Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

I anticipate a lot of the growing hobby getting legislated out of existence due to corporate greed. Right now is the wild-wild weed west - it is time to build a nice seed bank

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One of the biggest selling point of legal cannabis was it will be soo much safer.
Just more lies.
Legal weed is nothing but lies and corruption.

‘Broken system’: Banned pesticides keep showing up in California’s legal pot

SFGATE investigation finds evidence consumers aren’t being protected

An SFGATE investigation has found numerous problems plaguing the state’s pesticide rules, including labs falsifying safety tests and stores selling pot contaminated with banned chemicals. Meanwhile, the state’s own pot regulator, the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC), has admitted it is currently unable to test for pesticide contamination in some pot products. And due to a lack of transparency at the agency, consumers might never know they’re consuming pesticides or other contaminants.

Didya read that???

The Department of Cannabis Control (DCC), has admitted it is currently unable to test for pesticide contamination in some pot products.

WTF? :astonished:
The current form of legalization is not good for the people.
Some folks feel things will get better.
I feel things will only get worse.
Why do I say this?
The average plant count was 12 plants 10-15 years ago.
The new normal is 2 if you are lucky enough to have home growing.
Medical cannabis will be special pharmacy only.
Home growing will be seen as part of the black market.
Corporations are currently hard at work lobbying to eliminate home grows.
Just because we don’t see it or hear of it does not mean it is not happening.

Even the cannabis community itself will be saying…“Why do you need to grow your own you can buy it on every street corner?”

Sch. 3 will allow the rich to get richer and the Corporations to consolidate the market share.
The big companies will get bigger and soon you will be buying your weed from walmart.

We all loved the moldy mexican we got in the 70-80’s cause that is all we could get.
You can see the stores are not trying to get you a quality product, they just want your cash.
So soon everyone will get their wally-weed and you will like it.
I know some of you say you will go back underground and grow your own.
Facing a harsh penalty such as 20 years for growing most will opt in for the wally-weed.
I know some say they will not ever stop growing.
But lets not forget that locating a grow room is not very hard.
Your smart meter can probably tell what brand of lights you are using it certainly knows when the lights come on and go off.

Our grow rooms radiate radio waves.
I have know about this for 15-20 years but when I tell folks they kinda freak out. :grimacing:

A ham radio operator can locate a grow simply by taking a radio and portable antennae out into their neighborhood and using the radio to triangulate the exact location of the grow .

The cable guy knows too.
How do I know?
I had to have a special filter put on my cable line.
The cable guy said I was backfeeding the line something fierce and it was disrupting cable 2 houses away in each direction. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What if the power companies decide to work with law enforcment?

I wonder what fancy new ways law inforcement has come up with for locating illegal grows?


There was an old buzz feed article about US spy planes.

I know buzzfeed is garbage, but this one was pretty thorough. It explained the different category of aircraft (helicopter, plane, drone) the equipment each would use, and presented a map showing large circles that were likely drones gathering Metadata in a certain area, along with straight lines covering 5 to 10 miles, which was targeted data acquisition.

The map used FAA flight data, and had the whole country mapped. You could zoom in quite a bit, which is how I ended up seeing one of those straight targeted lines over my house. If I was doing something wrong, I would have ditched my phone, social media, and basically left any nefarious activities behind overnight.

Luckily, that was a decade ago, and while I was a good boy back then, now I am a good boy who grows legally. Maybe it was all bullshit, but reguardless, big brother is always watching.


Have you heard about 24 hour surveillance?
They will constantly take pics of the city from the air.

Then when a crime happens they just review the photos of the area and they can follow the suspect back to his hidout.

If you are wanted for whatever reason they will find you if they really want to.


I remember when they were hunting the Boston marathon bombers how quickly they identified and hunted them down. I sure they have only gotten better since then.



It took the FBI three days to release images. It didn’t feel all that fast to me.

My downstairs neighbor at the time used to be neighbors of the perpetrators’ family. Her ex-husband hung out with the older one on occasion.

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Yeah but I assume those images were only released when authorities could do no more and needed the public’s help.


Five states – Illinois, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Washington –impose various per se limits for the detection of trace amounts of THC in blood while ten states (Arizona, Delaware, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Utah, and Wisconsin) impose zero tolerant per se standards. In these states, it is a traffic safety violation to operate a vehicle with detectable levels of THC in blood – even absent any demonstrable evidence of psychomotor impairment.

Consequently, the study’s authors determined that per se traffic safety laws adopted in several states that criminalize drivers who test positive for trace levels of THC in their blood are “not supported by science,” and that they risk “wrongly accusing” motorists who are neither impaired nor have recently consumed cannabis.

So if you get busted you should automatically fight it.
There is no science behind it.

I did not fight my case.
They changed my charge to improper transportation because they knew impairment is hard to prove.
I did get 6 months probation and had to go to rehabilitation camp.


Not trying to be political with this one, but if you read the article the real issue is neither body of the legislature wants to take up the required legislation for how it works. Meanwhile, home grows are being harvested statewide so some legal cannabis is out there.


Are you rehabilitated?


I don’t think so. but it did help me out a lot…LOL
It was a weekend marijuana camp with psychologists as counselors.
It should have been called a criminal networking camp. :wink:

We all talked about our criminal activities.
I spent about 3 hours teaching a brand-new grower how to get started.
The counselors even said they thought it was stupid to have a rehab for marijuana.
But they knew it was about the cash. :money_mouth_face:
We all had a nice chat about prisons for profit and they all agreed that was a huge mistake.

I found out the judge that sentenced us all was a known town drunk and she was on a tether and had to take the bus to work.
That judge told me she suspended my driver’s license.
My probation officer made me surrender it.
One guy at the camp who told me about the judge said she doesn’t have the right to do that.
We bickered back and forth for a bit.
He told me when I go home to tell the secretary of state AKA DMV that I lost my license and I need another copy.
To my surprise, my license was not suspended and they sent me a new one.
I thought what a world, even the judges lie to ya, right in the courtroom too. :grimacing:


That should really come as a surprise to nobody.


Do you want to know what is wrong with corporate cannabis and all other ways that can make you rich or powerful? Money, Fame, Power draw them like a flame draws a moth.


NY Judge’s Cannabis Ruling Opens Door for More Challenges


An analysis of smokable hemp products found that 93% of tested samples contain more than 0.3% THC, which is the federal legal limit

This is the result of politicians attempting to regulate a market that they obviously don’t understand nor are motivated to learn other than take a trip paid for by the commercial side of cannabis.

They are looking for a hassle free way to profit off stoners through taxes but still have the right to lock them up should they become a problem. That’s why trying to determine is a person is impaired by cannabis is of such concern at the monument. Our bodies (at least some, as some people should avoid cannabis imho) are designed to interact in a positive manner, hence the endocannaboid system. It is also why the body holds onto it up to 30 days after consumption. Most “recreational drugs” are flushed out of the system in 3 days (the doesn’t want it and therefore washes it from the system in a timely manner.

Done preaching to to the choir and spreading stoner science.
