Cannatrol users

put the bags in open top lunch bags paper lunch bags just open

based upon your temperature and humidity you will have to adjust the settings for the hold if you want to see what I’ve been trying to tell everyone that no one listens to put some bud that you can get rid of or don’t care about in the machine at the default setting and leave it for a few days then pull it out and put it in a Ziploc with a meter and you’ll see it’s at 54% and you’ve ruined that bud

Set it to 53.5 and it will keep your blood around 60 to 63%

Not that I don’t believe you, I just wanted to know what they recommend if you point this problem out to them directly, I thought the reaction was better than if he had denied that it could be so.

And thank you for the settings

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do you know I have told them 100 times that they’re sending these units out with piss poor settings that are ruining peoples buds and they don’t seem to give a shit or don’t seem to understand how do you sell thousands of these units with your preset settings and not know that the bug coming out is been ruined??

He may be an engineer or whatever he is but he is certainly no fucking stoner or grower


Sorry, I was too stoned last time, I missed it, you mean with dry, cure and hold the dew point should each be at 53.5 and that’s it, so there are actually no phases at all.

Thank you thats makes really easy


no there’s no difference at all the only real difference is in the dry stage it actually uses a slope to slowly bring it from the initial setting to whatever you Set it at

and the truth of the matter is in two days it’s polled all of the moisture out of the bud it’s going to

by setting the dry to 53.5 it will absolutely slow it down and it will take six or seven days for it to reach 58 or 60%
left at its default in 2 1/2 days the bud is at 55 or 56% and that’s way too fast.

So Set at 53.5 on all three phases I would say starting on day six which would be two days into their cure cycle lol pull a handful of bud and stick it in a Ziploc with a meter when the bud will stay stable under 63% pull it out of the damn machine and put it in a grove bag a grow bag will do a much better job

I prefer to store my bud in the Grove bag rather than in the machine also


In my case, if I use the defaults, the bud comes out too moist, not too dry. I think that each person needs to find the settings that work in their home, local climate, and for their personal smoking preference. For example, some live in houses with central air and others are just opening the windows. I think you are being just a little bit too dogmatic in telling everyone to use your settings. In my home, they would be far worse than the defaults. However, you are sharing lots of great info otherwise, thanks for that.


Done. Im getting it set up this weekend. Thanks Jetdro

We know the Cannatrol is not always calibrated and accurate, Jetdro and others have pointed out there may be tolerances or inaccuracies.
That said, assuming its accurate and once door is closed and doing its thing, shouldnt settings act the same whether I’m in Las Vegas (low humidity) vs another locale where its just a bit, or even wildly different?

Once the door is closed and the Cannatrol is… Cannatrolling, why would the inside DP and Temp be any different at my place compared to Joe Schmo’s? Cannatrol is creating its own environment based on the set-points created, correct? Or no? Assuming the Cannatrol is able to physically reach the needed setpoints…

My expertise is more engineering related. Temp, Dew-point and Relative Humidity are foreign to me until I started growing.

Cannatrol has a recommended operating range for ambient room temp and humidity. It does not have enough cooling to deal with a hot room, enough humidification to deal with a very dry room, etc. So your results will vary depending on ambient conditions, especially if they are outside the recommended ranges. Maybe they can improve that if there is a version 2.0.


The door seals, but it is not a vacuum inside. There is a fan in back. It is not a sealed environment. Also, it is insulated, but not so much so that the temp outside of it makes no difference.

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This is what Cannatrol said when I asked about this subject before purchasing mine:

“The Cool Cure operates best in an area that is at room temperature (65-74ºF) with some air circulation. Avoid placing the unit in a closet or other tight space, or an area with temperature extremes. When the room temperature is too high, it will drive the dry bulb temperature up inside the unit, so we can’t really guarantee what types of results you’ll see if the room is consistently running hot. If you have a conditioned space in the house, where the temps stay more consistent, that would be a better location.”

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I’ve read something like that from them recently as well.

Thats kind of why I asked in the first place. If a certain (larger) percentage of Cannatrol owners fall within the given operational and environmental parameters, then we should all be fairly calibrated when using the Cannatrol to reach and maintain desired settings.

My Family room stays between 65-74F for the most part. Winter closer to 68-70, summer closer to 72F. RH indoors ranges 20-55%


I was assuming that everyone who could afford one would read the directions and would use it between the temperature ranges that they recommend which I am

of course it will be different in a room that had 20% humidity or was 90°

My settings are based on a room that is 72° and 55% humidity right inside their numbers


Exactly. Who’s putting this in their 120F garage during the summer :crazy_face:

I was curious so I looked, default dew point settings on my unit seem to have been 54 for dry and 52 for cure. I turned the cure up to 53.5 and left the dry at 54 for now.

I wonder if elevation affects it also? Don’t have one yet, but it is on my wish list, along with the Purple Pro. :star_struck:


I believe that each unit will run differently in different locations. My settings will be different from say Jetdro’s. I need it a little more humid in my environment. Another thing to consider is bud density. Fluffy bud will dry at a different rate than dense buds. There is a micro climate inside the unit as well. I found that the top of the unit dries slightly faster than the lower portion of the unit. This is why I knew I would need a few runs before I found the settings I like. I started with factory settings and it over dried the flower.


That assumption is not true, for me anyway. I live in an apartment building from the 1920s and don’t have control of my heat. Lower floors tend to be too hot because otherwise the upper floors would not get enough heat. I keep a window open for most of the winter. This is common in NYC.

It also happens to be very dry here in the winter, especially when there is snow on the ground. I run a humidifier that sits on top of my Cannatrol; otherwise it always says add water.

Despite this, with the right settings, I get great results.


Always good to see what others have to deal with. Ive only done two grows with two dry/cures. Both went really well, but high-stress. Vegas is super dry in winter, and only really dry in the summer. Hard to keep my tent cool in the summer. Thats why I finally broke down and got Cannatrol. Just to make it all easier.


I have family in NYC and used to live there. I had a steam pipe in my room. It was hot as hell all year round. The windows were always open. Sounds like a challenge to dry in your place. Glad you got it to work.

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