Carnivorous plants?

Lol… no takers eh? Ok, well anyone want some flytrap seeds for nothin’?
If not, its ok, I’ll spread them in the pot where they would have landed and see what happens.


I missed the initial offer. Are you looking for weed seeds or carnivorous plant seeds?

I’m not really looking for anything. I can send some your way if you’d like. If you want to send something back my way, that would be cool. If not, that is also cool.
They don’t seem to sprout very well when I let them drop seeds into their pot, but germ fine when sown with a purpose and placed under better germination conditions… but I already have too many traps. In a sense… the seeds are basically wasted unless someone wants to plant 'em, so you’d be giving them a shot a life.

Sure, I’ll PM you and send some seeds your way.


I’d stick them in my terrarium with my scorpion if u don’t get any other offers from people


I should add that they require dormancy in the winter. Without this, they will die in a few years. I live in a climate where I can simply bury the pot up to the rim out in the yard for winter. Some have had luck putting them into the refrigerator for a couple of months, but I have not tried this. A rough guide can be seen here:
Venus Fly Trap Care - The Great Outdoors Nursery.

Regarding terrariums, I suppose its possible to dig them up once a year and provide dormancy conditions, then replant. They generally take pretty well to repotting.

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Ya I read that they had to be in a cooler spot during the winter is that just fly traps or pitchers also?


I’m not sure about all pitchers, because I believe there are some tropical varieties that don’t like cold at all. I’ve stuck with pitchers that are native to a similar climate as mine… those do require dormancy.
I have too many plants… gotta keep it easy when I can.

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I’m kind of a computer dummy so I’m not sure if there is a better way to do this.
Anyhow, caught this bee playing a dangerous game on my traps this morning.
A friend of yours @misterbee ?


Adventurous Cuzzin’, we warned him not to play around with “Venus”. He always had a desire to push the limits. Score one for “Limit”. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: