Cannabis GMO

Yeah they’ll do sterile triploids. Breedersteve already has a process and selling the tek. Not reversing it or crossing it with anything.


It doesn’t make sense to me because they already have naturally bred strains that only produce CBG. It doesn’t even need to be GMO. I don’t see any extra benefits from what is already in production. I have a friend who has been working on a hemp variety with zero THC or CBD for years now. He’s got all kinds of stories about big companies trying to steal it from him. I think the GMO label only helps the company that made it and doesn’t add anything else we don’t already have


They could take any plant, crispr in a marker gene so they can track it, and bam. It’s now GMO :joy:


CRISPr is not perfect.


What I understood is that CBG only strains do not produce a lot of it. Their selling pitch is to create cultivars that throw high CBG percentages. They’re hunting the unicorn kinda.

Not sure GMO will help here though. It seems more effective to suppress the THC/CBD genes and thus be sure a cultivar will have zero of them. But I agree that as for raising the percentages or ratios, it’s already what’s been done without GMO and not sure it’d do better.

Thanks for the link @CocoaCoir


Here’s a good all around read.

Just one part…

“Indistinguishable” and forever in the genome.


We have high CBG only strains already…

Man why do they have to GMO everything. Next thing itll be crispr weed ( gene editing )


You can cross anything with triploids, just not very successfully. Triploid x triploid isn’t any more successful from what I understand, and might even be less successful if it requires luck for the contributions from both parents to separate into perfect haploid and diploid gametes twice over rather than just once. If so, it’d be roughly a one in a million chance of getting seeds rather than only one in a thousand.

And yeah, as far as triploids being better yield or better in any way, they can be; there’s more genetic combinations to search through, so a dedicated pheno hunt is likely to find better results. I haven’t seen any science backing up the idea that they’re just naturally “better” in any way, though I suppose that depends on how you define better. They’re certainly better for vendors since they’re sterile and lock people into buying more. There’ll always be heirloom seed though, as you say. Not exactly tough to find banana seeds for sale despite the entire world using a single triploid clone commercially.


Nah because they aren’t sterile, the studies show, what good is it if still produces non viable seeds?

Breeder Steve ist using a different technique (Parthenocarpy), and is achieving plants with no stigmas, you can throw pollen at them and there won’t be seeds / non viable seeds.

He is licensing the technique and claims to have four ways of which one works at home.

This is the pic he sent me after we talked on the phone for two hours.


All studies I looked at said triploids are worse or on par with diploids.

Tetraploids and higher ploidy are gonna be interessting in regards to better performance.


I specifically thought of breeder Steve when I posted the link that instructs how to induce triploidy.

I didn’t know “teach a man to fish” came with a price tag.


10 years ago I had this debate with skunkman.
He assured me GMO cannabis did not exist and legalization would not bring about GMO cannabis.
That conversation has been deleted of course.
Skunkman is/was a moderator.
He and his crew said it was fearmongering, BTW… he was also asking for genetic samples of sterile plants. :thinking:

Some folks still don’t think it is possible to make sterile cannabis.

How can you fertilize a plant without stigmas?
Remember these folks have a lot of money.


Hopefully this thread won’t be derailed with fear mongering bullshit.


Here to start shit again I see…LOL
You always have to make it personal too.
Would it hurt you to be kind, a day in your life?
Might I suggest you learn the difference between fearmongering and reality? :wink:

This explains how the CBG only strain I have was made.

I cannot find the methodology of the UW Badger G, I am looking.

Here’s what else they’re doing though so it is definitely different

^^Damn expensive.

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Didn’t they get in big trouble for changing the description of their OG triploid for really high hermaphrodite rates? Now it says “outdoor only”

I hope the donutz don’t have the same problem


I have smoked hemp like this before !!! It had no hairs, and VERY little stems , looked insane… It was just like… pure flower. It kind of blew my mind. The flavor was insane and I quite enjoyed it. These were cbd and type 2 strains from Beleafer cbd ( online retailer )


You can’t, that’s the whole point.


That why all the bacon seems a bit different now? :thinking:

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^^ Here’s how they do it

scroll to bottom for reports.

You click on the first one and it brings you deeper