Cannabis microscopy

I’m going buck wild! I’m like edward scissor hands, but with an xacto blade! Those males are giving up the goods as I dissect them. Check out this scraping from the hollow inner core of the main stalk!

oh, I’m gonna nibble on these plants like hannibal lecter!


This is the nutrient transport structure known as the xylem. Reminds me of the roots. heh heh lemme go scrape a sample.


you can sort of make out where the core of the xylem and the root are kind of one. The entire length the root node penetrates the xylem seems to be tied into the transport system. Makes sense.


here’s signs of evil. I mean that’s male! No female I’ve ever seen grows a leaf bract there with a stalk and a pod on there. Definitely signs of male. Also no trichomes on the pod it’s only unicells as far as I can see. Perhaps a couple sessiles near the base of the stalk.


see…a human eye can detect that object… why it’s almost 2mm long! Definitely male! I forget which was which but both of them are shown there as being male. So it doesn’t matter.


And with that as the finale! They are both in the compost, waiting to turn into my dinner. Cannabis stalks and root balls as organic materials…top notch. Those woody stalks and root balls feed lots of bugs and fungus. These ones are going into my garlic patch.

Check out the mouse in the lower left corner observing the action

What has been seen cannot be unseen… :laughing:


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That clip from silence of the lambs is the best.

ok I basically have no smell left in the buds, I have to get close to get a sniff.
They hung in the bloom room on a string for 12 days before the smell was really destroyed.


huh the most radical shit. I swear the control group which is stored as stable weed with good smell, has thicker trichome stalks. What do you think?

never mind the image enhance artifacts, ahh the pain of it all.


another thing was the off-color of the stalks and unicells. It’s like they’re turning brown from the bottom up.

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I guess the conclusion we can draw from this is leaving your weed to hang and dry in the bloom room at 45% RH for 2 weeks, takes a shit on your buds. Don’t do it. Now I have to come up with another way to ruin the buds that someone could casually do. That’s the hardest part. Oh! I’ll do the quick dry one too! That’s a good way to ruin it.

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I’m super curious as to what a bud looks like if you flash dry it in a day. I could use the dehydrator set at 70C that should take a piss on it!

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Well, reviewing your data shows a range of results. The results basically validate your approach of extraction.
As cold as possible, as fresh as possible
and you manage it without introducing any solvents.

I have a line on an old chest freezer that can go down to minus 40 :thinking:



I also want to get my hands on some freeze dried buds. People are doing that nowadays as well! I secretly wonder what effect that has on the trichomes. I am really loving the freeze dried hash now, forever frozen! shit! I have meat breath batches I can freeze dry! Oh! And what’s this package I left in the freezer??? yum!
Yah, live extractions are definitely the most terped up and tasty. Seems you can visually see the terpenes degrading, or whatever the fuck that process is lol! Based on what happens in the end, I put my money on it’s the volatile organics evaporating into the air. That takes a shit on your hash, and buds.


You have one heck of a microscope fella. Enjoying the photos.


Thanks cadman! It’s a chinese knockoff of an olympus microscope. It works great! I have a new record! a cannabis trichome almost a full millimeter tall!!! crazy!

It’s day 63, so harvest is going to be tomorrow on day 64. 5 days less than previous. LOL I’ll make an unsubstantiated claim about shaving time off the harvest by adding my secret ingredient to the grow… LOVE!!! “stupid machine” - professor frink


Hi JoeCrowe, many thanks to you and your 'scope for the endless education and entertainment!

I have a project suggestion for your consideration. In the thousands of pictures and descriptions focused on our beloved trichomes, I have never seen a depiction of what actually happens at the moment of truth, when the rubber meets the road… when flame is applied to the trichome forest and the swirls of sacred chemistry become available for our enjoyment.

To wit, could your system record a short video of how heat turns those beautiful crystalline mushrooms into smoke? As far as I can tell that would be a first which is your specialty, right?


I think I can rig it so I take a video of a hot wire contacting the trichomes. The downside is my camera only does 4 frames per second, so capturing instants in time is very tricky. I’ll give it a whirl.


Yes! That’s sounds cool as hell! :slight_smile: