Cannabis microscopy

wow look at these amazing images of the plant I said was run of the mill male. At a microscopic level it’s insane!!! These are definitely the craziest plants I’ve seen. What are those protrusions??


a hard on, must be a voyeur

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The crazy part is I would have sworn it was a male, but clearly there are many trichomes of the type that transforms into a capitate trichome. I’m keeping my eye on these nuts creatures! So interesting…what will become???

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Males produce trichomes too, thing is most people kill them long before they develop.

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Well the strange part is, usually on the male… the growth at the junction is mostly just unicells. The fish-egg coating of trichomes I usually associate with the female. But! All shall be revealed in time, young grasshopper :wink: had to get that meme in there.

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There is a tiny ecosystem living in the gunk, tiny little things eating gunk and thriving on it just like the rotifers.

you can see their spiny bodies. Sooooo nasty! Whatever the roots of the geranium are putting out turns out to be scrumptious to little fucking organisms.


yo that’s nasty I’m still in shock, you know, but what the fuck did I expect to find? lol!

watch and enjoy. I almost jumped out of my skin when those little fuckers went ripping by.


Those fuckers are acariform mites that eat debris in water.

lol!!! without the microscope I’d just be like some kind of dummy who thought the clones died from some unknown cause. Now I know they probably aren’t going to die, but also I know whodunnit.


You should have put some H2O2 in there to kill them :rofl:


phew I don’t think 1ml per liter of peroxide is gonna wipe those things out. I better use bleach :smiley: or some sodium hypochlorite mmmmmmmm goodness kids go for.


oh by the way, don’t take the above statements seriously whoever is reading this.


I should share some of my old school stories, you know. About like when I used to use hydrogen peroxide. So here’s my story eh:
Back in the day I had the same instructions as everyone else, which was mix a tiny bit of peroxide in the water for good plant health. Yah I’m doing that things are going fine I never questioned what I was doing. Then came this insect infestation I call fungus gnats. Or something it was so long ago. things were living in the res and replicating like some kind of strange larvae I could see with my own eyes. I had no microscope back then but the child’s toy one. So I thought to myself… I can slowly increase the peroxide level and see what happens to the bugs. Cue… evil. I pumped in 100ml I think I remember and the plant went into what I call “shock”. Fucking little bugs are swimming and living still I can see them. Fucking plant? toxic shock it got so pale. The plant looked like a ghost!
So the lesson I extracted from that scenario was, that enough peroxide to kill living things… is not healthy for living things.

Eventually I grew to question things I was doing in my hydro system. I was adding stuff that made the roots brown and cost 100$ a bottle. They claimed the mmm humic acid was good for the plant mixed with some vitamin b1 and kelp extract. Yo, I’m mixing in that by the chunk, peroxide, and a full range of nutrients. Talk about $$$$$$$$$$ like holy shit am I making platinum coated buds? Dumping out nutrients like the instructions said and refreshing the batch. Didn’t take me long to recognize I was burning hard cash. And for what? I tested each thing I was adding to the batch one by one and eliminated the ones that made no difference. Holy shit talk about saving some loot! I got rid of everything that didn’t help the yield or flavor.

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It got me thinking about what kind of “problem” these “additional” things people were adding to the res, was being solved. I’m not talking about here online either, I’m talking IRL it’s almost a carbon copy because I think the information sources might be the same.
So there’s this guy, he’s growing some weed. I gave him the bottles of fertilizer and complete instructions. OK he’s got a bottle of acid. and some other bottle of what he calls “enzyme”, and he’s putting both of them in the water. The ph is bouncing all over the place. I told him when you lift the lid on the roots of the plant and give it a sniff, it’s not supposed to burn your eyes with a harsh chemical stink. I couldn’t even determine what he was trying to accomplish with that strange brew. It stunted the plants growth, but he didn’t notice?

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hey I hatched a crazy idea. Wanna see what 3% peroxide does to acariform mites? :smiley:


Does a bear :poop: in the woods?

What about 10% bleach?


I got both of them! Sounds like a day full of fun!!! Unfortunately… nothing is alive in the cannabis plants reservoir. I suppose their roots aren’t sustaining some kind of organisms. I will go get some mites from the geranium right after I get power baked… then I can torture some small creatures.
Edit: can’t call it living water cultures yet :wink:


I got some gunk from damaged roots. I figure if the mites were living anywhere they were living off decaying root material. Wrong. Nothing there.