Cannatrol users

when did your dry start? First run in it? How much material in it? Default on the dry part?

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Not even enough to cover all shelves lol… like I said it was 1st flowering plant under this entire grow setup… so it was the struggled 1st successful plant… hence the very low yield… I hung it in the 2x4 gorilla shorty (humidity down there is about 55 percent) for about 20 hours… then trimmed almost fully and put each branch in cannatrol… set for 4 days default. But the cure I have default too . But extended to 99 days… and hold setting .5 points drier than suggested… but I doubt it will exist for 99 days… :laughing: before being smoked

Yes 1st run in it bro… it’s deffo making these buds seem more dense than expected already… (checked yesterday)

So have you played with settings at all or haven’t been able to yet? I’m curious as to what direction you will head… I think moister is better until later…(obviously after the initial dry that keeps the uglies away like mold) then slope it down more to achieve a nice dry… but after an incredible cure

Even though I cannot see this in my future anytime soon but it’s on the wish list already. I am super excited to follow along and learn ahead of time.

I dropped mine down. I’m running 63 degrees with a 49 degree dewpoint, 58% humidity.
My first few runs, I ran defaults, and am more than happy with the results. Then I started adjusting. In “Unofficial” Cannatrol users group on FB, everyone has been bouncing their settings around, and one guy has started charting and keeping notes on runs.
I’ve found that I like running it just a bit cooler, but still keeping it in the same range as defaults, just cooler. I feel it suits my house better, and doesn’t crisp the buds up so quick. I’ve pulled after the 4/4 and works great, but the strain I’ve had sitting on “hold” has definitely gotten better after the 4/4. It was good after the 4/4, but has definitely gotten better the longer it’s sat on hold. The taste profile is definitely different. The kids didn’t much care for it after the 4/4, but now that’s it’s been in there for better than 90 days, have had to lock it up, because they just want to smoke that and not what’s in jars from 2021 or what I’ve got in bags from last year.


Another answer from Ed asked by another “new user” question was regarding putting in after “hang drying for 3 days”

The curing is actually just a continuation of the drying. We list it as two cycles because people are so used to drying and curing being “different”. With the technology in the Cool Cure, its really just a continuation. Once the vapor pressure of the flower is equalized to the vapor pressure in the box, the flower just stays at that vapor pressure and is then curing. So even if you started the default 4 day dry cycle and it only takes say 2 days to reach equilibrium because it was already hanging and dried a fair amount, that just means after that it’ll be curing for those last two days of the “dry cycle”. Wet flower is going to dry in about 4 days in the Cool Cure if you put it in when you harvest. So even if someone sets a 10 day dry cycle, it’s going to be dried after 4 and then curing for the other 6 days. A slow dry is something that was a benefit when the grower had no control over the environment so it stretched out that window between when it’s dry and when it’s so far overdried that it’s trash. Where you will notice the big difference by extending the cycle is letting the flower cure longer.


I had read that too. Cannot say if i find it factual yet. I shall find out however. My last harvest took 15 days to dry hanging, went into Grove Bags at 58-60 %. According to Ed , the machine will acomplish the same process in 2-4 days. AFTER that , in his words, its just curing. Right?

So after 4 days i should be able to pull them from the machine, place in Groves, and be STABLE at whatever % the machine spits it out at. Imagine 58-62%. Will show on display. Cannot adj humidity, but i see it registers. So, after 4 days, IF it reads 58-62 , it should hold in the Groves steady, EXACTLY like my dried buds(15 day hang ) …IF it is actually dry .

My 15 day hang going into Groves was superb by 24 hours in them. Big taste smell flavor’s, and wil get better as it cures a month or two.

So, if Ed says his 2-4 day dry does BETTER than the traditional 60/60 hang 15 day, it should be equal or better to what i have in my Groves right now. Once broken and smoked, i understand.

I shall fill the thing Saturday, assuming it comes Friday like it is scheduled to. Too bad THIS 1st run wont tell me for sure. Same cuts i have inside and in the Groves, but run outside. They have expressed themselves TOTALLY DIFFERENT than indoors, and smell much different too. So wont be a perfect test. The 2nd run of it 5 weeks from now will be. I’ll KNOW what i got after this run however.


