Cannabis microscopy

I revised the image to include two openings on the pollen thing and 4 petals, as well as three sides to the pod. Hopefully that’s more accurate!


Some very educational post. I feel smarter.

The photos are amazing!
and the sketch adds context. :sunglasses: :+1:



This is soo awesome! I ask and you dive right in looking at pollen :clap::joy:

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hah hah I only wish I had a real digital art thingy uhh the wacom tablet I am actually good at drawing. That image I made is…lacking panache! Oh well, all I have is a mouse. I suppose I could draw it…on paper with a pencil. woah, retro!


lol I’m studying everything. The cannabis plant is my gold mine! I’ll be thinking about the pollination video, like how I could do it. It’s tough though I gotta say the pollen grains are so small it’s impossible to say if you can actually see anything at all. I’ll try it though, eventually, with female on female action. I am a champion at finding those random mutant male flowers in a sea of females. In any random huge crop you can get 0-3 flowers on the meat breath. A handful on the big bud. Probably most plants are capable of producing a random flower once in a while. I mean male flowers of course.

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Little nanners are annoying to some, but free and easy fem seeds to others :laughing:. My practice plants (only ones I’ve bloomed so far) came from dispensary/delivery buds. So there was some hermi action going on in these peoples grows. No sent of banana from the banana kush bag seeds, but instead smells very strongly of fruity pebbles :laughing:. I got a cut of fruity pebbles to compare it to :stuck_out_tongue:

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Lefty plant. I call it lucy…


here’s whitey ford. hah hah I gave them stupid nicknames from episodes of the simpsons/real life.


ahhh shit. I didn’t notice that image was all fucking crazed. I imaged the part of the spiky thing that looked like it has the most sessiles on it. I should take a stitch image which lays it out so I can do an image count. eh oh well. I’ll do that later if I don’t falsify it already. Better not waste too much time.
Pops says if I can figure it out, everyone on the planet will want to know the answer lol!

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Just a little out of focus on the right, but we get the jest. Can you get down-to the cellular level? That would be some bad ass images.

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ironically some of those trichomes I imaged are single cells. Same with the plant root. They say the smallest cell is 10 micrometers, so I can probably image that as well. Half the size of the pollen grain. Which I had trouble imaging because it was in situ.


He is there already! The trichome stock pics. are the easiest to make out


Not the best example, Joe’s got better pics but you can see the hypodermal cells (sometimes tinged red)



fuuuck, I suffered a setback. I mean it’s all in good learning. So here’s my story:

I was scanning my scraping and noticed there are only trichomes on ONE side of that thing. If you look at the other side it’s completely trichome-free even of the single cell ones. My bad. I have to make sure each sample is the right way up in each image. Shit. I learned.


lol after that I’m pretty sure the theory has been falsified.

I better start looking for a new one!


ahhhh! Well, it hasn’t been falsified yet. I remembered it could be the case they are both male. duh. Gotta make more observations!

Of course I tossed the male plants. I need to go back in time and tell myself to do those observations over again lol! That’s ok I will just harvest some samples from my existing plants and start looking for clues.

I think I’m seeing a few sessile in the 1st and 3rd photo. Interesting


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ok I’ve got some cellular photos. It’s some cells on the leaf surface!


If you were getting any better resolution you could measure the brix :laughing: :vulcan_salute:
