Cannabis microscopy

lol ok here’s my proposal. I have a collection of trichomes in the freezer, and they are from making bubble hash. So what I’m going to do, is make a tiny pile in the center of a slide. Once I am focused on them, I’ll take a heated wire and touch it to the slide beside the trichomes. The wire will be in a loop that encompasses the sample, so it should be heated…evenly…ish. The wire will be hot but not glowing, enough to vaporize a bit of the trichomes. The resin will accumulate on my objective, but I’ll scrub that shit off with some lens cleaner. I’ll be using 4x obj. Probably later today, I got some shit to do meanwhile lol!


Too Cool.
JoeCrowe, you may be the only one with the knowledge, experience and equipment to explore this.

I have an electric heat gun (like a hair dryer on steroids) in my DYI vaporizer that adjusts in small increments from room temp to 1100 degrees F. When I vape I slowly tweak the temp up to savor the volatiles degree by degree.

SOMETHING interesting MUST be happening as the heat breaks down those crystal mushrooms, Maestro, Obi Wan Crowe, enlighten us !


don’t worry, I’ll probably have lots of free time tomorrow…I hope heh heh. Meanwhile I dissected the right plant on the FLC and imaged it.

there aren’t many trichomes there… is that cause for hope? lol! We’ll know soon enough. They are on the fourth node and working on the fifth. I checked both sides of this leaf bract, I can see there is a blue cotton fiber on that thing. Wonder where that came from hah hah.


well…hmm I’m not sure the video is like anyone imagined, including me. You can see basically a before and after, but the parts of a second required to see it melting isn’t there. AKA the FPS is too low. I am going to post it anyways! Gimme a bit, then I’ll link it.


there’s a small blob left behind after melting the hash. You can see some trichome stuff there!


ok, we are testing positive for trichomes. This is the new entry into the jungle, harlequin. Since it is in veg the trichomes are not growing taller. They start the growth when 12/12 starts, as far as I can tell.
I don’t see any bugs, but I do see some random gunk on there. Probably from soaking in a sink of water with the root ball on it. Or it was like that already, who knows.


When I got this new plant I promised buddy I was going to nibble on that thing like hannibal lecter LOL! I don’t think he got the joke which was even funnier! I said “the only thing I can promise you, is I will slice and dice that thing. Nibble on it like hannibal lecter!” then I laughed.

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It was like a magic trick. :tophat: :rabbit:


My new records for observation of trichomes is 926 microns tall, and the record is 171 microns wide for the cap!

also I didn’t see a puff come out of it with my naked eye… hopefully I don’t have to scrub resin off the stage and objectives!!! Image I took after came out pretty good… but perhaps I should get out the lens cleaner anyways.


lol imagine being in someone else’s lab and say “yo… I want to vaporize some hash under the microscope, mind if I get some resin on your two thousand dollar rig?”


I know nobody says shit like this but oh man I sure hope I get a hermie. I would love to see that under the microscope! oooo the secrets it could tell me. Does it look like a male at node 5 or a female?

Nowhere as good as your pics but I edited this from a photo that was posted this week.

It is more of an experiment to see if I could do it.



heyyy I have some kind of random pollen sack on my big bud it’s really mutant looking. Just one on a single location, kind of reminds me of the bud on a leaf the meat breath grow. I should dissect it tomorrow! sweet.

Re. The Hot Wire video:
Huh… once the heat hits the hash it just sort of blows up! I’ve tried to watch frame by frame but damned Youtube isn’t accommodating. There’s some phase change thing happening between seconds 6-8, like it’s blasting trichome heads off into space? Yet no puff of smoke you say? Any idea how hot the wire got?

Many thanks for the experiment @JoeCrowe, you are my fav Mad Scientist,
“Doctor Trichromo!”

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I got this bud that actually grew non-viable seed pods. One was a triplicate, so I imaged it.


I just got a 100x from the hydro store. Kinda pissed it ONLY does 100x but oh well. So I found some white stuff under the leaf on the tip and thought powdery mildew. I looked at it under the microscope and it looks like a crystal. Its sorta rectangular. Almost diamond shaped. Im using an aero Cloner and when I lift a netpot lid up to check onthe roots some water sprays out so im wondering if its just dried nutrients.

So…what does PM look like under 100x?


enjoy! It’s definitely not crystal-like. More like short chains of oval things on a stick. You can really see the fungal hypha feeding on the stomata!


That is like 10000x

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lol, yah it’s a 10 megapixel snap at 10x objective. uhh in plain english its a high resolution photo using the 10x lens on the microscope.

I think…it’s almost like… hermie? hmmm doesn’t look male per se. wow! I love it! The other plant looks like run-of-the-mill male. I’ll image it tomorrow, I think.