Yes you can adjust the “humidity”
Humidity is controlled by the dewpoint, you can have more or less depending on where you set it, and it works in conjunction with the temperature. Humidity at a 48 degree dewpoint at 68 degrees, is different than a 48 degree dewpoint at 64 degrees.
There is a chart in the back of the manual that shows temp and dewpoint and how it relates to the humidity.
I try to keep mine around 58% since I grow in a swamp and am in ever loving fear of mold.
In all my runs, by the 4th day, it’s pretty much done pulling the moisture out. I’ve typically had to empty the tray 3-4 times until the 4th day, then after that, nothing. So I have a tendency to believe that what he says is true, by the 4th day, it’s hit “equilibrium”


I tend to believe it also, in theory, lol. I know it’s worth a try, the dry room is a RPITA and this will be much nicer for me. The 1dt dry is perfect for the unit. Would hsve been silly setting my whole dry room bacvk up for 6 ounces of dried bud. The Cannatrol was made for this , so im playing into it’s hand, it better perform, lol


I’m more than happy with my unit. Wife said after I get the cars fixed, I can buy one for this years run. She said “priorities first”. If it wasn’t so damn busy at work, I’d have been in the garage working in the Regal so I can get that fixed, probably gonna need a trans rebuild, there goes a cool $3500-$4k and the Grand Prix is getting the full fuel injection treatment this year, there goes another $3k. So, if I’ve got money money left in the “slush fund” I’ll definitely be ordering a 2nd unit.
All my runs, packed trays full with a single layer, weighed out afterwards, gets between 11.5-12 OZ’s dried. If I could free my Waterjet up for a couple days, I’m going to make more trays so I can fit more in per run, but just may have to contact Cannatrol and order more.


Let me also add, that I wet trim with a Centurion Tabletop, and chop everything down into nuggets. It’s nice showing off big ole buds, but to me it’s a little impractical drying them, then having to handle them 15 times breaking pieces off to roll a joint. I’d rather grab a grove bag or jar, take out a nug or 2, twist away. To me, that just seems more practical and something I’ve done for as long as I can remember.
It was something that was taught to me a long time ago and I’ve just never changed. If I remember correctly, the reasoning behind it was getting everything dry at the same time & not having some dry and waiting on some to dry then into jars for curing to open the room up for another crop.


I think we actually want muted aka “locked in” compared to loud aka “the terps are jumping out of a burning building”

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I totally agree. On my 1st run, I was a bit disappointed at 1st, because the stuff out of my drying room smelled way better than what I pulled out of the Cannatrol. Then I broke open a bud, and that’s where it shined. There wasn’t much info out there when I started using mine, and the muted smell wasn’t explained very well. Now I understand the concept. The stuff I’ve had in Grove bags since octobers harvest and Cannatrol run, smells fantastic when you open the bag, it didn’t after the 1st few days, but gained smell back nicely sitting in the bags.


Just another cool thing cannatrol had in their manual.


When I 1st got my box, I kind of felt like I was on an island, not many people were talking about it. There was some discussion on RIU, but the trolls made it so anybody who had any input, were just chastised, “your fools” “learn how to dry and cure” “I can make one better for less” (which still hasn’t been seen done by the trolls) One of THE reasons why I no longer frequent there. Since, there has been a FB group opened, I started the thread here (the greatest group of folks by the way) and a lot of info has been passed around, settings, experiences, etc.
So far, there has only been 1 troll post here (at least in my opinion) and there has been great discussion from the folks who own them.
On another note, a dispensary near me bought 2 large units back in September, and since getting theirs set up, are one of the only places that seems to have constant business, and selling product out fairly quickly. They have some of the “freshest” product amongst the slew of shops around. Some guys at work bought some near their house from a shop, and it was disgustingly dry, turned to dust if you broke it up because it had been sitting on the shelf so long.


Yes, the chart brings to light how humidity changes with temp and dewpoint, and is very helpful when adjusting from factory defaults.
It’s nice that they provided it in the manual.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: yup one of the trolls here had a meltdown after being called out and I really enjoyed seeing it. The kind of people we all know sadly in real life that really are inept in most things except bragging.


Just spent a bit on the phone with Ed. Learned me a bit i did! NOW i think i understand how and why the machine works like it does.

When bud comes out of it, it will have little smell. Reason is it is in equalibrium and NOT off gasing. What WE WANT TO HAPPEN.

@Kgrim Reason smell gets louder after time in the Groves is the bags ALLOW it come out of equalibrium and start to off gas. What ww do not want.

I shall leave my bud in the Cannatrol after the dry’s are all done. Makes perfect sense to me.