Cannabis microscopy

Oh yah well, I’m expecting near the same yield as the meat breath. I should go image it now and do a count. I counted like 80 on the C99 single bud image. I should definitely do some more microscopic imaging of the meat breath and compare. Let me see if I can find the count image it was in the hash thread I think.

there it is :slight_smile:


It would be interesting to see a side by side.

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here’s the single meat breath bud. I think it’s larger overall. Gimme a sec I’ll image another c99. without dots.


You’re probably right @Tejas, it doesn’t look as trichome laden!


Your right, the C99 looks to have half the trichomes of the Meatbreath.

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Here’s a preview of the TK plant I’m currently vegging! I know, how was there even a scrap of plant left to put under the microscope? :rofl:


Seriously, dude, if you don’t own it already, you need to get yourself:

Cannabis, Marijuana under the Microscope, by Ted Kinsman.

I shit you not, I have it, and you would L.O.V.E. this shit! There’s also some cutting edge knowledge in this book that’s not just up for grabs in other places. Pics in there are ASTONISHING. I can send you a couple pics if you like, I’m pretty sure I got a few stashed on my hard drive.

It’s not regular microscope pics btw, it’s SEM images and shit like that, the stuff you need to be at a university to get done, microscope pics that destroy the plant matter and stuff like that. The book explains it better than I ever could :stuck_out_tongue:


oh yah it’s excellent images! I have actually seen some of the images in a fact check before

hilarious eh?

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Hilarious, not so much, extremely informative and very mesmerizing!

Try finding russet mite eggs without having a handle on what is the egg and what is the trichome. It’s virtually impossible.

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lol, no I meant it was hilarious I had seen some of that in a fact check about if it was real.
Yah, you have to gather lots of observations and look at other people’s images or even check out documents from CSI training programs. It helps you later identify just what the hell you are looking at under the microscope. I know I had a head scratcher when I first imaged thca crystals. I was like what the hell am I looking at? There can only be so many substances coming out of a rosin press… Once I searched the internut for microscopic thc crystal images… I knew that had to be it.

These images are a real fun read @JoeCrowe thanks for this thread.

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Here’s the image from a seedling root tip that won’t grow. I’ve had 2 seedlings like this in all the seeds I’ve popped so far. They’ll even pop out leaves, but not a root. Strange shit.


So it got damaged some how?

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I don’t think it’s some kind of physical damage, because I’ve broken roots off of seedlings before and they just grow back. Instead this one won’t grow a root, or not so far anyways. I’m going to study it’s root growth thing until it dies. I’ve still got it inside a paper towel.

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great pix! pretty good macro-job :+1:

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Thanks! I’ve got more coming up!

I’m not sure what I expected from the sENSI, but this is the strangest shit I have ever seen. Most trichomes on the bud look sessile instead of capitate. Odd.


Microscopy is ever cool.
You really see what happens.
And what you dont understand because you dont see lol

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hah hah yah, the images are priceless! This is SENSI B and it’s radically different. I might just go back and image SENSI A again… it makes no sense.


oh, pardon the crud on my bud there, I dropped that sample on the floor as I was carrying it to the microscope.


This is fascinating as all hell! Thanks for posting. Pics look like they are from a botany textbook. Nice, Joe.