Cannatrol users

I know that in finer print that cannatrol suggests a 1 day hang then put into cannatrol. Especially for bigger buds . Did you go straight into it? Or hang a bit 1st? I wonder if a decent hang dry would speed things up dramatically… so if you did 1 day maybe do like 36 hour hang ? How’s it all looking now??


30 hour hang then into manchine.

I lowered the dew point from 52 to 51

See how they are this afternoon @Terpsnpurps


I just bought a unit to use on my early to mid May harvest.


Awesome I think you’ll be happy


Sweet welcome to the family!!


So this is where you guys hang out.
I have a unit on order, they are really backed up. It was @Kgrim description and testimony over at RIU that convinced me this wasn’t hype, and although a chunk of change outta the old already depleted pocket book, there was no other choice.
OH… and just before this I ruined an entire grow from after harvest mold… there was that.


Welcome to the show @tomatoesonly
Thanks for the props, glad to see you made the transition to OG. I got fed up defending the fact that my wife bought mine for me, and the trolls were never ending with their “I can make one cheaper” BS
You unfortunately lost a crop due to mold, well, welcome to the club, no more losing a crop, no more stressing over your dry/cure. I’m about to order my 2nd unit, the wife has given the OK, since she didn’t smell anything, and that pretty much sold her.


RIU as stated before is a shithole full of assholes.


Lmao… I just talked to cannatrol about that… it just Is NOT possible to recreate this machine… I tend to stay away from rollitup … alot of trolling and childish behavior. It’s a shame when we live in a world that people will throw out an attack on someone for trying to help others understand a superior product… but that is why I’ve been raving over the cannatrol… it truly is the best cure solution currently… also expect Ed from cannatrol to eventually join OG … then possibly cannatrol as the Company itself… I urged them to come into the site and answer questions or any of that. They are good people for sure! @Jetdro @Kgrim @PineTarBastard to name a few… keep your eyes peeled for when he joins


2 units, nice! Keep the wife!

My first run with it is over. Most bud still in it under “hold” setting. 68/52 F/DP . Like unit, however they take liberties in their pitch of the machine. IT WILL NOT dry your bud in 4 days. Not even small wispy buds. Machine takes a full 6 days to actually “dry” and attain a bud % of 58 that buds will hold if removed from unit.
It’s near dry in 4 days, but if pulled n jared or bagged, you will see its still 68% humididty or more. Could not be pulled after 4 or 5 days and placed in Grove bags, no way, trust me i wanted it to.

It MIGHT dry in 5 when parameters are tweaked. Next run i’ll START the “dry” at 53 not 54 DP , and slope it 4 days to 51.5 DP David and i discussed this…he is NOT the expert in BUD one might expect. Yup, great engineer and cool dude, makes a unique mchine and has it figured out…BUT after several conversations with him, and things he told me, they just are not comming from a “grower” , or a good one anyways. THERE IS NO WAY TO BAG out of this unit in 4 or 5 days, and 6 days is pushing it with default settings. If you did that your gonna ruin your bud.

With that said: Machine does EXACTLY what it is designed to do. It evenly, and slowly, on a slope , pulls excess moisture from the buds. Silent , no smells , no fuss, RONCO SIMPLE! Buds do not shrink near as much, color is better. By end of day 8, bud CAN be stored, it IS at 58% at that point.

Bud taken from it on day 6.5 or 7 and placed in Grove Bag’s in my cooler , has been sampled. It was outdoor bud that went through a Hellish summer, and was small and not dense. Same cuts i run inside, so figured i could have a good “test” here. NOPE. Cant call it from this dry. Just cant. The Mac 1, sampled just now, came out of Grove Bag at 50F and 58 % humidity level. Sticky as Hell, jammed my grinder. Even though buds were wimpy, they felt very good, had proper “squeeze” to them. Smell is delishious but not as loud as indoor. Taste is “sweeter” and milder also. 100% Mac unique taste profile, just toned down 25 % or so. Power is insane on this particular sample. 3 hits im like the old Tv show, Lost In Space .

