Cannatrol users

Stainless and it’s a Jennair too boot!!!

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Oh dude it’s NICE


Oh yeah!!! Jennair is the Cadillac of appliances, no matter what they make.

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I was today years old when I realized my ac infinity controller measures VPD


So what’s a while?

I’ve had some sitting in Grove bags since harvest in October. I don’t smoke like I used too.
I’ll be lucky if I smoke 2 joints a day. Mostly I smoke my bubble hash. The kids smoke like I used too, but I don’t need to smoke 5-6 joints a day, a couple and I’ll stay lit from morning til night.


Lmao… I agree… I can’t smoke like that… I still smoke quite a bit… and can do dabs etc… but damn I can’t hang w the younger fuckers and fresh lungs lol… I’ll cough until I bust a blood vessel in my eye :eye: :sneezing_face: haha


If you’re using an led vpd is never accurate anyway :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rofl:… do they even have a proper vpd for leds?

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Why are they wrong ???

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So this is from the FB group. Someone asked a question about drawing the “dry cycle” out longer, this is the response from the engineer.

A longer dry cycle won’t actually extend the drying time. The flower dries by reaching the same vapor pressure as the vapor pressure in the unit which is controlled by the dry bulb and dew point settings. It will always take about 4 days for freshly harvested flower to reach that equilibrium of vapor pressure. So if you set it for an 8 day dry cycle for example, it’s still going to be dry in about 4 days so the additional days after that, it will be curing already. A longer cure is where you’re going to notice a smoothness difference. Historically the reason people desired a “slow dry” is because when you have no control over your drying environment and need to pull the flower from that environment to cure it so it doesn’t over dry, slowing down that drying gives you a bigger window of time between when the flower is dried and when it is way too over dried. So basically a slow dry was a crutch to help avoid over drying. The Cool Cure can hold 4 to 5 pounds of dried flower for curing and storage.


Shit! Why not?

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I can’t believe other LED users haven’t heard this.
There are more accurate charts out there for us though.
I don’t even bother anymore. My RH is low in my area. It would take a lot of extra gizmos to be perfect, lol.


They barely inaccurate because of the lack of ir heat from leds… so inhave found upping temps to 85 and slightly above… (no more then 88) and keeping humidity in the 55 5o 60 range is best for led growers… alot of that was posted by blackdog led … and has proven successful for me


I see thank you… I may change settings after that helpful info… was kind of an epiphany moment for me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Thanks you for that info. My temps don’t normally go higher than 81

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I have found same thing . At 74F , like I ran my tents under Hps , I see slow growth . Tents have been set to 84 F , plants exploded. I’ve run last two grows over 82 F and have had big harvests .


So much for my idea of extending the dry cycle on it .

Makes sense , I’ll run their 4/4 program when unit gets here , I have plants to shove in it


Thanks for sharing that bit of info. So 4 day dry and maybe a 10 day cure if there isnt any hurry ??

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Think im gonna run my first attempt with the 'Trol at 4/6 for a 10 day run. Not in a hurry for bud, so ill try 6 day cure.

Thanks for posting that @Kgrim saved me wasting my time , appreciate it


I have like I said a very small harvest plant in mine… I have mine set to 4 days dry and 99 days cure… I’ll just smoke on it as time goes by and take note of differences… I’m truly excited about this you guys… I know beyond any shadow of a doubt… it won’t be long… and us all doing different tests etc… we will be curing wizards in the end… not that most of you don’t already know a shit-ton … I feel like we will find unique special gems of pertinent info along the way that will make the process itself superior

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