Cannatrol users

I was watching The Penguins of Madagascar with my son the other day. This movie is the first time I’ve heard this word, and now this! :rofl:


Still haven’t seen one presented yet over on RIU, where the feathers got real ruffled with all the naysayers. Signed into my account for the 1st time since joining OG, and low and behold, not a single DIY Project has appeared yet from all the trolls that said they were going to “copy” what Cannatrol has done.My kids stopped by the dispensary near me that has a large unit, and not much to be had, most is sold out and waiting on the next batch to get done. Dispensary 1/8 mile away, still drying/curing the “traditional” way, shelves packed, and product is drier than a popcorn fart.


241 posts and growing!!!
Wow, I never thought that this thread would reach 150 let alone 241!!!
The info and experiences shared here are great for all of us who own one, and those on the fence about getting one.
Thanks folks!!!


I just found it. I’m interested also.

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Reason is they cant make it do what this machine does. Let them grumble. IF it could be copied for 400 bucks SOMEONE would be making and selling them for 600 and capture the market…its not gonna happen .

Thing is a thing of beauty to watch.


Is that the end of the 4 day dry? Or are you into the cure yet?

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End of dry cycle, then 4 days “curing” .

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Lol. Just read that on your thread!

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It’s got to do with the effort they put in to develop and make it and the software Cannatrol uses. While it’s not overly complicated it’s their proprietary property and they have it dialed in and locked down. Good on them.

I don’t go to RIU often and discovered I had been banned for asking about an unhinged statement about the politics most of them consider religion. Hadn’t been in the cesspool for many weeks and unfortunately the shithole has some references pertaining to growing that are occasionally useful. IC is heading the same way and this is as close as I come to anything political AND won’t comment further since I should not even go this far.


Fuck rui, bunch of kids and idiots over there always looking to start shit.


That’s what I love about this site. Even the bonsai forums I used to go to get into heated arguments and always gaslighting to start beef. This site nips that right in the ass as soon as it rears its ugly face.


100 percent!!! I’ll never dirty my spirit again going into that shithole shitshow. Double fuck riu… felt like junior high in that bitch. :joy:


I have to say… I’ve been curing mine for 9 days now and every single day that goes by it gets a little more dank… I mean EVERY SINGLE day!!! I’m beyond impressed at this point… as far as I can see and all the research I’ve done on all other cure avenues. Other products… dyi’s etc… it looks like the cannatrol is a solid #1 pick by far… that’s in price… and quality… as other options either cost a fortune… (a real fortune) or don’t work as well… either way… cannatrol is superior to anything else as far as I’m concerned.


Dang I want one of these so dang bad just can’t swing it right now. Hopefully we get to a more stable place with our our old house, finish a few projects, and can grab one for next year. The smell control really puts it over the top for me.

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Just posted about it on my thread

Not gonna double post

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Share the link … I’d like to see. . I tried looking but I don’t know which thread? @Jetdro

Although… I feel bad … as I should be paying attention… been busy as hell working lately… I’m trying to keep up!! :joy:


Thanks man!! Very nice thread … even nicer plants homie