Cannatrol users

Same here.


Just got an email, my unit hits early, tomorrow. Dam fast shipping. Sunday morning i will chop the outside octopot ladies , let them hang till Monday afternoon, then start my first run in it. Might as well not waste any time.

Will be four short plants i have outside gracing my pool, lol. Not big, but they are thick. I would guess 4-6 ounces dry. Maybe 8. Will be a great test of the unit. Ill let it go the reg 4/4 but pull some bud out on day 5 and place in Grove’s, IF the DP has stabilized by then. Ed said as long as the DP has been stable for 24 hours, they be done drying and CAN go into Groves. So if that works i will only have to stagger the harvests by a few days. Add in the 1-2 day hang prior to the Cannatrol, it wont be a big deal staggering 4 10 ounce plants .


I have a old beverage fridge like for a convenient store with the glass front door. The top has a built in exhaust fan and it obviously has a ac to stay cool. I’ll have to look if 60 degree can be set but I’m pretty sure it 45-60. Curious how hard it would be to convert and work like a cannatrol. Currently I store my hunting clothes in lol it pretty sealed and gets them out of the way. It looks pretty basic minus there software the have to run it that part I couldn’t do but the rest I can.


I’m so jealous lol


Let us know how it goes. @jetdro had a whole setup to mimic the cannatrol, but said it was “searching” to keep everything at the set points. See his posts above. There is quite a bit of info out there about people using refrigerators to dry and cure, that might be more up your alley with the beverage cooler.


Unit has stayed dead ass on 54 dew point . Has not moved off of that number . Very consistent .My dry room hunted all over and wasted elec .


If that fridge has a legit refrigerant compressor, it will theoretically strip humidity from the interior air very quickly when it kicks on, and this behavior effectively pulses your dewpoint up and down, creating swing conditions that the Cannatrol is advertised specifically to not do.

If you could keep RH constant in the fridge, regardless of status of compressor on/off cycling, you’d be exactly in business. I.e. separate automated system to hunt RH based on the fridge temp = dewpoint control.

And then you realize you’re engineering your way around the compressor, which really isn’t needed to hit 60 degrees F in a sealed box.

And then you’ve invented a Cannatrol clone by swapping the compressor for a Peltier unit(s).



Edit 2: The reason I posted that dewpoint equation link is for sake of adding some intuition. When we say “the Cannatrol holds XYZ dewpoint” what we’re really saying is “the Cannatrol is able to continuously cool itself while also maintaining a steady RH”… i.e. “the entire point of a Cannatrol is that both temp and humidity are kept constant” // or if sloped “are contrinuosly controlled to target a shaped VPD/Dewpoint curve” though I don’t know if the Canntrol actually does shaping aka pressure profiling.


Cool, glad you got your unit in hand!!! Were you able to fill it with what you had to harvest?? I know you said you had probably 6-8 dried to do a run when it came in.

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I had 4 small plants outside . Weather got horrible 31 F and rain here today , days before were no better. I took them down sat at sun up .

The unit is SMALL . It held the 4 plants but the 4 were probably smaller than any ONE of my indoor ladies .

They come down in 5,weeks or so . This was to test machine , see if I can pull out at day 5 and bag in Groves and be stable . If so i got no issues staggering the harvest .

Will be 8 plants 6 to 12 dried Z’s each

Going to be interesting. @Kgrim


Good deal, at least you get a run in. All my runs, packed single layer, have weighed out between 11.5-12OZ’s coming out of the machine dried, which equates to 2.5 or a little more gallon size ziplock bags wet. I wet trim everything down into nuggets, something that I’ve done for as long as I can remember. It was how I was taught, and know there are different ways, but it always made since to me the way it was explained. Leaving big buds with smaller buds, you’ll be pulling from the dry at different times, and large buds you’ve got to handle numerous times to break off nuggets to smoke. Taking them down to nuggets, all should dry about the same rate at the same time, and then your only grabbing nuggets at a time to smoke, and not handling big buds over and over to smoke a joint.
I wish “Professor Mikey” and his brother John were still with us, as they had some killer genetics that are lost and I’ve never been able to find anything that remotely tastes close. Strains were born and bred at MSU, and we were cashing in $400 an OZ 33 years ago. I’ll still keep searching for that KGB taste though, it’s the thrill of the hunt you know, LOL


Looking forward to your next harvest. Plan on staggering when you take the plants down?

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ill have to run 1 -2 plants at a time through it


I will have no choice…gonna be a killer harvest, bout to post some pics at day 33



In my dry room, first 2 days i pulled 14.7 GALLONS of water.
In my Cannatrol, first 2 days i pulled 3 oz’s of water


MAYBE David(kept saying Ed, but owners name is David, how i got Ed is beyond me, Mac/Wc maybe, lol) is CORRECT.

He told me THAT WATER was from my atmosphere trying to regulate, rather than MY PLANTS.


Think damn thing is broken, lol. No nosie, no smell, damn numbers DONT MOVE…think its a shill


OR, it actually works like he says it does!!! That would be cool @Kgrim


My machine loaded, I typically have to empty the tray 4 times, pretty much once a day, then after day 4, haven’t had to.


Got not much day one, but my thing is not “loaded” . Id say 45 % full , maybe 50 %.

Gonna be an issue for me, but i can also hack main tops, leave bottom of plants to keep going till Cannatrol opens up. Or pull after 4-5 days and rotate them in.

Once this run tells me how the thing works, i will know what to do.

I opended up the door just now…almost floored by the smell…like i was run over by A Cap’s Cut TRUCK!!!



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Smell is un Godly from the unit when door is open. Damn thing IS ACTULLAY SEALED. , no doubt it is. Holding stupid steady still.


The only time I even heard a peep from the wife is when I opened the door. It stunk up the living room in about 5 seconds flat. Otherwise, not a scent the entire run.

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Can leave door open 3 minutes. Within seconds it is right back to set points. Some good software controling this thing.