Cannabis microscopy

heh heh hell yes, that one is easy to falsify. Gimme 5 min.


There you go! Definitely not a days worth of development difference. Even 12 hours later than the GOG photo I took there are still less trichomes in the photo. That’s the GMO


I was joking, dude! Haha.

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I just have to say I love this thread it is so cool! It has inspired me to save a little money and buy a microscope. @JoeCrowe do you have any suggestions for a rookie user? I have one that connects to my phone, it’s definitely not it. But still cool to look at the plants.


People are getting pretty good results with cheap kit from amazon. Mine is a biological research microscope with an amscope high speed camera attached. It’s old school!


Actually what you said was perfectly valid because it contained the ability to see if it was false. That’s how the science thing works, you have to come up with questions you can prove are false. If you can’t prove it’s false, it’s already false.


I’ve got this guy per Elaine inghams course recommendations @XgrimmX Camera will be here February. Amscope is a pretty solid company in my experience


Thank you I think that might be the one. With 10 mp camera about 800. Worth every penny I’m going to start saving right now! This is exciting.


Yessir! Got mine 3.5 years ago and it was only $25 cheaper than it is today lol Didn’t get the camera then but want it badly now


That’s what I need are some LED light rings for the stage of my scope. The outdated uneven lighting is probably to blame for some of the shitty image quality. Like a UV one would be nice too while I’m dreaming :wink:


Ohsnap! The GOG delta has entered bloom phase! Now I get to see what those trichomes can do! lustful grin This is the one I’ve been waiting for with trichome caps like 180 microns wide. The widest I’ve ever seen!


I’m gonna be deep diving this plant. Science fodder!!!


Just curious, what media is this growing in?

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I grow in deep water culture with only nutrient solution. There’s no real “medium” in the traditional sense. The plants actually hang from the ceiling through a hole in the lid, with nothing else supporting it.


OK It was a real task to get such a tiny piece of plant material… but bam!

Slapped a couple measurements on there for kicks. They start out large! Day 3… lol!


lol this story isn’t cannabis related, but pops come into the lab while I was fucking around with the samples. He says hey I was thinking I could branch circuit the washing machine and put a new counter plug in. I’m like count me out that’s like 3 code violations. That’s part of today’s lesson:
All you need is a plan, and to believe in yourself, but knowing what the fuck you’re doing helps.


Male! Trichomes! I got this sample from the bract above the pollen sacks. Very interesting, I had never thought that you could count them just like on the female.


Good picture! Up close and personal… I need to get a camera for my scope.

Are you gonna do any chucking with him or anything? Which one is that?

I was secretly hoping it would generate a seed in the veg phase on one of those clones. Some kind of self-chuck I can dissect. I’m learning it’s not as easy as it seems. I don’t see jack on those pistils even though the pollen is drifting slowly down on the vegging fems. Right now it’s just a “fuck around and find out” scheme, just to see what could happen. That tub where the male is, is the mother plant cloner. The plants in there won’t see bloom phase… probably.