Cannabis microscopy

lol back in highschool I used the le dain commission write-up in biology to tell everyone cannabis isn’t that dangerous.

we actually had copies of it in the school library. I’m sure by now that stuff has been removed and shredded.


I remember that!
There was a big splash in the news at the beginning and then it went quiet for a while. When it finally came out everyone thought it would be party time. It was the start of party time for me.
I started working in the oil patch in 1974 - fresh out of high school.
What a culture shock going from high school brick weed to ‘best in town’ overnight.

Thanks for the flashback! :+1:


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you can see that one trichome isn’t clear it seems like it might be starting to turn. The one next to it seems clear but you can see crud in the bottom of the cap.

There are the measurements.


Another great poster for the wall! :+1:


yah I’ve been snagging a few of those glorious trichome shots, I think I’ll send them to the wal-mart enlargement. I think they can make some pretty radical prints on that huge machine.
I got some data from the big bud! My next subject. I can see the trichome stalks don’t grow as fast, resulting in shorter stalks, of course.

By this time, the meat breath trichomes were minimum of 100 micrometers tall.


Hey there is potentially good news on the government front! They are going to relax the rules around research. They are taking input on that as well as input on the small cultivators VS large producers problems. I’m going to poke around and see if they’ll accept my input! Hah hah I know the provincial government probably didn’t even read my message I told em how to destroy the black market overnight by allowing anyone to grow and sell weed. I know they don’t like those ideas :wink:


oooo my dreams came true! Super best friends dropped off some love!

It looks sort of like(or exactly like) the ice wax I produce! It’s freeze dried hash! Also! I was offered the use of said machine so I can compare the two freeze drying processes, mine vs the machine!


Sorry, upon further inspection this contains some unknown organic material. Mine doesn’t.


Lets zoom in on that trichome core.

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Thar it is! It’s pretty spicy, and smells kind of lemon-like. Hits pretty good, terps are decent.


oh shit me! My freeze drying process works just as good as the machine. I got evidence…MAN!

looks almost identical to the freeze drying machine product.

except…the random organics, of course.


What I found most interesting, is the ice waxing process and the freeze drying appear at a microscopic level, to be pretty much identical. I mean…yah…like identical.

that’s under phase contrast from long ago, but you see what I’m saying? When I start waxing the meat breath, it’ll look just like this. I should phase contrast that stuff I got.


That looks yummmmmmmmmy :star_struck::stuck_out_tongue::v::peace_symbol::call_me_hand:


lol I make uhh something I call a “bin laden” with it. I take some hash I carved off the shelf dried meat breath and roll a ball of that “secret” weed hash in it then I rip it. 2 hashes at once ahhh makes me super happy!

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mmm reminds me, I asked buddy if he was using micron sacks to make the hash. He called it 70 “yew” bag. I told him that was the symbol for micro and it really meant 70 micrometers or microns. I had that suspicion at the contest/expo they were tossing around “yew” in reference to the hash, but I had no idea what they were really talking about. Yo, now I know. You think they can change to calling it microns or micrometers?

Your photos are approaching “Pillars of Creation” cool…
OK, within an order of magnitude… but that’s cool! :sunglasses: :+1:


heh heh here’s a nuts treat. If you look closely, you can see amber vs cloudy. Then… if you count them, you can determine the percentage. I think the thing said 43 percent were amber. It may be time to call the ferrets, they are thirsting to trim this bud!


lol, did I mention how handy the software is on this thing? I know I missed a few trichomes in the count but hey, I’m just determining if it’s ready. I uhh, don’t think I posted an image of bud that’s ready for harvest before. This was a bud leaf!

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I didn’t mention the disturbing part! Science was basically equated to “you can believe what you want” in the same sentence as “I’m science based” It’s really disturbing to me when people don’t understand the philosophy of science. It has nothing to do with “believing” in things. Beliefs are just lies you tell yourself.


It’s day 67! There’s a nice photo of the inside of a single trichome. You can’t get a really good photo of the interior unless you’re using the phase contrast. Hey, but this works :wink: