Cannabis microscopy

Wow I don’t think this hash was washed out to get rid of the chlorophyll. Look at it all, and it’s not plant fibers. There are Some plant fibers, but also random organics. The hash looked black as hell!


NASTY! That color is contamination.

There it is with no flash hah hah!


After a few days, the wound is fairly red. Whatever it is, it moves from the plant to the wound. The piece I cut off of the plant didn’t get any more reddish that I could detect. Also washing the wound on the plant didn’t stop it from turning red. Just a curiosity, I don’t think I’ve grown a plant like that before.

I’m curious about what will happen to this wound over time.


Here’s one of my meat breath testers. Did a good job I don’t see mold!

This plant actually might have been near maturity!
So what did I learn from this tester round that someone else grew? The less mature the bud, the less stink it has. Definitely makes sense, so that is part of the… key. The plant has to reach peak stink, by growing out to the end.


Mmmmmmmm Love me some immature moldy weed. LOVE IT!!! hah hah, my friend isn’t gonna want to see this, but the truth will set you free. from moldy weed. That smells like hay! Immature moldy hay weed. :put_litter_in_its_place:


Wow, that’s crazy. And you can’t see the mold with the naked eye? Were those plants grown indoors or out? Because now I’m like,”Holy shit, do my nugs have mold that I can’t see?!?” haha.


The immature moldy one was grown outside and you can’t tell it was moldy. I cut that moldy bud from the center of the mass. The more important part was I figured out how people are growing flavorless weed. It’s immature.




This is the GMO pollen. I’m not sure why it came out like that. Thought it would be fresh from the pod like from the greenhouse. I wonder if it’s even viable??


What’re you seeing there that makes you think that it may not even be viable? Or what should viable pollen look like, I guess? Just curious.


Add a small drop of water and look at it.
It “refreshes” and can be seen round again, and if you stare at it for sometime with the heat of the microscope light, it will dehydrate and shrink again.

At least that is what I see.


The strange part is those pollen grains were fresh from the plant, yet look dehydrated. I totally expected the pollen to look like the spheres I got from the trizzler plant in the greenhouse. Instead it looks more like the non-viable pollen that the big bud puts out.

Should be a sphere with a nucleus in it. I didn’t scan with the phase contrast for viability.


Fuck me! I’m giving up for now, I can’t get the live plant attached to the microscope stage where I want it. I taped it down but it still moves around and I can’t focus, or get it in the image. I got crazy with it and eventually broke off the branch. Perhaps I need some kind of strong magnets to hold the branch in place. I’ll take this plant back down to the grow room.


There’s the follow-up on the wounding. I’m not sure that the other plants got all ripped like that in the wounded area. huh, lemme go look.


Not a very good photo, but it’s definitely a little different from the GMOxDHP.


Alright, time for some radical viewing. Now, I’m not saying this makes any sense, but if you go and look back at the veg photo of the OGK bud that I took, it’s kind of…almost…exactly like it.

I’ll be thinking about that one. Some how the OGK and one of the GOG were triggered in veg to produce some buds with advanced trichomes.


I love some nice microscope!

Hopefully yall will consider some mycology microscopy- checkout the spores under the scope and see the Magic.

Nothing better than bringing the microscopic world to life.

15% discount and a free spore syringe if you use Overgrow discount code at checkout :slight_smile:
I am an Overgrow and Shroomery sponsor!


So… Maybe just veg them and never, ever even bother flowering them?

Just kidding. That is interesting, though. What do you think “triggered” it? Is it possible that plants bred (almost) strictly for trichome production or “looks” might maybe do what you’re observing despite the fact that they aren’t/werent “officially” in flower yet? Is this what we’re talking about?


For some reason under 18/6 lighting the two smaller plants, which are OGK and GOG started blooming. Not sure what triggered it, but before long the plants had fully developed buds and trichomes. Anyways, now that I see the buds produced in veg are identical to the bloom ones… perhaps it’s getting me closer to determining how many trichomes would be on there at the end of bloom and how large the caps will be. I might try exposing the seedlings to 12/12 for a few days and see what happens afterwards.