CannaRoot Tea and Coffee Brew šŸµ

What about the stems? Ever make tea out of stems?


Yes Iā€™ve made tea with the stems before. Now I mostly just throw them in my kids hamster cage and he chews em up real good, so when I toss his bedding in the compost the stems are already broken down well.


Iā€™ve got to post this quick before my wife discovers what Iā€™ve done to her coffee grinder, so letā€™s get down to business.

As it turns out if you want to make root tea like OTUG, you first have to grow monster roots like OTUG. All the same my amateur hour attempt has yielded enough root powder for probably a dozen cups of tea.

I started with the rootballs from my most recent sacrifices, which I put in the oven at 350Ā°F for an hour. It was really probably closer to 45 minutes because at that point I decided to make some tacquitos and noticed the roots were plenty dry and lightly roasted.

The smell of the roasted roots is surprisingly familiar, like the smell of shop class but a little more earthen.

On to the brew, I put some root powder into a tea ball and filled the cup. Some of the powder is very fine so the tea ball seemed like a formality at best. This might be a better job for a teabag. Fortunately the particulate settled rapidly so it was not a big concern.

The taste of the brew isā€¦ Woody? Itā€™s very flavourful. Truth time, the flavour and aroma are more akin to coffee than tea. Personally Iā€™m a bigger fan of hot leaf water, never drank a full cup of coffee in my life.

The brew holds up nicely on itā€™s own, but it is even better mixed in with some chai.


Beautiful :heart_eyes: I just had a cup myself :drooling_face: I love it


Made some turmeric milk

I put in some of the powdered roots and cannabutter too :drooling_face:


Love me some CannaJuice :drooling_face:

Anyone else juice the leaf? Itā€™s great stuff.


If Iā€™m making a smoothie I always throw a handful of leaves in, straight weed is a little green tasting for me.


That pic I posted was the juice of 1 apple, 1 lemon (skin and pulp removed) and 2 handfuls of fresh leaf, rinsed and soaked in cold water. It tasted phenomenal.


@Qtip, @Oldtimerunderground- do you have any specific means by which you store and retain leaves for juice or smoothie purposes?

Iā€™m about to perform some spur of the moment defoliation before I make myself some breakfast.


I just use fresh picked leaves, donā€™t store leaves or juiceā€¦always have leaves :sweat_smile:


Letā€™s light this candle.

Breakfast is served. I detect a hint of green flavour, more so than an equivalent quantity of baby spinach but itā€™s not overpowering. Delicious!

Any speculation on these leafy greens reducing cholesterol or heart disease? Asking for a friend


Not really, lol. A ziplock bag or tupperware in the fridge works fine for me.

I use them fresh too, but when I have to cut down multiple males at once, it can be quite a bit of material. Too much to juice at once.

Is that lemon meringue pie??! :drooling_face: lol
The smoothie looks delicious too.

:thinking: the doc said my cholesterol was a bit high around this time last year I thinkā€¦Iā€™ll find out if it changed on my next blood test. I consumed more leaf in the last year then I ever have before, so if it went down, that could be why.


Coconut cream pie. Why, what do you guys have for breakfast? :rofl:

I wonder if anyone has investigated the nutritional makeup of cannabis leaves. I wonder if they contain vitamin K and iron in similar quantities as spinach or kale.

ā€¦ Sorry to hijack the cannaroot tea thread :pray:

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Iā€™m also taking those raw caps now, took 6 already today, or was it 8 :thinking::sweat_smile: lmao, feelin some kinda way. Hard to describe, let me find a gif :joy:

Lmaoo. I never really have breakfastā€¦unless bulletproof coffee with cannabutter and infused mct oil count :grin:

I donā€™t know, but I think it could have higher quantities. It really is a superfood. My history is a bit rough, but didnā€™t they survive a famine in Australia solely on hemp leaves?

Lmao, itā€™s all good bro I think I jacked it first :rofl:


In the early 1800s, Australia was twice saved from famine by eating virtually nothing but hemp seed for protein and hemp leaves for roughage.

Australia and China both saved from famine by hemp.

I did not know any of this information until today. Your comment spurned me into action, reading action.

Disasters and government policies throughout history have starved millions to their deaths. Armed with this knowledge and a modest collection of seeds (Thank you OG! :heart::pray:) Iā€™ll be ready for the next Holodomor, earthquake, or volcano to deprive my community of nutrition.


Next crop goals! :heart_eyes:
Thanks @Oldtimerunderground !


Thank you :pray:

Youā€™re most welcome @Pigeonman :grinning: I look forward to seeing your fruits, and roots!


I will be mixing it with some leaf this weekend, thanks again for sharing that @Gugumelo :pray::grinning:


Braggs Cider Vinegar works great for removing Uric Acid Deposits OTU, it has changed our lives.
We drink a tablespoon in a glass of Gingerale, 7UP, or Cranberry Juice. It has helped me immensely.
All Braggs Products are like weed, they make you feel good!


I love that stuff and drink it in some water a few times a week. I mix in a little cayenne pepper for a nice kick too.

I saw your post on adding some to the dogā€™s water for health benefits and couldnā€™t agree more, itā€™s great stuff.