Cannabis microscopy

ok I have an anecdote. It involves the male clone and pollen grains! Here’s what happened:
I kept getting those squashed looking pollen and I even tried to pollinate a flower. Not sure that worked. I was looking at the clones and said to myself… well it is living on air and water, so that’s not good. I wonder what would happen to the pollen if I increased the conductivity to a level that a plant can grow and survive? I’m getting some round grains now. That story don’t mean shit, but I had 0% round pollen grains before. So it might be worth investigation.
Theory: Starved out shitty plants don’t produce viable pollen.


Very interesting… :wink:

Not what you are saying but interesting non the less.


A Single big bud. It’s super bloated and purple!


Big Bud, The (old-school) Strain? Or just a big bud? Haha.

Which one is that? Really cool pic, anyway. Really fucking cool.

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Big bud from AMS, and I think it’s an old school strain. Seeds were pretty cheap heh heh. I’ve been growing it for about 7 years, yet I’ve only got a dozen photos of it and mostly of leaves. Not even buds!


Oh, so, yeah, like Big Bud, the old Amsterdam stuff, maybe? Am I just lit right now? Wasn’t there an old classic Big Bud?

Anyway… haha. That is a cool pic. So that’s another “leaf”/veg shot like the ones you took above? Sorry, dude, I really am super-lit right now, but I’m ALWAYS interested in what you have to say. I’m just not following haha…

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Oh that’s a bud shot above you can actually tell what part of the plant a photo is from based on the trichomes you see. I’ll take a sample and show you, just a sec.


I’ve never seen those two trichomes on a bud. So that makes this a leaf!


There are the ones I see on the stalk.
Those aren’t technical names. Sessile etc.


Those are all samples from the different areas of the plant. The male flower has a few trichomes.


wow! I think the plant has reached maximum pollen dump. The round grains are just spilling all over! I wonder if I can get some seeds from the clones near by. Obviously this pollen ain’t gonna make it into the bloom room. Unless I move it there physically heh heh.


This is one of the most fascinating threads on any cannabis forum I’ve ever seen. It’s such a treat to see your work and shared observations. I’ve read that the capitate stalked trichomes are predominantly if not exclusive to the reproductive regions of plants. For example, the floral bract tissue on female plants and along the ridges of the anthers on male plants. I’ve never seen pollen so magnified. They look like little bubbles in champagne. There is so much we can learn by seeing these things happening across the lifecycle of plants with such magnified images. You’re on the frontier of cannabis knowledge and exploration it’s so cool! Many blessings and much love


Thanks! Yah I had a mission to see pollen with my own eyes, and understand things. The male plant is like a mystery to me! You reminded me I should do a scan for trichomes on the male plant as well! I’ve been just sort of looking at the pollen and nothing else.


There are some mutant plant photos! GMOxDBHP I think it’s like week 3 or something. I have no idea cause I’m a chump. I can figure it out though.
Edit: day 29


Wow that was so interesting!!! I compared it to day 29 of the meat breath and big bud. The trichomes on the meat breath are way taller by then and larger. It looks like day 18 of the meat breath. It actually resembles the big bud in how the trichomes are short still at day 29. So fascinating!


I’ve got a seed sprouting story. Now most normal people aren’t gathering random seeds and seeing what it takes to sprout 'em. I saw this vine in the woods I really liked it had purple flowers and was a native clematis. I brought home a handful of seeds and that’s when things got funky. Turns out there was no clear cut method of sprouting them. I put my reading cap on and learned the following rules:
A viable seed never decomposes.
Alternating environmental conditions sprout it.
OK great so formulate a fucking plan, eh? I got out a plastic bag and a paper towel. Put the seeds in there and tossed it on the hot water heater. MY plan was to determine which seeds were viable using rule number one: a viable seed never decomposes. After a month up there with me adding some water once in a blue moon, a percentage of the seeds had molded and rotted away to nothing but a fungal stain. So now I was down to about 50% of the seeds left looking exactly like 30 days ago. So I had like 25 seeds left and I took that plastic bag and put it in the fridge. Time for fucking cold dose!!! I’m mother nature! Once in a while I would open the fridge and look at the seeds in there. Like once a week. After a few weeks I took it out and just about shit my pants the seeds were sprouting. So I put it back in the fridge until they had all sprouted. Then I planted them in little seedling pots and let them grow. Planted the best ones and the rats ate lots of them but I had several survivors. I use the seeds from the survivors to re plant in the woods.
What does that have to do with sprouting seeds of any other plant? Well, rule number one applies to every seed, that’s what I learned. A viable seed never rots and turns to mush.


Woah! This is day 30 for the goji OG. Would you look at the number of trichomes right? They are everywhere! hmmm! Compare that to the trichomes on the GMO at day 29.


Day 30 of veg? Or flower? What’re you getting at here? Haha. I can’t remember what the GMO looked like at day 30.

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Day 30 of bloom. The GMO photos are the ones I posted a single day ago, so you can go back and open the 10x objective photos and compare them. I just toss one up on one monitor and the other up on the other monitor.


Ah, okay, I see. Maybe that extra day of flower for the Goji was the difference haha…

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