Cannabis microscopy

Very interesting…
They look kinda sandy. :wink:


Here’s the GMO! Day 39.


This GMO plant is the land of contradictions. The trichomes are serpentine. The stalks slithering along the surface. Oh And they are upright! With strange stalks.
Day 45. They have really advanced!


I love that splattered trichome cap smeared over the one next to it. The plant itself is some kind of freak! These strange hairy buds that look like they are beginning the termination sequence. mmm Keeps me guessing!


OK We’ve got some GOG shots from the plant that has been in bloom for 45 days now.

Single cap, I use the “budsmear” tech to capture this one. I rub a bud on some glass!

Interesting! Also, I think I turned off the EDF. I should go read the manual, because the visual artifacts were off the chart.


You could make hash out of this, because most of the trichomes are above 90 microns.


Fair layer of trichomes! Looks better than the GMO to be honest. We’ll see if I’m full of shit later.


What is that? Like a single trichome head or something? Haha.


That’s exactly what it is. You can even see where I busted it off the stalk! I smeared hundreds of them on the glass. I wouldn’t call this plant “ready for harvest” by any stretch.


Did the “breeders” of that GOG (which one’s that again?) say it was one of those “finishes in 45 days!” things?


Nope, I got them sent as a surprise gift with no details. Except the strain name! I’ve grown the short blooming plants and they can be… radical in trichome appearance. C99 was like that, it grew some 1300 micrometer tall trichomes in about 48 days. Never seen anything like it before.


Bodhi’s Apollo 11 f4’s were like that for me, just totally fuzzzzzzed out, caked, however you wanna put it, at day 49. Which would align with your C99 observation, considering that’s a C99 hybrid.

I don’t have a microscope, though, so I didn’t get to measure the size of the trichome heads haha…


Massive trichome plant is doing her thing. At day 23 she has larger trichome caps than the GMO at day 45. Seeing as how they are already over 140μm, it won’t be a shocker when some of them get up to 180μm in size. Oh I didn’t measure the height, but I can do that at any time.

ooo then I can make the hash and see how the size of the cap affects the yield of the hash. Fun days ahead!


ok! So this is the thing that got people pissed as hell!!! But, they calmed down after. I promise I’m not going to be building any forts out of human bones.

See how over time as the trichome gets taller it also suddenly gets thinner until it slumps over. I guess nobody had seen that before?


Here are the GMO and a few trichomes that I saved the measurements. The interesting part is they all get like that no matter how short, or tall.


I should go back and measure all the trichomes, to see how thin the stalk has to be before the whole thing goes sideways. Once the cap is sideways, I’ve never see the trichome grow bigger/taller/fatter.


Why’d that piss people off?

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lol! Everyone was talking about how you wait for the trichomes to turn amber and someone summoned me to show the sketch of the trichomes development over time where I showed the stalk getting thinner. Some dude told me it wasn’t true and started a rampage where they posted photos of leaves and shit. I was like fuck me are you serious that’s not even a bud. Dude went back and deleted every post he had made because I called him out. I think he tried to get me kicked out. People got pissed! Everyone kind of chilled after someone else came in and asked if they got angry every time they saw new information.


Right, that’s what I figured haha. That gosh-darned New Infromation is infuriating! Haha…

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So, based on this, when do you recommend to pull for fresh frozen? Still mostly cloudy with some amber?