Cannatrol users

I hit the Bubba; she is my go-to when I need to be functional and comfortably numb, without sleepiness. Theres something about her that just clicks with my body chemistry.


Makes a great plant stand…
While I decide what to do with Tiki HeadHunter and Walkn’ N LA


I watched the interview the Cannatrol owner did where he was saying the wine coolers being built to mimic the cannatrol were not remotely the same. He went into a lot of reasons but i believe he focused on dew point vs RH the most. He explained RH in that interview as it being relative and a factor of two things… (Air temp) and (Vapor Pressure) *not VPD but VP.

He said that vapor pressure and dew point are interchangeable terms…but the cannatrol uses VP to do it’s magic.

I was wondering what you just said and the owner described himself. If RH is relative to Air temp and dew point aka VP …and we have charts that cross link them then why cant we use RH since it’s always gong to be the same in relation to the other two factors?

I believe what you’re saying…the real magic is in the controller, it’s routines and programming.

Perhaps we could crowdfund somebody to build us a controller? Wouldn’t this be in AC Infinity’s ballpark? They have the basics in their controllers…maybe they can build on one of the 79 pros or something to expand it functionality and programming capabilities …like the ability to connect to it via BT with an app and program it and monitor it. Wifi to monitor remotely or something.

Maybe we could hit up AC on twitter and dog pile on them to get some attention on making us a controller to turn a old fridge or wine cooler into something much more flexible.

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100% on the RH vs DP thing.
Don’t forget that his technology is PATENTED. IF AC Infinity wants to spend the money needed to find a work around, I guess they can give it a try, but they will end up in court.


You cannot not patent RH or Dew point. The got a trade mark on their program they designed. The magic is the program. Just my thoughts.


I agree. I think we could duplicate this for 1/4 the price if we found the right people or company?

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What technology, you can’t patent temp and humidity. All we need is for them to build a controller that has all the relays and programming capability …then we configure our own values etc.

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I already have. You don’t need anybody to duplicate it for you. You can build a wine fridge dryer that works on RH. They work very well for drying curing and storage. The thing we have worked out is theirs is on the automatic program. Where is ours requires you to adjust the controller Day-to-day to create the the descending RH arch You want. Whereas there’s a computer program to do this for you.

The real differences is ours runs on RH and requires day-to-day adjustments. Cannatrol has the automatic programs to run preset recipes and runs on dew point. I must make adjustments to my rh control to keep the dryer in proper decending RH. The cannatrol dose all this for you.

I am a fan of cannatrol there machines are truly automatic. Where is the DYI dryer is functional but far from automatic.

This is what I’m talking about, I want it to be auto. I also want to have all the charts and graphs that can be looked at for reference, tracked and exported …saved for historical data.

I found DP sensors for pretty cheap if that was something that could be integrated alongside RH sensors to help tighten up performance.

For example…but there are lots of them. They use DP for monitoring Data Centers.!USD!7.88!7.88!!!7.88!7.88!%402101f00117245263432825490e36f7!12000030047568425!sea!US!2610274216!X&curPageLogUid=4WVqbL8s1Jxv&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A

The cool thing is we could have a check function to either run a program and be fully autonomous or manual.

You can make a very functional DIY dryer. They are cheaper and work well. They are not automatic and require you to make daily adjustments. Not a deal breaker for price point. I think the real reason there is not competition is the total sales number. Not enough demand yet. These customers are early adopters. As the tide changes and more people desire dryers for the curing and drying needs more companies will build them. Even in California they have no retail distribution. We have roughly 40 million people in CA. That tells me the demand is just not there. When the demand increases, multiple manufactures will hit the market.


Is that sensor push?

I was thinking of getting one. They have three models, which one did you get. Two are made in the USA and the cheaper one in China.

Are Sensor push just monitoring or can the data be used by something else to automate things?

Very nice, which wine cooler is this? Thermoelectric? All the ones on CL or FB around me are compressor based.

But, I guess what I’m saying is the AC infinity controllers seem to be almost perfect. The 79 pro can control two devices based on programs you set, so I guess you can set for Temp and RH manually but it would be nice to have the ability to custom program and have it track the progress. It has built in wife so it should be able to send sms or email alerts and should be able to be viewed and controlled remotely. The ability to graph it all out like sensor push and then export it would be awesome. I think the 79 pro only controls two devices. Wouldn’t we need at least four. Cool, heat, dehu, humidifier.

I guess you could combine the cool and heat… if you change the polarity on a peltier doesn’t it change it from hot to cold?

Awesome cooler…do you have build info and pics?

Oooohhhhh weeeeeeee!!! :laughing:

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Can I suggest… that we are wayyyyyy off topic …

Everyone doing the dyi… please make a thread for it

This isn’t the place as it’s for cannatrol owners… we try to help the dyi people with info… but it isnt for the tons of convo to kick around everything dyi…

I am not trying to be rude and hope you guys at least realize that and understand the reason for this particular thread


Soon I’ll be using the cannatrol for the 1st harvest in a year…

I have small enough I am going to try to do all branches instead or some anyway… likely just some… so I can see if there’s a difference in full branch vs light trim…

Also… I may try the moister settings trying to get to safer high moisture points without mold and mildew and take note of how high in moisture it can be done for successful higher moisture cures

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I have a thread just type in DIY dryer. Good info in the thread. Cheers @Terpsnpurps we’ll take this convo over there my friend.


Sorry I hope you guys understand… also it isn’t even my thread lol… so I feel like a sort of gatekeeper now… but let me suggest… if you or any dyi people need any info not stated please ask… we are truly here to help find a way to do it cheaper and are all fans of it …

It’s just gonna be hard to do… lol… but I’m sure in time we all will Crack the code… but for sure ask away about dimensions etc… I tried to find the name on the door… it wasn’t there :confused:
I did name the interior name of parts inside though… so the company that makes it uses them anyway… so it’s a step closer
@BTYGMO @Taproot