Cannabis microscopy

ok here’s the crazy part. If you go to google and try and figure out what will happen to a plant if the root has no hairs, it’ll claim the plant will die. Except google forgot to call me and ask if that was true. Cause it’s not. You think those seedlings I sprouted have a single root hair? or any of those water culture plants I grow? They are the smooth root like pictured above. Way higher up in the air cavity, there can be a normal plant root like they describe in the text books. Like in the first two photos.


@JoeCrowe on the hairless photos what is the creamish gobular presence? mycro?


I personally suspect it to be nutrients from the solution. When I pick the plant up out of the bucket, that shit washes off into a cloud of whitish in the bucket. Not 100% on that though. Never bothered to test or investigate… which I suppose would be pretty easy. Just get some distilled water and dunk the roots see if the EC rises above 0.


Some nice looking microscopy/photos there. :+1:


Thanks @PlantShepherd, just wait until the 10MP digital camera arrives for the top of the scope. Then I’ll crank things up a notch with oil immersion! Imagine a slice of that plant root under 1600x phase contrast…oooo I can’t wait. Or a single trichome at 1600x?? hah hah oh man I’m getting excited about microscopy… what a nut. Then I’ll have micrometer/nanometer scale on there. Awesome! With programming interface via usb camera in c#…drools, I’m glad I waited until the modern age to get the optics system for the top, things nowadays are advanced tech!!! What an age we live in!


I’ve never really questioned what that white gunk is on the plant root. The way I got it figured it’s most likely nutrient, but!!! It could also be root exudates as well. I notice it the most on fresh plants I just put into solution, it creates a white cloud. Not so much on huge ass plants, but the problem is they fill the entire void so you can’t really see if white crap is running off of them into what appears to be the clear nutrient solution. ooooo interesting!!! I can’t wait to study that shit.


wait wait! I got more observations!!! The crap is BLACK on pepper plant roots!!! I think I’m shifting more towards root exudates now. Or else why would the pepper be black and the cannabis be white???

do not know myself would have to research peppers, liked your ec idea

heh heh yah that idea was good at first blush, but the downside is the EC of distilled would definitely rise because of the solution still clinging to the roots. Instead! I propose a more radical test. You take the clone and put it in distilled water, see if the white crud still forms. That way there’s no nutrient so the crud would have to come from the roots. And if it didn’t form… then it’s definitely RELATED to the EC, so either 1) the crud is formed by root exudates in the presence of EC or 2) it’s the nutrients? You have to design yet another test to determine yet another possibility.

Excellent! Proofing but the black on the pepper I think your right if its nutes why black on pepper and white on cannabis, unless the pepper dyes the nutes . @JoeCrowe but I am pretty sure you will come up with proof or a good theory .
I think I would still test the ec though as a variable

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Item is in the air, flying towards Canada as we speak. I had to do “things”…man… to pay for that. It’ll definitely be worthwhile!


not sure what yah meant but dont borrow money from the mafia on my account …the vig lol


lol just referring to all the work I had to do in order to get the new camera. It’s here so when I can get it from the mail I will take some photos get a new baseline going!

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ooooo bugger me, it’s here! In my very hands! Now, I just have to re-arrange things so that the 'scope and computer are linked. Then it’s time to fool with the software! I can’t promise I’ll make awesome photos right away, but it’s possible. It’s a high-speed usb 3 10mp camera with reduction lens for biological research microscope… I’ll be trying it out soon! installs the software

yo! FIRST LIGHT! heh heh I know it’s the ultimately shitty photo, but I promise I’ll do better with the software. The problem is I’m a newb at that part lol! never used lab software before with software controls over hardware imaging.


I think I got it set up now, how does it look?

I even did a target on the darkfield! Perhaps I turned the gamma down too much??


I made it a little lighter. Now… I have to calibrate the measuring tool, so I can create a real-world link between pixels and micrometers. Good times!!! Where did I put my calibration slide…shit.

here’s some…trich photography…lol!

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ok one more crazy photo! Then I’ll get the calibration thing.


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