Cannabis myths (side effects)

This thread was inspired after talking with a friend about the connotation of the term “side effect” is it always considered to be negative?. At least that’s what you read on prescription drugs.

Is there anything like a “good” side effect, if there is then cannabis sure has a ton.

I hope to share something I’m working on my blog related to this but I wanted to see what you guys had to say regarding marijuana and it’s effects, side or otherwise :laughing:


Side effects, by definition, are unintended effects. Whether “bad” or “good” is irrelevant and subjective in most cases. LSD was synthesized by Hoffman in hopes of making a mild stimulant, and to increase respiration rates in patients. Now, LSD does all that very well, but there is a side effect…

In some cases with pharmaceutical development, side-effects are the cause for “off-label” prescriptions, such as certain antidepressants for quitting smoking.

I like to think of the entire gamut as “effects”. Side-ness of the effect is relative to the intended outcome.

When i studied psychopharmacology, most of the time was spent learning how to balance the effects, not what-does-what. Cannabis has been primarily studied for the effects of THC, CBD, CBN… There is a lot more to the plant than that.


Great topic!

I worked in a legalizing clinic for 14 months and came upon this very thing during follow up appointments. We’re somewhat influenced to see a side effect as negative but “euphoria” can be a side effect for example.

This is really important also to clarify how people see cannabis as medicine.

Let’s say someone uses a 1:1 for an issue. It will have possible side effects of sedation, relaxation, euphoria, appetite stimulation etc etc.

One lady was using CBD oil for pain and on her 3 month follow up, she reported that it wasn’t hitting the pain yet but in the 2.5 months of using the oil, she didn’t have any irritable bowel issues at all! So, that’s a side effect. Gut healing or bowel movement regulation or something like that.

Also, we used to say that Cannabis has no side effects but if we’re to be honest about the true meaning of that word/term, it does have side effects and many of them.


I believe it’s common knowledge amongst scholars, that micro penis is frequent.

Here’s the post I mentioned Why Does Weed Raise Your Heart Rate? I would appreciate any input since it’s a collaboration and other perspectives certainly hep

I agree, and they can certainly be subjective, even what many consider bad might be enjoyable for some, I get nervous when weed makes my heart race but I have some friends that love it😂 cool, pharmacology huh, that must have been fun and interesting😁

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That’s awesome, a side effect that helped a patient treat a different condition, that’s pretty neat if you ask me, and you are absolutely right, if the term is properly used the cannabis has tons of side effects, dlso many that they are still being discovered to this day, just hope big pharma doesn’t sink it’s teeth in too deep on it, but it’s coming

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Amongst them or in general? :rofl:

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Yep, we saw that often. And, so many of the patients were just so friggin impressed.

I cried happy tears often in that job.


different strokes for different folks as they say; I am definitely not one for a racing heart thrill. Psychopharm was great. We learned how people get high, and, most importantly how we study psychoactive effects and substances. TL; DR – we are really bad at studying how people get high, unless it is anaesthetics (some do get us really really high)

Cannabis? So far, we all agree that different varieties may have different effects, and that long-term use does nothing harmful to the brain, and that it is in fact a hallucinogen. That 'bout sums’er up.


How could you not? I can’t imagine how rewarding it must have all been

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or an added bonus :slight_smile: