Carnivorous plants?

From some seeds i threw into a big pot


You should support a local nursery. not lowes for plants.

There are no nurseries where Iā€™m at that sell carnivorous plants and most Iā€™ve aquired through online nurseries or trades. If theyā€™re about to be thrown in the trash Iā€™ll try and negotiate to buy them for a few bucks to save them. But yeah, there are some pretty shady ethics regarding flytraps and them being poached from the wild. Most importantly, buy tissue culture or captive bred plants.

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Thatā€™s just not feasible all the time.

Highly recommend! Just got this a week or so ago and have been starting from ground zero.


Awesome book! Hey any of you have links to good carnivorous plant info please share it! Also any YouTube videos or growers who are knowledgeable and worth watching please share! Amazing plants everyone.


For some reason I heard this sung in the voice from the original "how the grinch stole Christmas " cartoon :rofl: idk why but it was just awesome. Followed by cacklingā€¦damn itā€™s good to be back.


@420noob I would reccomend buying from any of these 3 companies: California Carnivores, Flytrap Store, and Sarracenia Northwest. I have bought from all of them and have always been beyond impressed. The Savage Garden by Peter Dā€™Amato is a good read if youā€™re into books. Classic carnivorous plant book, he usually signs it for you too. I have a copy from nearly 25 years ago he personally signed for me.


My favorite cultivar/clone Wally


B52 roots


Dude! You donā€™t even know! Lol I used to have a book collection issue before my seed collection issues but after my sport card collecting compulsions :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Thanks for the info I canā€™t get over these amazing little beasts! I have only bought a few ft from Lowes or hd basically because I live in B.F.E. so was my exposure. Plus they were so underwatered and sad I couldnā€™t help myself lol. I want to get into pitcher plants and other carnivores. Iā€™m so fascinated by them problem is from corporate store is they grow to long in those stupid tubes. The stalks have no strength cause the sides of the container hold them up. Iā€™m hoping I can get some healthy strong traps going so I can start clipping the lowers. They are touching wet peat so will start to rot a bit but thank goodness for photosynthesis.

Those are amazing! Hell I was impressed I got one to flower.:rofl: I hadnā€™t done very much research. Growing from seed is something that sounds awesome! So they are seed sown but as they grow they seem to multiple kinda like bulbs it seems like.

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This is vlad


Bumping this thread !!

This pitcher plant needs help of some sort sheā€™s rapidly declining !

Anyone have any experience with this particular ā€œCarnivorous plant ā€œ ?

Looks fine to me ? They donā€™t like much feed though. About 1/3 strength orchid fertilizer every other watering and higher humidity will keep it going. I used RO water only for em too.

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@Tempus She has yellowed up quite a bit and the pitchers are dying off ā€¦I have not fed it yet maybe I should ? I have been using welll water :face_with_monocle:

Yup, those are the only species I ever fed. The orchid fert wonā€™t burn either.

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@Tempus Iā€™ll look into it if I can get a little for a reasonable price! What size pot do you think is efficient this is only in a 4x4 pot ?
$40 for the plant id like to keep it alive lol

Iā€™d put in a 6" in peat with a bit of perlite but not much.

Sadly I didnā€™t see this thread until now.
I have a carnivorous plant. I had a couple more but 1 died and I gave a couple away.
This was from a few years ago. I got them to help combat fungus gnats.

These are called Cape sundews/Drosera capensis
These are much better for eating bugs than Venus fly traps. And they are super Awsome looking with the gooey trichome type glands that eat the bugs.

I have another kind that Iā€™ll get a pic of later

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Anyone wanna trade for some flytrap seeds? Iā€™m about to have a good amount here in a few weeks. Would be cool to give drosera another try, pitcher plant seeds, or other flytraps.

Mine are basically 3-4 varieties of traps all mixed up (no clue which ones anymore)ā€¦ I just let 'em hang out in the same pot and cross pollinate.