Cannabrush where have you been all my life?!

Yeah it’s is really shining on stuff that hung a little longer. I have my dry closet set up like a humidor though. Seems to be curing on the stalk. Will say be gentle on over dried buds or you can break them apart. Used it a while last night. It has a place here. I’ll keep it. If I change my mind I have a really expensive basting brush! Lol


Damn kids back in my day we trimmed weed uphill everyday in the snow.


Yeah yeah bare footed too. Pappa got a new set of shoes!


Very constructive comment. Thanks!

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Shears are still cheaper. I just use a blade & flick off the dried curled leaves, less surface area touching than using the brush.

And WTF IS WITH THE PRICE STRUCTURE :man_shrugging:t2:

One for 17, two for 88?!?

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I’m so confused? How does this cut off leaves w rubber brushes? :man_facepalming::man_shrugging:

It’s funny how people are set in their ways and resist new things. If a simple tool can turn 40hrs of trimming into 20hrs, it’s a easy choice. I thought the cannabrush was a little bit too stiff. But the wife seems to have a lighter touch and really likes it. I bought one from Walmart for $6 and cut it on a angle. Not as stiff and you can get a little rougher with it. I like it better. With any brushing it is key to hit that small window of dryness.


FWIW i did try to use my old basting brush, the bristles are way too soft. The center orange part is slight more rigid, I assume the Trim Brush bristles are this or stiffer material.

Really great idea in theory. Kiss your scissor hash goodbye though, lol :laughing:

canna-brush-off-ya’-trichomes? :wink:

@animosity … it’s like friction. You can literally use your hand and it will do the same thing if the buds are dry enough. Same concept with the shake trim bags and trim spin machines with rubber arms.

I can see it have it’s place for some people. Arthritis, eye strain (as op mentioned). But as long as my fingers work I will always scissor trim my sensi.

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:rofl: you got me lol

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Not far from it. Something like “you don’t think that makes you more of a horticulturalist do you…cause I have news for you! IT DOESN’T!”

I may be remembering things more capitalized than they were. I do remember wondering how it is anyone could be effected so much by someone else doing something so innocuous, and more of an analytical wondering because I just didn’t get it at all. But he made us some nice Sour D crosses before swiping a bunch to sell on Strainly and got banned for like the third time so :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ego problems.

If you want to be a non-conformist like me you have to listen to the same music as me and wear the same clothes too.


Boy if that doesn’t sum up modern society…


Yeah I’m not asking anyone to buy ,smoke or even appreciate my final product. I’m not passing it off to anyone as anything it isn’t. Definitely not asking anyone to buy a Cannabrush.I clearly would be the first to say hey you know what I trimmed that shit with? A basting brush! Lol. Just thought it was cool. It is saving me time. I can actually watch tv while trimming now instead of just listening. My eyes would be unfocused and blurry after staring at the bud for a few. This brush won’t be used on everything but when I want it it’s there. It has a place for me. Just don’t tell me the moon doesn’t exist because you haven’t been there. I’ll edit to add: if you have been to the moon and didn’t like it… that’s cool too. Not saying I won’t enjoy the scenery at some point but allow me to enjoy the view for now. Lol


I gotta find mine. I used it once and the results were meh but for the effort it took to brush them it was arguably worth it. Anything that saves my hands and staves off arthritis or whatever is a win in my book!


Some like it hairy, some like it bald.:grin:


Some of us really weird ones like to catch the hair that falls off smash it into a patty and stick it back on at a later date. I know freakish right? Lol

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Apparently a guy can run outta likes at 10am so have one of these @Smoklahoma :+1:t3:


Trim bin, brush, scissors = nice tight smooth nugs and a jar of kief to squeeze into rosin. :green_heart:

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Really the best trimming technique that I’ve done is to not give a shit about trimming :joy: