Cannabis microscopy

Alright…so here’s the thing eh. What part of the cannabis plant is that small blob that grows up into a capitate trichome. Does that have a special name? Or is it just a capitate trichome starting out?
Also, there is no linear development on the trichome. Generally when a part of the plant emerges that is growing capitate trichomes, they are already there, just really small. Over time they grow bigger caps and longer stalks.
There are exceptions, of course. Turns out the pre flower thing on the plant is already packed with trichomes in veg. They’re tiny, but sometimes not so tiny. By the time it comes to bloom, you could have a trichome on there that’s 100μm wide and 100μm tall. Also, if your plant re-vegged, expect there to be a large trichome field on those pre flowers. I would say that is an unexpected side effect.
hmm what else… oh yah. So the trichome size seems to be genetically determined, right? It’s not like the big bud can grow a trichome 700μm tall.
Trichome fields have varied from 100μm tall to 700μm tall. It’s huge variation. Caps of the trichomes not as much. I mean, not that I’ve seen, right? Including the images I have seen online from SEM. That was the startling part. I measured the caps at 100μm to 150μm, seemed to match with images I saw online.
Ahhh can’t wait to get in more observations. They are the key to understanding.
now I can debunk claims like “capitate trichomes only form in bloom”. ← you just can’t see em, yet.


I know your focusing on trichomes, but I am curious. Do you have any pollen on hand? Could you do a slide/video of the action of pistil reacting to pollen? I’ve been told, If it has white hairs, even a preflower can get pollinated and make a seed during veg


No pollen yet, but the sacks are maturing. Pollen is extremely rare around my operation. No promises, but I’d like to see pollen in action as well that would be interesting. Unfortunately I get 4fps taking images so the video output is lower resolution. We’ll see what happens :wink:


This is what I’m currently working with. They don’t do anything at all until hitting bloom, then the pollen sacks start to pump and the pre flowers grow a pistil. So, meat breath will never be pollinated in veg, and neither will this offspring of it. Interesting genetic trait.


I am nowhere near as experienced or as well equipped as our resident microscopy master @JoeCrowe however I broke down and bought a cheap educational microscope the other day for around the lab.

Had some fun setting up some slides for the first time in many years, the ones that came with my cheapo microscope were pretty rough/dirty as was scope. But I was able to grab some quick shots.

Dried Dosido 33 guard leaf

The resulting Dosido 33 rosin as various mags

The lone Trichome

and my filthy setup lol.


That lonely thricome almost looks like a mushroom :grin:


this is a question i would like to ask here, not trying to steal a thread but figure there may be “insight” here
I occasionally get this clear goo liquid on leafs and bubs, its sticky.

Would it be a sucrose maybe ?

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taste it :slight_smile:


Hey those are fairly decent shots better than a 30$ microscope. What are you taking the photos with?




there’s those last two hash images I had made, showing the difference between dried hash and freeze dried at a microscopic level.


I saw some earlier today on a leaf ,plants in veg, I was hesitant to taste as i use synthetic nutes. I went and looked
lights off clear goo is gone, will taste next time.

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My phone actually through a crude mount, it will work for now but already have interests in a slightly higher powered scope, with a dedicated mount, a dark-field setup wouldn’t hurt my feelings either :nerd_face:


I’ve had plants exude water and plant sap. Hey have you ever tasted the stuff that comes out of an aphid? pure plant nectar. I grew a clematis in there it exuded some kind of wax. Probably why the mites didn’t go after it - wax covered surface.


That’s why ants babysit aphids they look after them and carry em around like portable soda cans :joy:


lol yes have tasted aphid nectar, had a real problem with aphids outside in one of my trees, stuff got all over the cars when they were in the driveway.


hah hah my friend saw me get a blob of nectar and eat it he’s like yo that’s bug shit! My reply was well honey is bee spit, and we eat that.

I went back and took another photo of the freeze dried pillow hash to show that it hasn’t changed overnight. It wasn’t like some kind of temporary form of hash that evaporates when the sun rises or something strange. You can make out a few objects in there.


Lol :rofl: dude, it’s worse than spit, it’s puke… Lol puke from a stomach dedicated to store the nectar…


If only other bodily fluids where as tasty and sweet :thinking::wink::blush:






My search for pollen came up dry, I think. The strange part is the spheres I found. They were all inside the inner rim of the pollen sack. I…I’m not sure it’s legit? Maybe I contaminated it. I’ll try again and shit. Cap a few more images and see WTF is real. First… I’ll scrub down my x-acto blade. Enjoy the images!