Cannabrush where have you been all my life?!

The Cannabrush… anyone else ever used one? I just gave this bud a few quick swipes even the smaller nugs and it did this. Is it perfect no. Is it good enough to be worth the money… oh hell yeah! First you can always touch up any thing you’re not satisfied with. Second is its easy on the hands. It’s like holding a paintbrush. And third the biggest for me is eye strain. It’s gone! I don’t even have to hardly look at the bud. No more super focusing to get the tiny bits. I’d love to hear others thoughts or experiences. This is definitely gonna make things easier. And no it doesn’t seem to be that rough on the tricomes! And no I’m not affiliated or paid for this review. Lol.

Cannabrush Trimming Hand Tool


I’ve seen them in a couple hydro shops, I’ve heard good things. I’ve never used them myself though.


I’ve heard people on the discord recommend it, how does the stiffness of the brush compare to a silicone basting brush? They seem pretty similarly shaped but I’m not gonna lie the brush seems expensive, though I could be convinced to get it when the summer stuff comes in and there’s a lot to be trimmed.


Very interesting can you provide a link with information?

1 Like

So it is very similar. The silicone bristles on this are square instead of round and pretty thick. And the handle is curved in a very ergonomic way. They say the shape of the bristles is part of the magic. I was very skeptical. I’m a believer now. I’m sure there are situations where it may not be ideal but for zipping through ounces of personal…… hell I’ll probably buy another one.


Cannabrush Trimming Hand Tool

I’m fairly impressed.

i used one of these for a harvest and it worked pretty well. i wonder how much of the trichomes get brushed off though. you don’t need a fancy canna one. i used one that’s meant to be used as a basting brush and works perfectly fine.


Nice hack. Bet the savings on the price was about 65% or better :+1::peace_symbol:


Doesn’t really seem to be that hard on them. My scissors pick up more sticky. Haven’t tried a basting brush but may pick one up as a comparison. All I know is I use a trim bin so I’ll still collect any goods that fall off and my eyes are appreciating it the most! Lol


yeah, mine is that same silicone material but longer brush pieces.

2 Likes So here’s a comparison video canna brush vs basting brush. They do in fact seem to work equally well. So I mostly paid for a logo. Am I mad… nope the new knowledge was worth the 18 bucks. I now also know if I want more go Betty Crocker! And I have a Cannabrush!


That is funny as shit! LMAO :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1::peace_symbol:


Yeah I should really cook more or baste some shit or something. Maybe I’d have more cool tools around the kitchen. Tried trimming with a hammer. Still smashed my thumb.



I got all kind of kitchen gadgets! :wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I swear I saw someone use a silicone spatula from the dollar store and used a heated knife to make the paddle into slits… :thinking:

Just typing this here for any DIYers that don’t always wanna pay the coin for thick bristled basting brush :+1:


You used the wrong hammer then. Try a ball-peen one!


HA!!! it was on another OG thread!

:rofl: :+1:


Nice discussion, thx to everyone for commenting.

I’ve used a Cannabrush off and on for a couple of years now and it certainly has a place if used correctly.

The key factor is that it really only works properly if your buds are at that point in drying where the small stem snap off cleanly and the buds are ready to go into jars. Trying to use it before that stage is an exercise in frustration. And if you wait much longer in the drying cycle, the brush will work fine but your bud will be over dried.

If you get the timing right Cannabrush is a real delight to use. It does have an artistic feeling as @NDNCHILD mentioned, you just swish away the little sugar leaves like magic. It almost makes Trim Jail pleasurable.

The most interesting part is that it doesn’t seem to mess with the trichomes much. There’s never much sticky buildup on the silicon bristles and looking at the trichs with a loupe doesn’t show many empty or broken stalks.

Cannabrush isn’t the solution for all varieties and harvest situations, but when it works it makes trimming fun.

Best regards,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:
PS, I’ve tried the basting brush idea and IMHO there’s no comparison. If you want to play get the real deal.


I’ve had one and it’s decent. I feel like the bud has to be a little on the dry side to really work effectively. I remember posting it on here when I got it and caught some attitude from a senior crotchety member who didn’t like the idea anything new fangled :laughing: