LOL
It is nice to see that others are speaking out about this sorta stuff.

I am of the opinon that the more folks that know what is really going on the better.
Some here get sick of me saying the same things in the video but I am of the mind that it can not be said enough.

Thanks again


Heck yeah, and thank you for watching it! Glad to know that I’m not just shouting off into the void :black_heart:

It’s awesome to have so many likeminded people here. I agree completely, the more folks who know what’s really going on behind teh scenes the better it will be for all of us


I feel like that sometimes too.

Some folks around here don’t feel the same way.
I had a whole thread about this sorta stuff but it was shut down.
Check it out if you have time, a lot of people liked it but some folks did not. :frowning_face:
I suspect some folks just can’t handle the truth… :astonished:


Everyone should be using CBD, hopefully homegrown!

Here’s a gorgeous CBD pheno of bodhi’s Good Medicine I grew, right after cutting the net. :joy: :



Damn bummer, that really sucks that it got shut down. Glad that it’s still archived at least. I’m opening it in another tab now and going to browse through it tomorrow

I share this same suspicion. It’s really difficult sometimes, especially when the topic brings any personal feelings or emotion into the mix. And let’s face it, just about all of us here have a lot of personal feelings and emotions around cannabis.

Sometimes (nearly all the time) I need to remind myself that I’m not in charge of changing how anyone views a subject, any subject. I can only present my personal views and any evidence I may have that led me to adopt them. Can’t make anyone see something that they don’t want to see, and even if they do then they’ll usually deny it and entrench themselves deeper into their opinions. That’s their right and I have a difficult time remembering it. I’d also suspect that some folks just don’t want any discussion to get too deep where users are taking sides in an argument.

Anyway, that’s my two cents on the matter


This is going to be interesting to see unfold. I was told the irs is specifically hiring agents to audit pot companies.
I believe the return on time for audits on personal versus pot is like 1:26.
The irs can also pop any subsidiary if they think it’s just set up for taxes.
Thank you for the link


pretty sure there’s just a tad more to it than that. more like the way you say these things is what ticks folks off. it’s not the message, nor the messenger (from what i have seen, could be wrong here), but the method of delivery. another thing i just thought of, i wonder if someone isn’t planting folks in here to sow discord among us. could be a conspiracy theory but it also could be happening. personally i like the message, but it does seem that you have a hard time with some folks for whatever reason(s).


Bay Area cannabis shops are closing as pot sales slump


The employee informed an investigator from the MCA, that the cannabis had to be placed in the plastic bags because the original packages were covered in a liquid substance acquired from the dumpster, according to the order.

Thats pretty gross.


You are right, and I do too.
I think I have the hardest time when they tell me I am way off base when in truth it is happening right before their eyes.