Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Border patrol is the most Gestapo-like group of cops in the country, and have been for decades. This needs to stop.


no shit. they can enter your home without a warrant if you live in the zone around the border. last time i checked i think it held 80% of the population. something like that, it’s been a while.


I remember the 80 percent of the population was on the coasts


Yep, and the coasts are the border.

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They are borders, however the way it’s said sounds like a high population density in Mexico USA border. This is where it’s the border patrol checkpoint are.
I suppose they could set them up in 100 miles of the ny coast.

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They could setup checkpoints and do what they do on the border in and 100 miles around St Louis, MO, because there is an international airport in St Louis. International airports are points of entry and fall under the authority of the border patrol.


Many years ago I brought up the subject of the feds busting folks in legal states.
Folks said they did not have the money or the manpower besides that it would go against the Cole memo.
They said it would never happen in a million years.

I said if the feds want to, they are gonna bust you anyway and the state can not stop them.
Folks cried Bullshit but as you can see it is true, they are doing it in NM.

CBP is able to carry out its activities within 100 miles of the U.S. border.

I have land several miles from an international border crossing and I was advised not to grow weed there due to federal jurisdiction and risk of prosecution.
I still do but I was advised specifically not to grow commercially there or I risk facing federal charges.

And this is why any cannabis plant over the THC limit will soon be considered marijuana.
Hemp is cannabis and cannabis is hemp, science says that they are the exact same plant.
The only difference is the amount of THC.


not really. i just checked it out and found out i was wrong also on my thoughts on it. they can’t enter homes, but can enter premises but only within 25 miles, not the 100 miles of the border limits. they can search vehicles in the 100 mile zone though. that means states like hawaii or fl are completely in the zone.


So is Michigan.


It seems like the only fixed CBP checkpoints are near the US-Mexico border. I remember they had a pop-up checkpoint in NH a few years ago.


Also… based on that MM piece I don’t think it’s accurate to describe the CBP checkpoints as targeting state-licensed cultivators/manufacturers/etc… they would seize cannabis from anyone they caught with it at one of their (crazy) checkpoints (seemingly not med card holders, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d seize that too).


That was my take on it as well. This doesn’t seem to be a crackdown on cannabis in particular, more an unintended consequence of stepping up border security while the federal laws on it are so fragmented and chaotic… it’s almost as if someone up there foresees the border being an election issue in 4-6 months and wants to juice the numbers. :roll_eyes: Not trying to start a political debate, but it seems to influence things more and more around elections, making it tough to discuss the news without acknowledging it.


Hmm… you make a good point I hadn’t thought about. It isn’t clear if they’ve significantly ramped up inspections, and whether they’ve added temporary “interior checkpoints” to bolster the six fixed ones they already had in NM.

Obviously security at the southern border is going to be an issue in the 2024 elections… and not just at the presidential level. Just a fact. Reasonable to presume the CBP will continue to ramp up enforcement (it may change but numbers were down significantly the first few months of 2024). I hope no one loses site of the fact law enforcement organizations love to get more power and more money, so you can be sure CBP will milk this teat as long as they can (no doubt they probably need more resources, but they’re no different than any other organization when it comes to keeping the resources and power when things get back to normal).

The NH checkpoint I mentioned before did net some lady with pot. It was a bit of a thing.

Decades ago I drove a cab in Boston, and I was driving some people to the airport in East Boston… this was back before they tore down the old elevated expressway through downtown, and it involved going up this long ramp that started off two lanes but merged down to one (this was by the Fleet Center) anyway I had a CBP SUV who had been behind me but was trying to get in front of me as we merged, and I was not backing off… they continued to ride me up to the merge onto the expressway, but there’s a long portion of single white line that keeps you in the entrance lane longer than needed, and then it left you trying to merge just before the always backed up exit ramp to get to the tunnel to the airport… I peaked over my left shoulder into the expressway and there was no one, so I went across the single white line… CBP in the SUV pulls out behind me aggressively, and puts on their lights. I just ignored them. Most cabbies were foreigners and I think they thought they could intimidate me. They kept their lights on down the ramp but then seemed to lose interest and turned them off.

My passenger thought the whole thing was hilarious.



FINALLY! Last I saw they were still doing nothing.


I’m going to guess they just used a CBD isolate or distillate for the tests. The pain relief that CBD offers is only from a full spectrum extract that contains some THC and minor Cannabinoids. With higher concentrations of THC in the CBD or CBG extract showing the best potential for pain relief. Most likely another attack on the medical benefits of cannabis paid for by the pharmaceutical industry


"These are weak studies” more needed to understand cannabis and depression


Can you unimaginable the sample sizes needed to detect these effects? I wonder if the had adequate N for them?


I believe that High-THC cannabis consumption is the problem. People have monkeyed with the natural balance of the plant to get more THC over the medicinal cannabinoids. I stick with the older strains and older seed breeders. Clones os strains from 20+ years ago is what I am most interested in aquiring.