Cannabrush where have you been all my life?!

Hey have you heard of using a basting brush? Lol


My second topic and already slightly controversial. Hey y’all wanna talk about my bowl trimmer? Lol!!

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I think I don’t like to let my weed get dry enough for it to work so effectively.

Wet trim rough haircut good enough for me.

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Roger Doger! Really the main thing is whatever works/ makes life easier for you.


I don’t think the brush is a bad idea, I might use it if I had one.
If it was sitting right there I probably would, if I had to go look for it I would not.

If you already have Ryobi tools this is a no brainer.

You folks can laugh, folks usually do, but for a quick trim before drying it works super fast.
It may not be for everyone but I love the thing.
I think my fastest time is about 5lbs in 1-2 hours by myself.
That was from a standing plant to in the cooler.
As @Foreigner said trimmed good enough. :wink:

I just run my finger the opposite way down the bud and the rest of the leaves fall off once it is dry.
This method does leave some leaf stems on the bud.
I do this just before smoking it.
So for me it’s one quick trim with the shears and done.
Give it a try you may be surprised how fast it is once you get a routine going.


I use a ball peen on herms.


Dollar store bbq section or somewhere similar they are the same


Last harvest i tried a cut down silicone basting brush as i had over dried more so than i would have done regularly so figure what the hell lets give it a try and ran to a near by dollar store to pick up a 2 pack for $1.50.

Honestly i agree with OP, why the hell haven’t i tried this earlier, the experience left me thinking this is how im gonna trim from here on out for ease and simplicity, like cut my time down by more than 80% and end results im more than happy with.


Ty sir exactly what I was talking about. Lol


Yes I’ve now learned the value of OG. I got excited when I saw the brush and should have asked here first. Could have saved some cash. That said I’m quickly appreciating my purchase more and more for its function and the lessons to be learned here with a proper search. OG is great place for community, conversation and fun but I forgot with that comes the knowledge and experience of said community. Great resource we all have here!

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I have one, IMO it’s slightly better than a silicone basting brush (I tried with multiple I already owned before getting this thing) but I also find the weed has to be a little more on the dry side than I like it for it to be effective but def has it’s place. It would save me many hours on a 80-100 hours trim job.

When I do use it I usually go over a bunch of branches super quick vs trimming and then do the finishing touches with the scissors. I personally don’t think it knocks off any more trichs than scissors do.

Hmm I have a plant that’s still hanging after 1.5 or so months, maybe I’ll dry it out and use my brush on it to get it done :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah buds have to be on the crispier drier side forsure, and for me it was a $1.50 or whatever cost to try something that changed my opinion in a hurry.

does one still need to fine tuen with soem scissors later yeah but when buckign down into buds off the stem it makes quick work.

and honestly made my buds probably better trim wise as i always trimmed on the loose side as to me it was more if it has thrichomes on it really no need for me to trim for appeal when just for myself.

Definitely worth spending a couple bucks at a dollar store, to trim down a brush to try, just have to have buds on that drier side for it to be effective.


The issue I’ve run into lately is I keep expanding. I’m increasingly left with more than I can trim and jar by myself before it got too dry. This last run I turned a walk in closet into a dry room. Fan, humidifier, a/c controlled. The stuff I couldn’t get too in time before now seems to be curing on the stalk in the dry room. I just brushed some happy little trees and smoked a bowl, never saw a jar just closet and trim bin. This stuff is phenomenal! Been hanging about 3weeks now.:flushed: I just keep filling the humidifier. It’s May be better than a few buds that have been jarred and scissor trimmed for the same amount of time. All the sugars are crispy but the bud still squishes and comes back.

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If I had a crop or plants big enough I would give this a shot!

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I used to stress tf out about the same thing but after awhile I realized the plants can almost hang indefinitely at a higher RH maybe like 62% or something. I’ve had stuff hang down there for up to 2 years before. It was brown af and not really smokeable by then but it was STILL moist and it somehow smelled good too.

So these days I try to stress less about it (easier said than done lol) and do the trimming at my own pace. I have an 8x8 flowering canopy and that takes me a really long time to trim (50-100 hr to do 7-8lb). Doing that shit 8+ hours a day is not good for the body haha.


Lol! Killing me smalls!

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Bought one used it, like it !!!


Hey! That’s cool! I’m looking forward to using it on a few next harvest. It made quick work of the last few that I just didn’t want to get to. I started to learn the tool fairly well. There’s an art to it and takes some practice on different types of flower just like any other trim method. Happy to hear you enjoy it. It’s not for everyone I understand that. I’m gonna keep it around though.

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Works perfect for my needs. I wet trim , when dry its just lil leaf, brush gets it QUICK n EASY much better than with siccors