Cannatrol users

Not at all. The paper bags are permeable. Every bag I have is full of wonderfulness. Stuffs been in there a while now. Folding over the paper bags prevents light entering, but has NO negative effect on the buds or the Cannatrol doing its thing.

When Im ready to harvest, I’ll move whatever is left (which wont be much in another 6 weeks or so) into Grove Bags.

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I’ve read enough. Going to be doing the hammer on one soon. My only question is does it really take out a lot of the initial smell of the buds?


Without a doubt, Yes.
At least in my experience with 7 strains being put in it over time. Even my loudest strains have been effectively “silenced”. I think it sucks, but is what it is.
When the bud is ground, the flavor just jumps out.

Now, Ive only stored buds that have already been dried and cured traditionally, and some are a year old. Those have gotten a bit better since being in the Cannatrol compared to Grove Bags for storage.

I have yet to dry/cure in my Cannatrol. Thats coming soon.

I was a lot happier with the results of the first proper dry and cure I did following Jetro’s instructions. Seems like the reason flower came out of the dry cycle tasting nice but meh after the cure cycle was the dew point setting for cure.

Yes sadly I’m thinking that would have been better. In my mind the dry was already complete so burping seemed appropriate. I will see if they even out. I have the next run going in the cannatrol so wish me luck. Do you have any advice on settings to use?

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Yes smoked it on day eight. I really didn’t think it would fuck everything up that bad either. Idk, maybe I just grew some
Boof ! :joy:

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Sounds like something didn’t go right ! Hopefully your next batch is better.


I think there is a learning curve when using the Cannatrol.
I spoke to Dave from Cannatrol on Monday since I was doing my next run through the unit.
As long as the humidity is between 61-63% the buds should be fine.
In my previous runs, I put the buds in grove bags after 4 days due to back to back harvests.
After a long cure in the bags the buds are really nice.
Once you get your unit dialed in you should be very happy.


I check mine with a calibrated sensor in a small glass jar and at day 6 they are usually at about 59-60. @Jetdro is correct. I also check them daily just to see they are mostly done by the end of day 4. Then into grove bags and jars in new to growing so I’m doing side by side comparisons of all strains I grow.


Thank you I appreciate the information. That’s encouraging to hear :blush:


I’d hang a black blanket in the front before I folded bags over… permeable may be true … but hindering as well… I’d shy away from that myself…

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If you scroll way in the beginning we talked settings… I made mine cooler and slightly wetter than defaults. I do extremely long cures in it as after day number 70 there’s magic… day 90 as well… nothing but magic!!


Somehow I doubt that… :laughing:

Hopefully your next run through is better.

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Haha thanks man. I’ll mess with settings if I need to but I’m running the default again. Without power interruption I have a feeling it will be much better. On a side note your grow is looking seriously amazing :heart_eyes_cat:

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Okay I really appreciate all of the info. I’ll do some digging and see what I can figure out. :blush::seedling:

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Hey there fellow Cannatrol owners,
Glad to see there a some new owners!!!
Haven’t been on lately, dealing with a slight health issue and trying to get straightened out, but I’m back in the mix.
Thanks for those who have made suggestions to the new owners, I appreciate it, and keeping the thread moving along.


Great to have you back, Kgrim! I guess many of us have health issues that may have brought us to Cannabis in the first place. Im in that camp, for sure :vulcan_salute:.

Was just about to post anyway…

Just happened to check my sponge yesterday. Bone dry with no warning from Cannatrol. Display shows all good. Its been a while…
Setting a bi-weekly reminder to check and moisten sponge and cup.

I can only think its the “material” inside thats keeping things at 68F/ 53.5DP after the sponge dries out. Probably a no bueno situation, because if the warning doesnt come on, someone may not notice until their material has been “Sucked Dry”…

Moral of this story… Religiously change and/or check your sponge especially if youre just holding stuff in there. :100:


Thanks @supersecretjim!!!
I wouldn’t worry yourself too much about the sponge. I’ve had a whole run on “hold” since Novembers harvest, and it literally went almost 4 months with no water in the sponge before the “add water” signal triggered, and the bud is just fine, actually, it’s the longest I’ve let it sit, and it’s WAY better than even a good 30 cure. Buds aren’t powder, break up beautifully and stinks the house up by the time I get a joint rolled.


Bout to drop the hammer on mine this week!!! Beyond excited


Awesome to hear! Nice to know theres some buffer built in. I guess its dependent on how much weed is in there at the time, as well.
Cant wait to finally dry and cure in the Cannatrol… Its coming soon, but not soon enough…