Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Rain is coming, just a little rain…

Closer to dropping the lever :seedling:

Getting ready to harvest/move my workers to their new environs, that are 3x - 50 gallon pots/rootballs. These pots grew pole beans, sunflowers, and cilantro, and have been topped off with peat. have been watering the pots slowly for a few days, so when the worms get there it is moist thruout.

Here is the engine of my grow(s), funkin’ under the punkin’ :wink:

look at all the little babies :open_mouth:

beard is back, almost ready for ewc addition

I have another BOG cross that I love, and want to pay more attention to.
It would also be nice if someone else grew some out along with me this winter. So, if your lineup is not yet full, and there is room in your garden, chime in for:
Sweet Cindy x LSD
F3 x BX1

I call it Ella’s Trip, just for kicks :wink:
Great high, unique terps…
I am hopiing to share these and get some feedback at the same time. I will include some extras of these and other crosses, that you can stash, grow, or trade to your hearts content.

If you are looking to connect with the Rotten Pineapple for immediate use or future endeavours, or you just want it in your box :wink: , I will be making some available, as i plan to F6 this year. Will be sending out F4 and F5 at some point soon.

Thanks for reading all that,