Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

I’ve got 5 bog bubble to pollinate. 3 males pollen kept in freezer.

Gonna have some fun and hit all 5 with all 3 pollens.

Wish me luck😜

May start a thread just for this run, meh I dunno, nice here under the radar😉

Guardians active


Good luck! Always nice to see another BOG preservation run around. :slight_smile:


Ogog almost ready for pollen

And two phenos of the tripping walrus looking right


Cant live without bog and I am trying not to buy seeds​:+1::sunglasses::pineapple:


Sweet Cindy cross, father in doubt. Beautiful plant tho so I’m gonna hit it with something good


Rotten pineapples huge leaves small plants, good genes.

Sweet and sour Cindy x willamette valley pineapple

gonna go f2 on these for kicks


Any smell from that pineapple yet !?

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both reek on the rub. the ssc male went well with the wvp. running out of those seeds, so will pollenate both of these with the male pollen fromthe same f1’s.

i nicknamed it rotten pineapples cuz at some points during the cure it is just rank rotten fruit, pleasant smoke and high all around.

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Hell yeah man good luck on your endeavors!
All seems to be going swell

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Sweet Cindy x lsd
Thought she was all herm, not so, found sc x lsd pollen in freezer from the same round of beans. This is good news, better to propagate this than a confused plant.

Day 21 of 11/13. Solid so far.
Pollens for today’s dust storm


Here is the ogog solid one

This is when it’s grown bigger

Hitting all top buds. Will smoke the lightly seeded larf and lower nugs :+1::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::eyes:

Here is a tripping walrus who will also get hit today with its own males.

Straight runs no wacky crosses this time, ogog bog bubble also in the mix today.

Lifesaver, sour boggle, and others next up🍍

Thanks for checking us out✌️


Popped countless seeds this winter. Potential winner of them all.

Looks like the cookies n’ chem got hit with some hermie uncle fester.

Sick leaves, and this is a most uplifting high, as I ran a couple last year for kicks. Did not herm on me so I’m riding it. Hoping this one is something special. Going to hit it with something😜

Here is another cnc cross, could be the bog lsd by the look of these leaves. Night and day from the othe plant.

Just found cnc original male pollen from 12 months ago in the freezer. Gonna give it a shot on these two mutts.

Not pure lines by any means, but getting along in my journey.


12/12 sour strawberry, just hit with sour straw pollen, from my last 6 beans, hoping for at least a few to play with.


Damn brother from out of nowhere he comes in impregnating every lady he has :crazy_face: looking good I’m always here for the update maybe a lil late

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Took a long time to get the pollen stored, and then stagger the chicks, so I can do a few a week. Glad to have you along.

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Oh I can only imagine …Buckles up …let’s do this shizzt!

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Pollen is flying. Purple badlands here, and 4 lifesavers on deck. Maybe jelly pie too if thing go well.


My collection method:

Raised flat glass platform
Razor to scrape pollen into vile
Put open vile in jar with silica,
close jar and leave alone fo dry
48 hrs later- open jar, close vile, close jar, into freez

When ready to use;
Remove jar from freezer.
Allow 1 hour to come to room temp
Spread at your leisure.

This treatment leaves the pollen as light and airy as the day it fell.



Lifesaver x 4 collection begins

Pbl plop plop

More bog bubble


Trying to catch up with this thing, shitty weather is cooperating with indoor activities, like typing :wink:

Stress test complete, a lil’ extra darkness for the crew, compliments of the burning timer

Sour Bubble mystery cross was the only plant to freak out. Dropped balls soon after that. both plants did it, so they were immed binned, so thats 3/3 on herms, so it is bird seed


Got a little careless with feeds, etc…some plants took the pollen, some didn’t, all in all not a tragedy.

Sweet Cindy x LSD, seeded group shot. Pollenated with SC x LSD.

Blue Kush x ???
I popped a dozen or so, 100% female. Touched by UFS ball dropper, or his pal Blue Magoo ball dropper. it is unfortunate that happened, but maybe there is some bk x lsd hiding out in there. Nothing negative about these fubarred genetics, other than they are fubarred.

Sweet and sour cindy x willamette valley pineapple hybrid. I pollenated them both with ssc x wvp pollen, hoping it took, did not root around looking

two tripping walrus in the back, seeded with TW pollen, photo is a few weeks before harvest. will try to catch up on all of this.
…and 2 BOG Bubble cir.2016, pollenated with BB goods.

Also, the CNC x UFS herm is seeded with original CNC pollen that is over 12 months old, very pleased with that, not with the herm but the good old pollen. it is a CNC with skinny leaves, she’s grossly underfed and abused, so she will not be making an appearance, but i will see her later today and tell her you said hi

Feeling a little better about things, as most if not all plants seem to not be freaks. A little muddled with the genetics, but good weed nonetheless.

Not exactly sure how I will make some beans available, but I will. Not doing huge seed runs, but will have a few extra of each. Once I am convinced the seeds going out will not destroy anyone’s grow, I will send some out.


Please give her a kiss on the forehead for me :sweat_smile: nice weather is closing in brother

Everything looks good under the glow !

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