Cannatrol users

If you’re looking for a cannatrol standard… start reading from the beginning of the thread bro lol…

If you’re looking for cannatrol users to stop and do tests 1st for dyi… it’s not happening… not until we line out the things we have in place… like best settings for cannatrol users… with a cannatrol machine…

Different methods like using Groves after…
Extremely long cures
Testing the tray options on the back
Finding what cure is actually the best scientifically
Curing hash in the machine
The list goes on…

So it’s going to be a bit before we do tests otherwise I’m sure…

Answering questions for dyi is not an issue…

Finding best cure settings objectively isn’t the same as Finding them specifically with the cannatrol as for one reason or another results may vary… because of not only environmental differences but physical and mechanical differences…
I’m strictly here to attempt perfecting curing as I’ve talked about from the get go…

1 thing i know for sure … and I bet this is objective… is that extremely long cures prove way better than lesser lengths in curing @sardinebags