Cannatrol users

Sadly I’m pretty sure it won’t be long before some cheap chinese knockoffs will hit the market.

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Dont care, i have an original. Pretty sure i am going to be happy with it. Other than it’s inner size, damn lil thing is way nice. Well built, looks great, and the hassle it has already saved me compared to setting up the dry room again is PRICLESS to me. I have found recently that mental health IS A THING, and so apparently is peace of mind and simplicity.

The thing is obviously well built and though out. I know nothing of cooling , peltier coolers, any of that shit, no way i was making my own. If i had, pretty sure it would not have come out looking like this thing.

It is a Ferrari for Weed! Cant take that away from it, it is a cool looking piece of kit!

Been checking the bud, KNEW it was gonna rip all the moisture out FAST N FURIOUS, lol. IT DOES NOT! It is actually slowly pulling it out, i guess the slope function actually works. Here in day 2 , to me, it feels like day 5 or 6 hanging bud . YET very little water has been removed, a stupid small amount.

More i watch it and realize what it is doing, more i think it will work pretty well. Do i think bud at day 4, where THEY say it’s “dry” , will come out and be stable in Grove Bag’s at 57 % (what it says it will be at then) …no i do not. But i do think it will be by day 5 or 6. I will find out.

So far, so good


Those Cannatrol peeps should know how great of an unpaid salesman you are for them. I bet I’m not the only one looking seriously into grabbing one after following your updates my man.


Now you kinda see why I’m probably going to add a 2nd one this season. It just takes all the frustration and headaches away. Truly one button. Set it & forget it!!!

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Sounds like my kinda machine!
Lol, except the price tag. Think they’ll give me one?

This thing is still amazing me. I THOUGHT it just adjusted DP by temp, but NO, it also can play with humidity!

I am using the “slope” function, which actually works! Started at 68F and 54 DP. Machine is slowly bringing DP down. Temp rock steady at 68, yet DP is steadily and surely going down. Appears to adjust it down by .2-.3 % every 6 hours or so.

Started at 68F 54.5 DP…last night was 68F 54 DP. Late last night, 68F 53.5 DP. This AM , 68F 52.8 DP!!!

GD thing ACTUALLY DOES what they claim it does!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!




Ok, seen enough, damn lil thing WORKS, and does EXACTLY as Tom said it would!!!

So cool…keeping temp ROCK STABLE, and slowly bringing the humidity down. Gone from 63 % to now 58 % and it is LINEAR too!!! Good software !

It definitely does what it says it does.
The funny thing is, it was originally designed for the cheese industry, then used by the meat industry with unmatched success. Then discovered that it works for cannabis.
So you know damn well that the owner smokes the herb, LOL


It is what it is … @Kgrim

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NICE!!! Trading is always good!!!

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Tossing this in the ring for discussion.

@Jetdro your values equate to a ~1.00 kPa VPD (high) while at the right target Dewpoint temperature (TD) of 52…


Is the machine capable of hitting the 0.62 kPa target right away? With the vendor/owner pushing articles with VPD, does the machine display VPD values or is it obfuscated by hiding RH and showing only Dewpoint (TD)?

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Machine does not show VPD value.

When it reach’s " equilibrium" it will be at 68F and 52 DP…the 52 DP is where i want it for long term sotrage and holding.


@Jetdro I think this comes down to you targeting a higher temperature than what was posted on the cannatrol website above. To result in the same 52 DP but at a higher temp (yours being 68F and Cannatrol’s listed as 65.35F), you need a lower RH in that box to make the math work.

And a lower RH at the same temp = higher VPD which ends up exceeding the stated “ideal” values.

I’m confused about this! I need some math people to check me!! @FieldEffect and others, maybe a weekend look at this thread.

68 is THIER SET POINT for dry cure, not 63

68F @ 58% humidity is 52 Dew Point

63F @ 57 % is 47.5 DP too low

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Bam, thanks! And how Odd!! The literature is not aligning with the posted article. That said those are the default settings and maybe the default isn’t “ideal” as posted on the Cannatrol article. That’s all I’m trying to point out is the mis-match.

Enjoy the machine!

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After talking with the owner/inventor several times, i have decided to run my FIRST batch at his settings. I can tweak to my hearts content AFTER i see the finished product at their defaults

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Cool just know that the owner and inventor posts VPD targets of 0.62 kPa on multiple slides and articles as the magic behind the cure. I feel like there’s a mystery to solve at this point. Can anyone else chime in? I’ll step back for a while here sorry to clog the thread!!


no problem man, clog away, we all want to learn


Bro… I’d never had suggested this unit unless it was awesome… I consider you all friends… and would be upset if I were wrong… but I’m not… it’s a superior machine !!