Cannabis microscopy

I’ve got an expiring bottle of btk I have to use or toss. I was wondering if I could spray it on something and examine what happens to it over time. Just some shits and giggles stuff. Hah hah, who says that about the decomposition of biological insecticides?

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yo! Saint nick brought me a thrip nymph for christmas! Time to soak this fucker down with btk and see what happens! I know it’s super deadly to them, heh heh.




They have been nuked :smiley:


I think I found the crashed mother ship those bugs came in on… que the starship troopers! ha hhah just kidding!


This scares me to death about obtaining clones from an outside source. I know what a mite outbreak looks like. It ain’t a pretty sight! I have had them. Twice. I think I have a handle on them now, though. If I bring them in from someone else’s garden, I would be pissed. Because I know better.

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yah mites are the most irritating to get rid of. They are worse than mildew! Those little thrip idiots, usually I don’t even spray them, I just crush them all with my fingers. Sorta like aphids.

ahh the heart break of not finding anything. Is this the carcass of one? I was down there with my high powered flashlight checking all the leaves and scanning for movement. Nothing! It’s both reassuring yet also… not, lol! I could find one the other day, but after I nuked everything I could only find them crawling in the grapefruit seedling soils… I think. I never sampled it, but instead watered with BTK. You just have to make sure everything that can host their existence is toxic.

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I’m only finding things like this. The live bugs try and survive by crawling or jumping away when I poke at them with a hypodermic. Dead bugs just sit there. Yo, I can’t find any live bugs, nymphs or otherwise. I searched hard!


After an exhaustive search I did find a couple live ones! I should have been more thorough, but given enough time they’ll feast on some yum yums and die.


day 21 on the c99! Things are happening.


Greetings @JoeCrowe,
Forgive me if I presume too much, but I wonder if you might take on an assignment when time permits?

Can you design a setup that shows the meeting of pistil and pollen during pollination? Maybe a series of images over a few days.

It would be fascinating to see that interaction as the LadyBud began to realize she’d been knocked up. I’m guessing that even a severed calix would react to pollen for a while before she realized she was dying?

I have no idea what would be involved, but I bet your talents could be brought to bear.

What say ye?



It’s a really good idea, and the microscope camera excels at high speed time lapse. I’ll give it some thought on how to best approach something like that. The problem is that the sample has to be taken off the plant, so it can be put on a stable surface for video recording. Here’s my initial proposal that I take a fresh bud and put it on the slide then expose it right away to some pollen. I’m going to be sprouting more seeds, so I can probably get a male to try it with. Failing that… I have quirky plants that will do the job. Minor light stress really sets off the meat breath.


Fing Awesome @JoeCrowe!

The miracle of inception itself! What if we can actually see some initial recognition that the pollen has been received? Maybe a swelling, or the pistil beginning to wilt. I’ll leave it to others to parse out that metaphor! :rofl:

Sorry to wax rhapsodic but that would be way cool to see.

You are The Man for taking a shot at this. :clap: :clap: :star_struck:


here’s one of the sensi plants. The trichomes aren’t very tall, but they seem to be standard size cap.


Interesting! The trichome field on the sensi seems dense. I can’t wait to try it.

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someone called me up said their meat breath was at day 49 how long should I give it. 69-71 days I said! I said it was according to microscopic imaging and their buds should just be starting to turn purple. I had an image from day 49, so I could tell them exactly what to expect.

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This is the single tallest trichome I have ever imaged. And I’ve imaged some tall ones! It’s interesting how the C99 has such variation in the stalk.


Here’s the observation. There are bizarre red sessile trichomes?


oh forgot to mention that was a leaf off the bud. There are definitely more trichome coverage on the buds, but that extra tall one caught my eye. It poked me in the eye with it’s huge size!!! yikes!