Cannabis GMO

They started cutting it thinner during covid and never stopped. Imo

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The genetic modification is exactly the same as a naturally occurring mutation. How is this bad? What’s the issue? And what are you scientific creds?

Because everyone today gets all hung up on the how we say things…
Much like weed went from Marijuana to cannabis…GMO is now Bioengineered.

No, this is a common misunderstanding. All bioengineered organisms are GMO but not all GMO is bioengineered.

Here’s some education.
GMOs and the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard. Does It Apply to You? - Eurofins USA.

Because words have a definition and that definition matters.

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Did I say it was bad?
Might I suggest you could do some research to find out if it is or not.

I repeat…Might I suggest you could do some research to find out if it is or not.

Why do you ask this?
What are yours?..LOL

Oh I have none, I just ask my scientist wife. She has used crispr for awhile and regularly dabbles in genetic modifications.


We already know genetically modified cannabis plants exist. We already know multiple methods to achieving this exist. There is no argument.


From your link…

Instead of using the more popular term “GMOs,” food manufacturers should now use “bioengineered” or “derived from bioengineering” as per the new federal standard.

This was not always the case.

You’re cherry picking is wonderful. It also states not all GMO is bioengineered.

Didn’t want to blow on an old flame with this thread, could be cool to get out of 1 to 1 arguments…


Your reading comprehension is not…LOL

I said much like they want everyone to call it cannabis…they want everyone to call it bioengineering.

It was a simple statement and I backed it up with a quote from your link.
I don’t see where you would take issue with that.

I never said other wise, feel free to quote me if I am incorrect.

Whenever presented with evidence, it is ignored and a new angle is approached. This is how all thread like this have gone. They inevitable get closed. I just want a real educated discussion instead of this “magnets can be stopped by water” shit. How can one person cause so much disruption to actual discussion? Let’s just move on. Did anyone look at the literal explanation of how to genetically modify the germline of cannabis? (about 15 posts up)


These 2 like to cause trouble in any thread I am in, sorry for the distraction, but as you see they address me on a personal level.

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@Tolerance_Break I’ve never heard of that but a quick look at their wesbite also doesn’t state the OG triploid is an outdoor only but it does state the donutz triploid is oddly enough

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That’s interesting. Maybe they want the nanner one to be indoor only? Either way I’m going to watch your grow, I’m curious.


It’s coming up very soon! I’m tempted to throw something in the 4x8 while I wait for the 5x5 to catch up. I was tempted to throw in a fast run (next run will also be a fast run all 45 day strains) but the ladies wouldn’t end on the timeframe id like. I want my 2 perpetual tents to be about 2 weeks off from each other for a continuous harvest

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Not exactly what I’ve read, it also started after you posted something a bit out of topic (ok, half because it was about GMO)

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