Cannatrol users

I want to say as things are one will have to be enough :rofl:


Your entire post well written and thought out. Added value to the discussion, I think @FieldEffect.
Why would anyone have a problem with you posting, other than you not being a Cannatrol owner?

Well said @Terpsnpurps
One thing I’ll add, my old dry room was set up, and dialed in. It served me well for many years. One issue, was the smell, drove my wife nuts at harvest time, even with a carbon filter, because the exhaust fan was set on a sensor, along with a humidifier, dehumidifier, heater, and A/C unit, all set up with sensors to keep it in the “60/60” zone.
The other issue was electric usage. I could easily spend $100 to $150 or more to run a dry cycle with everything kicking on and off chasing the zone.
Now, I use a measly 75 watts to attain the same, if not better results, with no worry, no stress, and no wife complaining about the smell.
So it’s a win/win for me.
No stress , no running up and down the stairs, no checking 5 times a day, no more burping, and way less cost to run, what else could one ask for, other than it could be a bit larger.
I’ll add a 2nd one soon to compliment the 1st one that my wife bought.
For me, it’s not about the money, what the Cannatrol brought to the table for me, is what it’s all about.


It’s simple… because this topic is about cannatrol users… not cannatrol skeptics lol… no offense to anyone who has posted… but honestly… . We have heard it all before… as far as all the people out there who can build this… or ascertain that… get similar results with other machines … bla bla bla

This thread is for cannatrol owners … to share knowledge about settings and superior methods different ramping times different curing times… methods such as hanging every bud from a string all over… just a place where we can share the knowledge because every time we run in a cannatrol … depending how long… settings… bud density… moisture content going in the machine… how long to hang if at all before going in the machine… etc… the plethora of tests we can do… we share with each other to eventually find the “sweet spot” for any cannatrol owner in the future and ourselves as well

So obviously that takes time and effort… so that’s what this is all about… sorry for the confusion… or defensiveness… I’ll agree… I do get defensive… especially when all I’m trying to do is help… and be helped… we get by with a little help from our friends, yeah? I love you all… so don’t be offended if I came across in any bad way… I’m a humble guy… I’m definitely no know it all… not even close… I have nothing to prove… and everything to gain


We’ve surpassed 1,100 posts. This is way beyond where I thought this would go.
Like I said WAY back in the beginning, the Cannatrol is the only device on the market that does what it does, it just plain works.
Freeze dryers are the next available option, but, start pricing those out.
$2500 plus for a base model Harvest Right, and read the reviews on their horrible customer support and the amount of owner issues.
Then we have the next few,
the Resinator $6800 for a base model.
Canna-Freeze $50k
And last but not least, the Cryo-Cure $49,900.
These are all “Home Models” based for the home grower.
Now there are folks bashing on the $1600 price tag, but you don’t hear a peep about the cost of freeze dryers, the next closest device.
How many out there can afford $50,000 for a home model freeze dryer??? And to top it off, yes, your harvest is ready in 24hrs, but who has ever tried freeze dried food??? Do you think that your buds won’t suffer the same fate??? Dryer than a popcorn fart, touch it and it turns to dust, sure it might taste great, but can only imagine what it does to some of your flower.
So for what the Cannatrol does, and does it very well, take a good look at what’s out there, and then the price isn’t so bad.
Thanks to all the owners who have posted, shared settings, experiences etc, and those who have thrown their hat into the discussion, wether you’ve bought one, on the fence, or attempting to do what the Cannatrol does,
Thank you for keeping the discussion going!!!


That’s an extremely good point brother, well said, I too looked at pricing on all that… I thought the same thing… freeze dried has NEVER been better in any aspect as far as flavors and quality… longevity in food maybe… but again… who cares how long it lasts if you’ll never eat the crap lol… I imagine it’s no different with a plant. It’s fast and efficient but not nearly as effective

:green_heart: 🪴 :seedling: :herb:

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Damn that’s pretty damn dry :laughing: :rofl:

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I bought a cannatrol late February from a local grow store a day after harvesting (I hung in a 3x3 and 5x5 in the meantime). I set it up and loaded it full the next night. I used the default settings, which seems fine since my basement stays 65 degrees F for almost 8 months a year. I’ve still got the unit full and holding, and I swear, it gets better with each passing day. I’m leaving everything in the cannatrol as-is until the next harvest.

