Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

No rules here y’all, store’em, sink’em, or swap’em, just love them as much as I do. All props, respect, and deference goes to BOG. Never met him, wish I had.

@Greasy @ChronicMcBudz and @DesertHeartGardens drop me an addy, I will head over to the table of love and pack’em up now


I would love to get in on some sweet n sour Cindy’s myself. You have a couple more packs?


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starting to bottom out, but will def keep you in mind going forward. if there is a pack leftover from whom i’ve already offered, it is yours, and I may have a few lifesavers to pass around soon. Bog bubble seed run sucked, but i am not done shucking yet, so there’s that.


the magoo cross i ran from “breeder” that shall not be named, threw balls, at 3-4weeks, sucky little plants.

I stress the shit out of my BOG’s, little to no issues, on the reg. These genes, ugh, one little blue light, and balls everywhere.

On a positive note, the ufs#18 he herm’d up, also dropped nuts, but the progenies from the herm sperm run very well, No balls and potent shit. so i just keep on running them just not sharing them


Well I certainly appreciate it!


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Heard a lot of good things about ufs haven’t tried it but read up about it seems like a real nice cultivar sad to hear about the magoo

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Wow, I’m honored you would offer. Thank you. I can’t turn that down. Will PM my details.

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These landed at my safe address. Thanks again. And thanks for the unexpected extras.

Won’t be soon, but I’ll tag you when I start these.



Cool glad they landed. Enjoy our Independence Day !


For anyone who received a cnc mutt from me.


Hey brother ! Just wanted to say the beans have landed !! Ohh biohh my old lady’s name isn’t Cindy but you would think it by how much I talked about her at camp ! Thanks a bunch especially how I have received not one by a double dose of Cindy one with a twist :slightly_smiling_face:


Here are buckets of copper chem. 5 plants per pot. Compost from the pile and some vmc/ewc fresh grass clippings a little one shot and off they went.

Not killing any, gonna attempt to run some seeds😜

Fwiw, 11/11 germ

Two other strains from 2017 purchases in the background.

Gonna play a guessing game later for some beans.


Cnc mutt update.

Cookies and chem x bog lsd or ufs#18. )
I have been running and back crossing with original cnc pollen I have in the freezer.

Coming up with diff pheno’s and no hermies or bananas. Which is odd, because the ufs was a ball dropping female, but have not seen any signs of that with these plants.

Skinny leaf pheno- great cookie taste and the buzz to match.

This is the purple pheno that has been popping up, heavily seeded with cnc pollen:)

@ReikoX sent me gwk x jlo. I sunk 7, they all came up nicely. Got one auto male, he seeded 3 auto females. They are tiny but great little plants.

Got one “fast” male, who I chopped and will collect pollen from to seed the last two.

The last two are itg:)))
Both seem to be reg female photos, cannot wait to smoke some of this stuff.

I’m shucking and plotting a small giveaway. Got some lifesavers and my own special cross.

Gotta love this plant of ours.


Game time :heart_eyes:

Back after a word from our sponsors.

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Idk why this is my first check in here. You got a lot of projects going on! Love to see it. I will just take a spot in the back and watch the show :peace_symbol:


Nice, post like this make me smile, grab a beanbag and lite one up.


Can’t wait to start to do some pollen chucks with this beautiful plant trying to get together a tent to put out in the garage this winter to make some f2s and crosses those mutts are looking great I got a few outdoor clones of a plant from my last run to test if it was even possible to grow here outdoors during the summer going they are getting real beat up by some heat but holding up alright but excited to look through and find some cultivars that are good for outdoors here. Looking like your keeping busy there @Cartwright hope you are having a great weekend much love :heart:

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So, not a gps giveaway, but I will use them for this little contest.

Each round wins you Lifesaver f1 13 beans.

Round one.
There are 5 plants in this pot. They were the 5 largest most vigorous growers.
How many males are in this pot?


2 males in the pot


I’d say 3 males!!!