The Cereal Milk does not have the CM smell i am searching for. It has a beautiful nose, but its not CM flavor . Could be it’s wimpy as shit, NOT sticky, looks NOTHING like my indoor cuts of it . MIGHT have FUBAR’D on the label, but doubt it. IT NEEDS more cure…in my opinion, 8 days in the unit is a SUPERB DRY…but baby, it is not cured. Not by any means. Smokeable, sellable, enjoyable, but at it’s BEST…ah no.

Course JMHO on all this.

I love the way the bud comes out at 8 days. I KNOW my large fat sticky indoor buds will revert to full smell n flavor after just 3-5 days in Bags. Can see that, seen it here on the outside lady dry. Came out smelling of nothing or hay, within 15 minutes of sitting in my room at 55% humidity, it became sticky and the smell came out. Muted, but there, and CORRECT, for the Mac 1 anyway . 2 days in Groves in my cooler, smell multiplied. Not as strong as my indoor, but certainly improving. How far will it go, i dont know, lol. I shall find out :sunglasses:

So in just a few weeks ill load her up with real buddage, set her to 53/51.5, 4 day dry slope, 4 day “cure” at 51.5 % THEN i will KNOW!! THEN i can comment on how it really compares to a good 15/15 hang dry.

I will say this…Wedding Cake, with a 15 day dry hang, and 2 days in a Grove Bag…is 100% delishious. It is loud loud too. Sticky as Hell and dense dense. Smokes 100% at 15 hang, 2 in bags. Gets better at a month, but only maybe 10 % SO…Cannatrol has a measuring stick coming real soon.

My thought now? Love the lil fucker, lol. No mess, no fuss, no smell, no hassles…NONE.
Does it DRY well? I would say YES. Does it work proper? YES. Simple to work and set and adjust? YES.
Can i rotate my large harvests into it on a 4 day “dry”? NOPE. On a 5 day dry? NOPE. On a 6 day cycle? MAYBE. lol

Ill give my final opinion on it when i run WC and MAC through it in afew weeks time. I do not feel like i wasted my money. Do not feel it can be made for 600 bucks. Do not think there is a better option for the money. IT WORKS DIFFERENT than my 3K “cooler” . On a different level for sure.


@Jetdro My numbers run different than yours, but i live in an extremely hot and dry environment. I can easily run a 4/2 cycle and the flowers will run 55% in a jar/grove bag and stay at that range. Asides from that, i agree with everything you said.


I’m gonna cancel my order… I just found out I can do it for 1/6th the cost. Almost as good :rofl: :joy:

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LOL, 10-12 days to possibly have dry plants, no cure function, no storage function, stinks up the whole house, and uses 4 times the power.
I think I’ll pass, LOL


Do the buds flatten out on one side when drying in this thing. I have tried drying on racks before but the weight of the flower presses down and flattens the side on the rack. I like the concept of this machine but is this an issue?


If you don’t want a flat spot, typically, just flip the buds on the 2nd day, per some other owners. I haven’t flipped a bud yet in any of my runs, and haven’t even noticed. If there was, my grinder didn’t care. I’ve handed out over 80 OZ’s from my machine, and not one person has said anything.


I did not rotate buds , didn’t notice any issue . These were small buds however


Yeah I’m real high humidity here , typically 90 percent or more . Makes a huge difference with the machine I feel.

Does Mickey Mouse come with the mess I just watched . Yeah dude , nice box , lol


Cannatrol for sale

I’m building me a Mickey Mouse box

Cant wait to have my pride n joys covered in 40 dollar hydration mist from 6 inches below them . What a beast of a plant he placed in there , gonna go at least an ounce or two I bet

Wonder if he had a Rube Goldberg sticker on it , I looked but didn’t see one .


Note to self , don’t smoke Space Monkey 2 at 5am anymore


I made the mistake of finding the Reddit Cannatrol group. Just scroll through there if you wanna laugh or hate humanity itself. Reddit has always been the very bottom of comment sphere.


ill be sticking around a bit more now im waiting for my unit bought one this morning cant wait to test it out