To @Kgrim, @Jetdro, and all the others that made this thread- I enjoyed reading the entire thread. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I bought it, so this thread helped fill in the blanks on the possible capabilities and adjustments of the home model. :call_me_hand:


I will be getting a cannitrol very soon….well as soon as I buy a new house.
Can not wait


It’s not just a sponge and a fan…it has heating and cooling integrated too. And that’s what makes the difference.


Love this and ready to read! Haha I have a crappy winecooler I’ve been planning on converting, lol, but I’ve finally decided that $1600 will not be too much to spend on nailing the dry/cure for the $30,000 worth of weed I’m gonna smoke over the rest of my life. :slight_smile: Too broke now though. . .


Decided to check because it had been a little while…

No warning from the Cannatrol, and my numbers were holding steady at roughly 68° and 53.5 dew point like that. Been at least a couple of weeks, maybe more.

All I’m doing is storing my stuff in it.

Sponge was a bit dry so I put water in it again.

I checked once or twice during the past few weeks or so and the drip tray is pretty much dry.

If you’re just storing weed in there for months at a time, the drip tray will not accumulate water. Not enough going on in there just keeping stuff at set point.

Just an observation.

And yeah, all my weed now smells the same. I definitely don’t care for that, but that goes with the territory.
I do love the convenience of just walking up to the Cannatrol, open it and pick what I want out of paper bags or Grove bags. Can even just leave some buds on shelf if I want, but right now that’s not best practice due to UV.

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So is that due to you storing it in the cannatrol on the shelves?

I believe that’s due to your weed reaching what they refer to as equilibrium. Apparently it reaches a place where the Cannabis stops off gassing and giving it an easily recognizable aroma. Once you break it open or grind it, then you can smell the goodness.

This is all assuming you have your weed inside the Cannatrol unsealed. For instance, I have most in paper bags folded over, but I do have some in an open Grove bag. That way the Cannatrol can do its thing, and not the Grove bag. Also keep humidity packs out of there.


My Cannatrol is arriving via ups today and I’m
Very excited. I have plants that are ready to harvest too so this is going to be an awesome day. Anyone have any tips/tricks for a new user?

Dip N Stix X Chimera #3 is one of the first plants going in. This was my first run of this strain. I kept 5 females out of 15 popped. For the first round each was flowered in a one gallon with Build-a-soil 3.0 so yield will be less than impressive. The quality on the other hand is wildly impressive…hints of smarties candy and an overwhelmingly sour blueberry zing. Zing is the most accurate word I can use haha. I’ll post updates on the cured flower once it’s ready…for the first run I’m going to use the factory default of 4/4. Lastly, can anyone talk on dew point? I’ll gladly research but admittedly the concept is foreign to me in regard specifically to cannabis.


The equilibrium is what a cure actually is. People tend to confuse curing for aging.

It’s good to hear that about the smell. This is why people say Boveda packs “steal the terps.” They don’t, they just prevent them from off-gassing, which is preserving, which is the whole point of a cure.


I’m disappointed with my first run in the cannatrol. I did factory settings…on day 1 of the four day cure we lost power for 25-30 hours which really sucked. During that time I burped the door several times to prevent humidity accumulating. After the cure cycle finished I pulled a bug out and the stem almost wants to snap. Smoked a piece of the flower and it just tasted like premature wet weed. I’m hoping it was the power outage that caused this. I had to load it back up because I’m harvesting in stages so I put all of that flower in jars. I’ll just be burping jars like I always used to…any advice or input from the community?

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Thats upsetting to hear. Havent used mine for anything but weed storage so far, and for that it excels.

So, from what Im understanding you smoked it on day 8?

So thats on the cure cyecle, meaning you had already done the 4 day factory setting to dry?

I wouldnt think one day would fuck things up so completely…

Im sure Jetdro or another member with dry cure experiences will chime in.
I know Jetdro told me straight up dont use the factory settings… Im using his settings. All 3 cycles the same.

Good luck, and hope youre able to save your buds! Im sure youll get it figured out. :vulcan_salute:

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In the cannatrol??? Isn’t that going to hinder its capabilities??

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I can almost guarantee… that when you opened the door occasionally to burp the moisture out… that it wasn’t enough… you probably should have just left the door opened indefinitely… like 20 percent open or a slight Crack in the door opened… but it seems like it’s too wet still… or stayed too wet too long… and the flavors rotted

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