Cannabis microscopy

Those are really nice images, the trichomes almost look alien. Great work!

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I got a treat for myself today. A sample of that crap!!! on the stem!!! joy! Lemme warm up the halogen…oh fuck that joke NEVER gets old!


I think we’re looking at a functional change. The old skin gave way to something new with white dots that resemble root nodes. I mean, judge for yourself.

there’s the old skin it has a matrix with holes that are 100 micrometers long.

it was really hard to image this but I got a decent pic. The tissue scraping was shriveling up before my eyes. I think that blob is a root node. I would image the back to make sure, and eventually I’ll do that. On a different sample from the other plant! I’ll let this one patch up those holes I made :wink:


I should put the scraping in some water so it stays hydrated while I image it.

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Yah they resemble the root nodes I cut off that clone in the cloning experiment. I’ll have to explore further! but I tell you under the rubbermaid lid there are roots busting out like mad all over the stem. I wonder if the two events were linked? I am definitely going to have to keep sprouting seeds and find out :wink: WINK WINK!!!

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hah hah reading those last couple posts funny stuff. ok! So the seedling on the left still looks male, I think. Let me show you what I saw. These are a couple of scrapings from the seedling on the right, it had produced this tiny dot of growth on the node that didn’t look like a leaf. So I pounced on that like a mountain lion.

It might look like just some more garbage at first. But I don’t see any trichome caps. Just uni-cells. lol that one seedling has lots of scabs on it from all my sampling. The other one, lefty lucy, is going under the knife soon!


Well, been having a twitchy hand kind of thing going on. I think it’s nintendo thumb. Anyways I dropped the sample from the left plant and it’s lost forever. Good news, though, I can get another one in a couple days. Meanwhile I chopped off these two growths for examination! Ahh and that was going to be the female one too. If it turns out that way and I get “first guess, best guess” oh my. Means I’ll have to sprout more hah hah and test more seedlings.

Here’s what I saw before I lost the sample. It’s pretty basic.


yoooooooooooooo! I think they are both males. Check out the lefty lucy.

That thing has too many side growths and not enough sessile trichomes. Next up? Determining if that’s real, by actually generating flowers or pollen sacks.

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ooo! I noticed the software generated aberrations in that image. fuck me. I’m updating the software, I’m a couple versions behind.

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looks like the sample is drying out. I took this image with the new software. They changed the shortcut keys on me, the dogs.


well fuck me! I got some cyborg weed it’s strawberry pink cookies? Something strange like that. Anyways it looks pretty good? Flavorless as fuck, though. No smell either.

I forgot to image it lol! Playing too many computer games.


I don t know Joe, but I don’t think ya can by on looks alone… not around here.

heh heh yah but looking at it under the microscope reveals…things. Like contamination. Bud can look normal to the human eye, but under the microscope you can see bug carcasses and when it looks shit kicked. It doesn’t tell you the effect or the flavor/smell.

Believe me when tell ya if I have something I need looked at, I’m coming right to you. I know you look CLOSELY.


I seen this thing…man… on the left hand plant. I was like I seen that before! I thought that was some kind of female part! But lost the sample! So I got out the xacto and voila! It’s one of those spiky things. AKA leaf bract. Things got a leaf bract where the solitary flower would be. You can see it’s not a flower though.


“normally” or what I would term as “normal” for a cannabis plant is the leaf bract in the intersection there would be attached to the male pollen thing. So it’s not like a radical mutation, probably the male part just hasn’t emerged in that location yet. It won’t now, I cut it off.

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I also have a treat. I have some gaelic fire from highland grow out in atlantic canada. Gimme a bit to whip up some samples. Looks nice! Not all shitty like cyborg or poisoners weed or any of that garbage from the justice league.

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mmm it’s sort of lemony. Nice smell! Buddy sure knows how to pick the good weed out of the store. He always brings me the good shit! Renews my faith in humanities ability to grow good weed.


yah good stuff. They don’t pay me money to say that or something. Nice flavor, nice bite that reminds you that you’re still alive. Didn’t have that creepy ash vibe from flavorless buds, I hate that.