Cannabis microscopy

Sorry those snuff films are taking longer than I thought. Hydrogen peroxide is violent!!! I also baked a couple loaves of Italian bread. yum! I’m waiting for most of the peroxide to stop fizzing and then I can scan for survivors.

Wow! They did not like that. I might as well have dropped a hydrogen bomb instead of a single drop of peroxide 3%.
Argh! youtube is like a sloth in november!!! Work ye mightly stallions!


no signs of life detected. Next is the bleach! I already have a hypodermic full of 10%, ready to go! Sounds like something a serial killer would say…ooops!


so far these are the new questions I have, that sprung out of the answers I got. OK why are the mites only eating that brown gunk on the geranium roots? and why does the geranium put out that gunk? what is the gunk, really? How come the cannabis plant doesn’t produce a gunk like that? What are the brown spheres in the gunk is that an organism?
What is the relationship between the geranium and that little creature?

I think uhh there might be some kind of video overlay I can engage to show a target area to indicate the scale of objects. I put the acariform mites at probably 50 microns. Even the sharpest eye has no chance to see them.

haven’t found any mites yet on these samples, but I doused it anyways just to watch. It’s calm and serene in it’s destruction of life. I’ll find some more mites, I think I tapped this little colony out, though. I’ll search for more gunk blobs. This one was the biggest among many.

I have no fucking idea what I’m even looking at. Strands of something?? DNA? just kidding. This is only 1000x magnification.

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I made a 1920x1080 movie out of that bleach thing. I really have to find some mites though!


Either bacteria colonies or fungal hyphae would be my guess.


oooo! Hey great suggestion(s)! I’m leaning towards fungal. I’ll check with dr google image search lol!

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There’s the high def video of things living in a cannabis clone that hasn’t rooted.


ok well, I guess those little organisms were weak. Acariform mites are fucking tough. Like…really tough. I dosed em with bleach they got agitated. I dosed em with peroxide and they died for the most part but there were survivors. wow! All on high def video, amazing. Give me a while I’ll youtube it.


Hey actually, those fucking mites are super tough. Know any other creatures that can survive off root gunk in a hydro system with water at EC 3.2?? Then take a wack from bleach and follow that up with some peroxide? You’d think the heavy conductivity alone would fuck with them. bottom line? LIFE IS TOUGH, ACARIFORM MITES ARE TOUGHER! yah yah it’s not finished uploading yet… sigh.

enjoy! This mite is still alive and crawling. A Big One!! 300 microns long.


here’s the snuff film…where it fails to snuff them…WTF?



I paused to reflect on the images I had seen during the last sex test. I had decided the one I had first imaged was male and the second one was female. So I have imaged them now, after I have cloned the “female” one and it’s looking good. Just think, these images are something not visible at all to the human eye. It looks like just a green lump. FLC BX1


I think from the meat banger test the hermies look female at first, until three days after sprouting a pistil. I can’t wait for the data to come in on this project. I wasn’t even paying attention to the meat banger it was popped before all the microscopic sex testing.


I drew some measurements on there. I can see several golden trichomes that are done, but I’ll come back with a bud that I dissect and count. This is a bud leaf!


These are some lower buds with no purple. Looks like no purple means no purple in the trichomes as well.


Joe I’m sure you’ve been asked but if you wouldn’t mind repeating it …what type of equipment are you using for your trichrome shots ?

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sure I’ve got a dark-field microscope omano it’s a Chinese version of the olympus with trinocular attachment. I’ve got the 4x objective for most of the viewing with an amscope 10MP MU1003B model and my crazy gaming rig to run the software AMD Ryzen 5 3600 with nvidia RTX 2060 for encoding.