Cannatrol users

i know i have it DL’d here too, just not looked at it, machine wont be here for a week. Got other shit needs done.

I have 20 plus gallon bags of trim/bud in my freezer . After this next harvest in 5 weeks i will run it all. Will have Cannatrol down pat by then :100:

I learn quickly


I’m so excited about it all… it’s going to be alot of fun I can tell… I also contacted cannatrol to let them know to join here… maybe they will maybe they wont… I figured it wouldn’t be a bad idea for them to do. They were closed so I left message…


This Cannatrol thing gonnna have to work REALLY well to beat what im puffn on right now!!! @Kgrim .

15 day hang, week in Groves…YUMMY!!! Cant imagine it being better from the machine, but i will be honest about it. Do a blind test on myself so i dont know which is which, if that is possible, lol .


Lmao… I’m very curious how you will accomplish that :laughing:

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Are you planning on staying default settings or you messing w them?

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Going to be a lot of LESS HEADACHE for me, assuming it works well, and i trust the words of the ones here who own one and use it.

The new “cooler” has shown me that. It just silently stays EXACTLY where i set it to. DONT have to fuck with it, and i know my harvest is protected and improving, instead of slowly degrading . Thinking the Grove Bags and the cooler will allow a year of storage or more at GOOD levels. Figure 4 -5 months in, i can pull Bud from some groves, vac seal in glass, and freeze for real long term storage. I intend to find out anyways.

I believe , mr kgrim doesnt seem like a dumb ass to me, lol, that the Cannatrol will do the exact same thing for my dry. Gonna be cool having both of these.


i know how to setup a blind test for myself , issue is this:

I KNOW my buds, lol. I will most likely KNOW which is which looking at them. I have a feeling the 2 methods will differ. K says bag/jar smell reduced till broken up, my bags right now REEK when opened. SCREAM the strain name to me loudly, lol! The look will be different i bet, the feel too. Mine now are HARD and like styrofoam. kinda snap when you break open buds. Keep my smoking bud at 57 % , hate it at 60 -63 for smoking. For storage all cool, but when i roll one, ill pull bud and let it dry a bit to MY liking, then roll it.

I bet i can see a difference in the two methods by eye, and my eyes suck right now, lol


looks like I thow way my plastic binds / amber mason jars for curring BUT know I need to get a loan to get a Cannatrol product !!! Help

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Yeah… I’m more interested in the little tweaks we will make along the way perfecting it to be even better… ya know?


I agree I’m a fan of the drier end… just allows the hit to be full… instead of fighting for it… I may lower my end stage a tad then


i have seen and watched it all from them. Dude, like @Kgrim , certainly aint no dummy! I like his style too, and he actually called me on my cell to answer a question his “expert” could not! Was :100: COOL, straight shooter, KNEW the answer to my question(s) . I told him i was gonna talk to him later about a REP position selling his industrial units…assuming the damn thing works well that is. He laughed his ass off, instantly said, well guess will be talking SOON then, lol! My type of man!

I will run the default setting for my first run. The 4/4 deal. GOTTA see for myself. Have SAME PLANT gonna go through it as i have now curing, so we shall actually see the exact level of competence this machine displays , gonna be INTERERSTING for sure!


Damn I’m gonna go buy popcorn :popcorn: :yum:

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Im not gonna cure in it, just dry. I will do the 8 day deal, but not storing my bud in it, i have a “cooler” and Groves for that. I just want to clean up my dry room act. IF this thing replaces my room, the a/c, the humidifier, the dehumidifier, the Inkbird…SWEET!!!

WISH IT HELD MORE…but have a plan for that that should work just fine


What’s the plan?

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1 day hang in dark in house. 4 day dry in Cannatrol pulling bud out at 59-60 % humidity levels, into Groves in my “cooler”. Means only 4 days between stagger, i can live with that.


Clever my dude

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I believe that you’ll like what you get out of the machine. 15 day dry, WEEKS in Groves. That’s a long time to wait, while I’m smoking buds after 8 days, LOL Just kidding.
The biggest thing I and others have noticed is the “muted” smell until it’s broken up. Stuff I’ve got in Grove bags for a while, smells great, but that’s after a couple months it’s not “muted” at all.
I’ve noticed it more coming straight out of the machine before it sits in bags.
I just got done smoking one that’s been sitting in the machine for quite a while, and it’s only gotten better over time.


Turns out my outside plants will be done in short order . Gonna run them in it like a week after I get it , so won’t be idle long .

Don’t understand what your telling me . Cannatrol bud placed in groves gets its smell back in months or it took months for normal dried and grove bagged bud to smell??,

Mine reek big time a week into the cure

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My temp Cannatrol :sunglasses:


The buds that I did in the Cannatrol are not muted anymore, open the bag, and it will stink up the room. The muted smell is mostly coming right out of the Trol. The buds I’ve still got sitting in the Trol, are muted until you break them up, but the bags are full on stink after sitting for a while.