Cannatrol users

You’re all good brother !!! You know I’m a fan of Cannatrol and understand completely the intent of this thread. Cheers everyone


Thank you bro… I do need to stop by that thread can you leave a link here for everyone? Because while the threads are different… they still correspond with each other on certain things… and we can easier visit yours to talk about dyi also? @BTYGMO

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@Terpsnpurps thank you guys !!! This thread is just getting started. Hopefully more info and people will join in with there versions ect.


Awesome thank you man… I saw some cool stuff in there already !

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What do you mean when you say crack the code? It’s just managing temp and humidity, are you referring to software or hardware or something else?

Just curious bro.


Yes… the technology involved… is far beyond a humidifier dehumidifier heater cooler… it keeps them pinpoint without fighting each other… that’s what I meant… it will be hard to Crack that code @Taproot


It’s not a trademark, it’s a F’N PATENT!!! Know what the hell you’re replying about before popping off.


You guys can try and build this stuff yourself all you want, but the second you put it on the market… that’s a whole different world of reality and lawyers and laws. People spend their entire lives just studying and interpreting patent law.


I’m with terps.

There are at least five others threads about making drying rooms, diy fridges etc. This is not those threads. It’s perfectly fine to ask questions and when someone has panels off and we’re able to see the inner workings that’s tits.

We know they are pricey, we know if we were mechanical or electrical engineers we could make our own cheaper. I majored in gym. Please let me have my weed toy in peace.



The technology is called a PID controller or proportional integral derivative. It’s not rocket science, the trick is calibrating your constants to achieve the environment or product you want.

Cannatrol is a legitimate product, not some fly by night operation. Youre paying a bit extra not to diy it, confirmation that the airflow dynamics are appropriate, and their pid constants. You could absolutely reverse engineer all three but that’s not the point.

It’s a high end fridge let those with a few extra $$$ spend it. I’m planning on buying one soon


Either way… it’ll take way too long to figure out… here is the thing for all of us… we didn’t want to waste time on duplication… we just wanted to get to the curing perfectly and immediately… vs a project with fails along the way and then tests on parameters and settings… also providing fails or imperfections … all messing cures up or not being able to be used yet for a cure…
I paid the money because I didn’t want to mess with curing at all… that’s why I got mine… I didn’t want to play with jars… and hang drying… and all the bs broscience everywhere… I wanted a tried and proven machine…
And as far as I’m concerned I was the pioneer on buying this machine at overgrow… I mentioned this machine 3 years ago when I bought it… and I’m the only one with original emblem and older shelves… and bigger inside…
So when it comes to the machine there’s alot to line out since we all haven’t had them long… I used mine 1 time and had to shut down… move… and start again… here I am… getting ready for 2nd harvest ever in it… and we haven’t worked out anything as far as settings past jetdro having tried and true settings that work for most…

I’m here to improve on that… by playing with moisture content extending cures extremely long… and slowing dry times down as far as possible …

Rocket science? I don’t recall anyone saying that… lol The Crack the code thing was referring to actual technologies involved… plus settings apparently

@GYOweed @Taproot i don’t think tomatoesonly was trying to be rude… he mentioned his statement previously . And it fell on deaf ears sort of… he wasn’t implying that they have a patent on vp or dewpoint… he was saying the equipment involved and what makes it work is patented… meaning… you can’t rebuild it without risk of litigation… or post how to rebuild it without risk of litigation… that’s what he meant I’m positive… so honestly… he’s sort of trying to look out for y’all


I don’t know what you’re talking about or what this topic was about is cannatrol some pharma drug or synthetic? Anywho i used to research patents and you can legally remake whatever you want and patents are public lol you cant profit off it or sell it at loss even etc.
Everything you do these days are risk of litigation. :clown_face::earth_americas:
Oh forgot speaking of terps I posted the patent of terpinator here a while back. No one cares.

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@Terpsnpurps Just so we’re on the same page characterizing the cannatrol is in all our best interests not just the diy folks.

We need a ‘standard’, some reference material we can quickly and cheaply iterate on. A wet sponge with a fixed number of grams of water would do. Track that as a function of time as a function of the fridge settings and you’ll drive those constants. Would be cool to perfect the best cure settings objectively.


If you’re looking for a cannatrol standard… start reading from the beginning of the thread bro lol…

If you’re looking for cannatrol users to stop and do tests 1st for dyi… it’s not happening… not until we line out the things we have in place… like best settings for cannatrol users… with a cannatrol machine…

Different methods like using Groves after…
Extremely long cures
Testing the tray options on the back
Finding what cure is actually the best scientifically
Curing hash in the machine
The list goes on…

So it’s going to be a bit before we do tests otherwise I’m sure…

Answering questions for dyi is not an issue…

Finding best cure settings objectively isn’t the same as Finding them specifically with the cannatrol as for one reason or another results may vary… because of not only environmental differences but physical and mechanical differences…
I’m strictly here to attempt perfecting curing as I’ve talked about from the get go…

1 thing i know for sure … and I bet this is objective… is that extremely long cures prove way better than lesser lengths in curing @sardinebags


@Terpsnpurps your are awsome brother !!! Cheers everyone!!!

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Thanks man I appreciate the kind words!! :green_heart: 🪴 :seedling: :herb:

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Listen. I understand the Krebs cycle. I’ve taught 3rd graders archery. I have many intelligences, as we all do. It’s just not in my cards to understand PID.

I want so bad for someone to publish this paper. So far all the science says curing is imaginary and after the dry it’s whatever.



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23 posts were merged into an existing topic: Grove bags usage

Off topic moved out…


Thank you @LemonadeJoe