Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

thanks @Rabeats2093 , yes in the glow of the red sun :wink:

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uvb uvba lizard bulbs🤪

Plop plop goes the pollen lmao

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Man I wish I had the ability to just pop seeds like that! I’m lucky if I can have 3 plants at a time lol. Really good looking plants you have going on. I don’t know how you keep up with it all. I have to date everything just to keep track of when I planted lol

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I feel very grateful for the freedom i have, and look forward to sharing the fruits soon :slight_smile:

As for keeping up with it, I don’t, they all look like shit, but i hope to get some decent seedlys out of it all, and maybe some hash


Best check the socket that that timer(?) was plugged in on.
Typically that sort of damage de-tempers (removes the springiness) of the wipers and then the contacts heat up under load.



Thank you! Will do

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Seems like the power strip is ok, did not use outlet that had fried timer in it. Thanks again for looking out.

I rooted around a little plucked out 5. One looks like I could just sink it in dirt


May do a couple outdoors.

Two phenotypes of the tripping walrus.


Bog bubble f1 sample pick at 5 weeks since pollination

Looks good


Monkeys in the wipeout zone, somebody’s throwing bananas around again. Sweet Cindy x ? Is headed for the hash pile, not going to keep seeds from this plant. All others looking solid atm.


No bananas :+1:


And I got a few of these going😜


Something I call the ick. Got night rider genes in there. I hit this plant with lifesaver cir2016 beans pollen. Viable pollen and some other got some LS too​:eyes::eyes::eyes:

Crazy CnC mutt, more muttified by some lifesaver pollen ooops

Outstanding sour boggle. Not sure what happened to my sour bog pollen, could not find, so any seeds I find will be
Sour boggle x sweet and sour Cindy f1

Gonna cut off her head too soon and try to reveg her

How bout a little color. Not very frosty, hopefully making seeds with that energy
CnC mutt

And my favorite
Blue kush x ? Mutt
Hit with lifesaver pollen

Sour strawberry, lifesaver, bog bubble, F1’s are all being attempted on a small scale. Hope to have good beans and nuff to spread some around in my first distribution

Thanks for checking and and have a great one or two :crazy_face:


Lifesaver F1 seed. Quite pleased after last winter’s debacle


Let the coolness enter your vertebrae :sunglasses:


Well done Cartwright!! :+1: :sunglasses:

She is an amazingly great looking plant.
If it smokes half as good as it looks, it will blow your socks off…


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Thank you very much. They are actually 3 small plants, sweet and sour cindy f1(my own) single stalks, in 1/2 gal pots. I am hoping for seeds. Want some of these f2’s if i get some good ones, or maybe a few of the f1’s i popped these with?

Just got my washers in the mail, and will have the coin flip and mylar in a couple of days :wink:


Sounds like a plan. :+1:

I’ve got some Critical Kush (f1) (a recreation).
It’s a cross of a Dinafem Critical Plus (a worked Skunk #1) and OG Kush male, if you are interested, PM me a safe addy.
I haven’t popped any of these new beans yet but this cross should be good. :crossed_fingers:

…I was after more washers last week and was coming up ‘empty’… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


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Right on my friend! That cross sounds terrific, I’d pop them in a heartbeat.

I found the washers on scamazon, got two packs of 50. Let me know if you are still unable to get some in a week or two, I will send you some with the beans.

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Now let’s hope for a decent amount of seeds🤞


Poking around I found a giant seed.

(Sweet Cindy x lsd) x BOG Bubble :eyes: